The shift comfort and efficiency of Automatic Transmission in vehicle are highly influenced by the pressure of the clutch shift control system, especially by the electro-hydraulic clutch subsystem. In this paper, the new design principles of electro-hydraulic clutch systems developed and modeled in detail, the clutch-to-clutch control system is analyzed in three time intervals: oil filled phase, changing phase of clutch torque and synchronous phase of clutch speed. The demand pressures for the engaged clutches calculated in each phase and is precisely built up by using fuzzy slide mode control, the time of hydraulic pressure building-up is very sensitive to the dither current in simulation. All control parameters are optimized by Cosimulation between software Simulink and SimulationX. Finally, the optimal algorithm of the clutch shift control is written into the transmission control unit of a testing vehicle. The testing results show that the suggested control strategy is effective. 相似文献
The use of plastic in vehicle development has increased. In particular, a design trend has resulted in chromiumplated plastics being used in exterior panels. Recently, as the appearance has become more important in design, the plastic radiator grille has become larger, to where it can become the primary member when a front collision happens. The radiator grille should be designed with considerations of the geometric structure, such as delamination, and material characteristics, when plastics are plated with chromium. The enlarged grille has to pass regulations like FMVSS Part 581. Although the material property of plastic has been studied before, what seems to be lacking is study on the crashworthiness of plastic radiator grilles that are plated using chromium. In this paper, in order to evaluate the crashworthiness, tensile test and front collision analysis using finite element method are performed. Tensile test is conducted with 4 types of materials, and then material properties of chromium-plated plastics are obtained. Meanwhile radiator grille’s crashworthiness is evaluated using finite element analysis method. Analysis result is evaluated according to failure criterion. Through this study, method of the assessment of plastic radiator grille’s crashworthiness considered material properties of chromium plated plastics is proposed, and it can be predicted the delamination and the failure point of radiator grille at the design step. 相似文献
Urban transit is a complex system that contains both electrical and mechanical entities; therefore, it is necessary to construct
a maintenance system for ensuring safety during high-speed driving. Expert systems are computer programs that use numerical
or non-numerical domain-specific knowledge to solve problems. This research aims to develop an expert system that diagnoses
the causes of failures quickly and displays measures to correct them. For the development of this expert system, the standardization
of a failure code classification and the creation of a Bill of Materials (BOM) were first performed. Through the analysis
of both failure history and maintenance manuals, a knowledge base has been constructed. Also, for retrieving the procedure
of failure diagnosis and repair linking with the knowledge base, we have built a Rule-Based Reasoning (RRB) engine with a
pattern matching technique and a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) engine with a similar search method. Finally, this system has
been developed as web based in order to maximize accessibility. 相似文献
To facilitate the commercialization of wave energy in an array or farm environment, effective control strategies for improving energy extraction efficiency of the system are important. In this paper, we develop and apply model-predictive control (MPC) to a heaving point-absorber array, where the optimization problem is cast into a convex quadratic programming (QP) formulation, which can be efficiently solved by a standard QP solver. We introduced a term for penalizing large slew rates in the cost function to ensure the convexity of this function. Constraints on both range of the states and the input capacity can be accommodated. The convex formulation reduces the computational hurdles imposed on conventional nonlinear MPC. For illustration of the control principles, a point-absorber approximation is adopted to simplify the representation of the hydrodynamic coefficients among the array by exploiting the small devices to wavelength assumption. The energy-capturing capabilities of a two-cylinder array in regular and irregular waves are investigated. The performance of the MPC for this two-WEC array is compared to that for a single WEC, and the behavior of the individual devices in head or beam wave configuration is explained. Also shown is the reactive power required by the power takeoff system to achieve the performance.
Transportation - Managed lanes (MLs) are a tool to more efficiently operate segments of a freeway. As ML prevalence increases in the United States of America, it is important to understand travel... 相似文献
Transportation - Since its EU accession, Poland has invested strongly in the development of fast road transport network. As a result, the total length of modern, high-speed roads has increased from... 相似文献
Transportation - City events are getting popular and are attracting a large number of people. This increase needs for methods and tools to provide stakeholders with crowd size information for crowd... 相似文献