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结合成品湿法橡胶沥青AR-SMA13的应用研究情况,从配合比设计、施工工艺、经济性等方面进行了全面介绍,实践表明,其性能优异,综合成本相比同类沥青产品低,性价比高,具有良好的推广应用价值.  相似文献   
通过回顾评价深圳市历次综合交通体系规划的得失,分析城市转型对于综合交通体系的挑战以及新形势下综合交通体系规划的定位。以《深圳市综合交通体系规划(2013—2030)》为例,对规划编制的内容和方法开展研究,具体包括:转型导向的交通发展目标与指标体系、一体化的综合交通体系组织、立足区域协作的整体交通战略、与组团结构相匹配的交通分区组织、与城市功能布局的协调互动、注重协同的交通管控政策,以及应对大数据的智能交通策略等。最后介绍规划编制组织特点并提出城市转型期综合交通体系规划的进一步思考。  相似文献   
工程竣工结算系指施工企业按照合同规定的内容全部完成所承包的工程,经验收质量合格,并符合合同要求之后,向发包单位进行的最终工程款结算.  相似文献   
为解决曲轴轴瓦间隙不合理而造成的轴瓦易磨损问题,本文运用AVL—Excite Desirer对直列四缸汽油机机曲轴轴系进行了模拟分析,得到曲轴主轴承设计间隙下限情况下(目前设计间隙0.024-0.048)的各主轴承相关参数。同时就主轴承间隙对最小油膜厚度和最大油膜压力的影响进行了对比分析,得到了最佳的主轴承设计间隙,为曲轴主轴承的间隙设计提供了依据。  相似文献   
上海长江隧道连接通道水平冻结法施工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要介绍了上海长江隧道连接通道冻结法施工技术,包括冻土帷幕设计、冻结孔布置、连接通道开挖支护、控制冻胀和融沉的措施等,同时对连接通道的主要技术创新措施进行了分析。  相似文献   
Cluster tools have advantages of shorter cycle times, faster process development, and better yield for less contamination. The sequence of dual-arm cluster tools is a complex logistics process during the semiconductor production. Efficient use of cluster tools is naturally very significant to competitive fab operations. Generating an optimized sequence in a computationally efficient manner and assessing the quality of the requirements to improve the fab production are the key factors for semiconductor manufacturing productivity. The Petri net modeling is introduced to minimize the makespan of the process for the three different logical modes and select a better mode after comparing the makespan among the three logical modes. The tool sequence optimization problem is formulated as optimization firing transition sequences based on the Petri net and then the formulation is converted to be linearly solved by the branch-and-cut method in the standard commercial solver CPLEX. Special methods for the linear conversion are highlighted. Due to the limited calculation time requirement for the real production and the large scale of the problem, special methods for the efficiency tuning are applied according to the characteristics of the problem. Numerical testing is supported by one of the most advanced semiconductor enterprises and the computational results show significant improvement compared with the traditional manual sequence results.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the electrochemiluminescence (ECL) behavior of cloperustine hydrochloride.Methods ECL intensity of tris (2,2'-bipyridyl) rutheniumo(Ⅱ) was enhanced, the method for the determination of dupernstine hydrochloride was established using capillary electrophoresis (CE) coupled with electrochemilumolinescence (ECL) detection. Results Under the optimum conditions, ECL intensity varied linearly with cloperastine hydrochloride concentration from 7.0×10-6 g/mL to 1.0×10-4 g/mL. The detection limit (S/N=3) was 8.05×10-7g/mL. he relative standard deviation of the ECL intensity and the migration time for 11 consecutive injections of 1.0 ×10-5g/mL cloperastine hydrochloride was 2.9% and 1.5%, respectively. This method was successfully applied to eloperastine hydrochloride tablet determination. Conclusion The method has been established, validated and applied for determination of cloperastine hydrochloride.  相似文献   
我国汽车保有量仅占全球汽车保有量的3%,而每年死于交通事故的人数约占全球死于交通事故人数的15%20%,尤其交通事故致死率是日本等国家的1020倍。本文就此现象进行基本原因的分析,并着重对交通事故紧急救援保障体系与技术支持问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
对成都市某暗挖电力隧道穿越邻近桥梁桩基问题建立二维有限元模型,分析了隧道开挖在不同的隧道埋深、隧道与桩基中心距下对邻近桥梁桩基的影响规律。分析结果表明:在桩隧中心距小于一定范围时,开挖对桩基的影响很大;桩身最大水平变形和最大弯矩的位置随着隧道埋深变化而变化,且当隧道埋深位于桩中上部时,桩身最大水平变形和最大弯矩相对较大。  相似文献   
加强高职院校法制教育,全面提高学生法律素养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了高职院校大学生法制教育中存在的问题及其产生的原因。指出应当对高职院校法制教育进行重新认识并给予正确定位,通过提高大学生法制教育的实效性来全面提高高职大学生的法律素养。  相似文献   
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