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This paper presents a discussion of the characteristics of ship waves in a narrow channel restricted by vertical walls, based on observed data and the results computed by a 2-D model. In the numerical model, the propagation of waves generated by a moving ship is simulated by solving 2-D depth-integrated Boussinesq equations. To get the boundary conditions at the location of the ship, the slender-ship approximation is employed. A field observation was carried out at a straight length of navigation channel. The ships targeted in the observations are two kinds of waterbuses with lengths of 28 and 24 m. The relative depth Froude number for the river current, an appropriate parameter for assessing the influence of the current on ship wave characteristics in a navigation channel, ranged from 0.47 to 0.76. The observed maximum wave height varied between 0.13 and 1.26 m. The maximum wave height of the wave train is sharply increased when the relative depth Froude number exceeds 0.6. The results computed by the present model agree fairly well with the observed data.  相似文献   
基于SPH方法的波浪对水平板冲击的数值模拟(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A numerical model was established for simulating wave impact on a horizontal deck by an improved incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH). As a grid-less particle method, the ISPH method has been widely used in the free-surface hydrodynamic flows with good accuracy. The improvement includes the employment of a corrective function for enhancement of angular momentum conservation in a particle-based calculation and a new estimation method to predict the pressure on the horizontal deck. The simulation results show a good agreement with the experiment. The present numerical model can be used to study wave impact load on the horizontal deck.  相似文献   
This study was carried out to investigate the creep life at the high temperature of the Alloy 718 for automotive engine components using the initial strain parameter method (ISPM). Creep tests have performed at elevated temperatures in the range of 550 oC to 700 oC in this work. We also carried out constant stress creep tests. The initial strains were measured during 1 minute after loading. Both the creep stress and rupture time depend on the initial strain. We calculated the creep life of Alloy 718 by using the creep life prediction equations obtained from the ISPM. Then, we compared the creep life predicted by the ISPM to the Larson-Miller parameter (LMP). The experimental rupture time and the calculated rupture time by using the ISPM agreed with a confidence level of 95 %. The creep life predicted by using the ISPM was in very good agreement with the creep life predicted using the LMP method.  相似文献   
The aim of the paper was to determine the kinematic parameters that influence the occupant injury risk through a mathematical model. The developed model is a 2D model composed of 4 bodies (2 vehicles, thorax and head). The head and thorax are interconnected with a rotation joint and a torsion spring meant to stiffen the relative movement between the bodies. The thorax is connected with the vehicle body by a linear spring meant to simulate the seatbelt stiffness. The model was solved using Lagrange principle and the validation of the model was made through a crash test performed using the same initial conditions and comparing the obtained values of the displacement, velocity and acceleration parameters with the ones obtained with the mathematical model. The head and torso were chosen due to the fact that they are the common parts of the body that get injured, especially the head with the change of 80 % to cause fatal injury in car’s frontal collision. Once the model was validated, the stiffness of the seatbelt was modified in order to determine the behavior of the occupant in case of car frontal collisions. When the seatbelt stiffness was reduced, the occupant displacement and velocity increased, while by increasing the stiffness, these parameters decreased. The values of the developed model presented a high degree of similarity with the results obtained from the crash test with an error of 10 %. This model can be used by engineers to easily asses the occupant injury risk in case of vehicle frontal collisions.  相似文献   
The effect of uniform current on the generation of flexural gravity waves resulting from initial disturbances at a point was analyzed in two dimensions. The problem was formulated as an initial boundary value problem under the assumptions of the linearized theory of water waves. By direct application of the Laplace transform and then the Fourier transform, explicit expressions for the velocity potential and free surface elevation were obtained in integral forms; these were evaluated asymptotically for large distances and times by the application of the method of the stationary phase to obtain the far field behavior of the surface elevations in specific cases. Simple numerical computations were performed to illustrate the effect of uniform current on the surface elevation, wavelength, phase velocity, and group velocity of the flexural gravity waves and on the far field behavior of the progressive waves in two different cases, namely, when there is an initial depression concentrated at the origin and an initial impulse concentrated at the origin.  相似文献   
本文通过对互联网用户行为进行统计分析,建立数学模型,有效地降低了互联网的应用成本。  相似文献   
文章首先利用模糊法则建立能够反映驾驶员反应时间的隶属度函数,并根据制动过程理论建立安全距离模型,通过安全距离模型建立期望加速度模型。然后分别建立加速和制动模型,在此基础上制定控制模式转换策略,基于PID算法设计巡航控制器。最后在Matlab/Simulink和CarSim联合仿真环境中验证所设计的控制系统的有效性。  相似文献   
毫米波雷达目前是车用探测雷达中最为主要的探测器件,但目前的毫米波雷达是进行二维扫描平面扫描,如何进行立体扫描是毫米波使用的重要研究方向,文章利用波束集中及3D MIMO计算实现了立体点云扫描。  相似文献   
V2G(Vehicle-to-grid)技术能够优化能源效率,参与电网调度,促进电网的安全性、稳定性、可靠性和经济性。文章首先阐述了V2G的概念,其次从电动汽车储能应用研究、电动汽车可调度容量研究和电动汽车移动储能对于配网影响及其协同控制研究等三个方面,综述了国内外V2G技术的研究状况。最后介绍了国内外部分有关V2G的示范应用,并对V2G关键技术的国内外研究状况进行了总结。  相似文献   
In the light of the newly developed harmonised probabilistic damage stability regulations, set to come into force in 2009, this article presents a systematic and thorough analysis of the sensitivity of the Attained Subdivision Index with reference to a wide range of related design parameters. The sensitivity of the probabilistic regulations was investigated for a typical large RoPax vessel, with variation of parameters, such as the number, positioning and local optimisation of transverse bulkheads; the presence and position of longitudinal bulkheads below the main vehicle deck; the presence of side casings; and the height of the main deck and double bottom. The effects of water on deck and of operational parameters (draught, centre of gravity and trim) were also investigated. The results of the study, presented in graphical form, can provide valuable assistance to the designer when determining subdivision characteristics at the very early stage of the design process, resulting in optimal, efficient and safe ships.  相似文献   
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