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在船舶领域,以复合材料层合面板及泡沫芯材组成的夹芯复合材料板梁结构已大量应用在游艇及复合材料高速艇上.文章研究了受初始静载荷作用下夹芯复合材料曲梁的面板的局部自由振动问题,并给出一种相应的理论分析方法.文中通过将芯材简化为Winkler弹性地基,将面板简化为一复合材料曲梁,从而使所研究问题蜕化为有初始静载荷作用下弹性地基上任意曲梁的固有振动问题.在局部振动位移是基于初始静载平衡位置并与初始位移相比是小量的假定的基础上,根据能量原理推导出面板的运动方程.研究的结果表明,该面板的局部振动不只取决于面板的弯曲刚度和长度,以及芯材的弹性刚度,也在很大程度上取决于梁的曲率及面板所受到的初始轴向压力.  相似文献   
Marine invasive species are currently recognized as one of the most significant threats to global biodiversity. Marine bioinvasions are more likely in the Mediterranean Sea because of its wide temperature range, degraded habitats, historical and high volume of shipping traffic, and high occurrence of aquaculture. One of the main vectors of marine introductions globally and Mediterranean-wide is commercial shipping. Of the 3,000–4,000 species transferred around the world via commercial vessels, approximately 30% of these species may have been redistributed in the Mediterranean. Ships and marine invasive species arriving in the Mediterranean are mainly from temperate to cold-water regions. Standardized research and management approaches between countries are required to address the threat of ballast water borne marine invasives on a global scale. Regionally, a Mediterranean program involving the different states is currently needed to develop a common line of research and management operations.  相似文献   
为了缓解苏格兰法夫(Fife)地区库珀(Cupar)镇的交通拥堵,减少关键区域的尾气排放,用S-Paramics模型进行测试。采取的措施是把排队车辆转移到道路宽阔且建筑物较矮的路段,使车辆尾气易于扩散。测试结果显示,该方法能显著减少关键区域的尾气排放量,而车辆行程时间基本保持不变。项目的评价标准不是基于传统的行程时间和车辆运营成本的节约,而是考虑了行人和当地商业的利益。  相似文献   
Based on the design ice load that corresponds to a certain return period, a practical approach for designing the frames behind the side-shell or the bow of a ship subject to ice loading is proposed. Four typical types of section profiles have been selected for modelling and numerical analysis. Non-linear finite element analyses that involve both the geometric and material non-linearity were performed. From the analyses, the relationships between the loads and the beam's cross-section properties were obtained for different permanent set requirements. These relationships were then used for finding the section modulus from which the cross-section of the beam can be decided. Finally, a design example is presented for illustration.  相似文献   
A microsimulation of individuals’ activities is used in the context of a risk analysis framework to assess the impacts of hypothesized changes to the built environment on personal energy expenditure and on inhalation of air pollutants. Uncertainty is assessed using Monte Carlo simulations and sensitivity analyzes. We find both simulated individuals that augment and others that reduce their energy expenditure and inhalation dose of pollutants, with median increases displaying larger magnitudes than the decreases. Up to 75% of the population has significant increases in energy expenditure and pollutant inhalation. We also find, however, high uncertainty associated with the estimates. Results differ considerably depending on the travel mode choice model used in the simulation.  相似文献   
用超声波检测,根据测试的灵敏度,可获得焊缝不连续性的6个基本方面:(1)与标准反射物的回波信号相比较,从试样的反射波幅的大小可以近似地估计反射区的大小.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the lane changing problem of autonomous vehicles when there is no road infrastructure support. The autonomous vehicle should drive from the current lane to the adjacent lane in the absence of a reference path to guide the vehicle to the new lane. We suggest an algorithm that incorporates a virtual road curvature with bicycle model for lane change guidance. As the name suggests, the virtual road curvature does not physically exist. It is a user assigned radius of a curved path which connects the current lane to the adjacent lane. Since the lateral sensor readings during lane changing maneuver are erroneous, the steering angle along with the virtual curvature is fed into a bicycle model to estimate the lateral position during the transition to the next lane. Details of the algorithm and the virtual road curvature determination are presented in the paper. In contrast to other lane changing methods, controller switching is not required and the same controller is for both lane keeping and lane changing. The algorithm is verified experimentally and the results are comparable with lane changing with physical transition lane.  相似文献   
A before and after hedonic model is used to determine the property value impacts on properties already served by the transit system caused by extensions to Bogotá’s bus rapid transit system. Asking prices of residential properties belonging to an intervention area (N = 1407 before, 1570 after) or a control area (N = 267 before, 732 after) and offered for sale between 2001 and 2006 are used to determine capitalization of the enhanced regional access provided by the extension. Properties offered during the year the extension was inaugurated and in subsequent years have asking prices that are between 13% and 14% higher than prices for properties in the control area, after adjusting for structural, neighborhood and regional accessibility characteristics of each property. Furthermore, the appreciation is similar for properties within 500 m and properties between 500 m and 1 km of the BRT.  相似文献   
A review of the sustainability literature reveals the lack of viable frameworks and management tools that can be used to accommodate both spatial and temporal variability in how stakeholder entities meet their sustainable development goals, taking into account the fact that different entities may need to pursue different priorities and also deal with different constraints and schedules at different stages of their development. This paper presents a sustainability footprint framework and model that may be used in analyzing the impacts of transportation and other infrastructure systems on regional sustainable development. A specific application of the framework is in the quality of life contributions that transportation systems may make to communities as a function of their impacts on natural assets that contribute inputs and absorb the byproducts of development. The application is illustrated in a case study that uses data from the Atlanta and Chicago Metropolitan Areas to demonstrate how this model may be applied in real life situations. The implications of this model for transport systems research, policy and practice are discussed. The value of this framework and model lie in introducing both spatial and temporal flexibility that may enable stakeholders with widely different priorities to reach consensus on interim goals for sustainable development to ultimately attain sustainability.  相似文献   
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