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为研究前扰流板高度变化对发动机舱进气量和整车风阻系数的影响,首先采用CFD软件对整车的基础模型进行气动性能仿真,并与实车风洞试验结果进行对比,确定仿真模型的计算精度;然后在该基础模型上添加不同高度的前扰流板进行仿真。结果显示,在前保险杠下方添加高度合适的前扰流板可有效降低整车风阻系数和提高冷却系统进气量。  相似文献   
目前大风浪转向问题一直是困扰航海界的难题。航海实践中,舰船指挥员多根据自身航海经验进行转向操作,风险较大。本文计算舰船转向过程中遭遇横浪时的倾覆力矩以及风倾力矩,在计算中考虑突风因素的影响,最终借助稳性衡准数对转向中的倾覆风险进行定量评估,以便舰船指挥员在选择大风浪转向方案时,能够做出更为合理的决策,从而提高大风浪中舰船航行的安全性。  相似文献   
利用等离子喷涂技术在Q235钢表面喷涂Mo涂层及Mo/A12 O3-TiO2复合涂层,对所制备的涂层进行超声冲击处理.利用SEM等分析测试手段,研究了超声冲击前后涂层表面的宏观及微观组织形貌;通过热震试验,研究了超声冲击对涂层热震性能的影响.结果表明:超声冲击处理对复合涂层的抗热震性能影响不大,且均优于 Mo涂层.但超声冲击处理对Mo涂层的抗热震性能影响较大,热震失效次数由超声冲击处理前的87次提高至超声冲击处理后的96次.Mo涂层的失效形式则主要表现为小块剥落直至最终剥落面积超过总面积的1/3而失效,复合涂层的失效形式主要表现为整体剥落.  相似文献   
An understanding of the interaction between individuals’ activities and travel choice behaviour plays an important role in long-term transit service planning. In this paper, an activity-based network equilibrium model for scheduling daily activity-travel patterns (DATPs) in multi-modal transit networks under uncertainty is presented. In the proposed model, the DATP choice problem is transformed into a static traffic assignment problem by constructing a new super-network platform. With the use of the new super-network platform, individuals’ activity and travel choices such as time and space coordination, activity location, activity sequence and duration, and route/mode choices, can be simultaneously considered. In order to capture the stochastic characteristics of different activities, activity utilities are assumed in this study to be time-dependent and stochastic in relation to the activity types. A concept of DATP budget utility is proposed for modelling the uncertainty of activity utility. An efficient solution algorithm without prior enumeration of DATPs is developed for solving the DATP scheduling problem in multi-modal transit networks. Numerical examples are used to illustrate the application of the proposed model and the solution algorithm.  相似文献   
Waveform audio (WAV) file is a widely used file format of uncompressed audio. With the rapid development of digital media technology, one can easily insert duplicated segments with powerful audio editing software, e.g. inserting a segment of audio with negative meaning into the existing audio file. The duplicated segments can change the meaning of the audio file totally. So for a WAV file to be used as evidence in legal proceedings and historical documents, it is very importance to identify if there are any duplicated segments in it. This paper proposes a method to detect duplicated segments in a WAV file. Our method is based on the similarity calculation between two different segments. Duplicated segments are prone to having similar audio waveform, i.e., a high similarity. We use fast convolution Mgorithm to calculate the similarity, which makes our method quit efficient. We calculate the similarity between any two different segments in a digital audio file and use the similarity to judge which segments are duplicated. Experimental results show the feasibility and efficiency of our method on detecting duplicated audio segments.  相似文献   
肖民  冯加伟 《船舶工程》2014,36(4):38-42
为了提高6L21/31型船用中速柴油机的经济性和动力性,运用fluent软件的动网格模型对该柴油机扫气过程流场及其影响因素进行了研究,得到了该柴油机扫气过程缸内压力场、温度场、流场随曲轴转角的变化情况和不同因素对其扫气过程影响变化规律。通过分析得到原机在转速不变的情况下,气门重叠角增加5°CA,气缸扫气更充分,有利于提高该机的进气效率,对提高该机的经济性和动力性有利。以上研究可为该机在变工况下工作时功率的提高打下基础。  相似文献   
边主梁断面(或Π形梁)是大跨度斜拉桥中常用的一种主梁断面形式,但容易产生涡激共振现象。涡激共振的典型特点之一是具有阻尼敏感性。文中针对在建的贵州望漠北盘江大桥的风致涡激振动进行了阻尼敏感性风洞试验研究。试验结果表明,该类桥梁涡激共振幅值对阻尼的设置十分敏感。因此,对于低风速下容易出现的涡激共振来说,采用多大的阻尼进行抗风设计十分关键。  相似文献   
为了解决集装箱港口普遍存在的港城交通矛盾,对国内外集装箱港口集疏运成功经验进行分析。提出由枢纽点、专用通道及港区组成的集装箱港口集疏运模式,即"点-线"疏解模式。以天津港为例,提出2020年港口"点-线"疏解模式的布局方案,并从交通、经济及社会效益三方面对其进行评价。结果表明",点-线"疏解模式能有效解决港城之间的交通矛盾,且能取得较大的社会经济效益。  相似文献   
肖丽娜  许靖  杨楠 《船舶工程》2013,35(1):99-102
SPAR平台大多需要满足干式井口作业要求,对平台的垂荡性能要求较高。为降低平台的垂荡运动响应,通常在SPAR平台的桁架段设置垂荡板以增加垂荡阻尼和附加质量。以某新型立柱式平台(SPAR)为研究对象,对不同间距设置和型式的垂荡板进行性能分析,确定了平台的垂荡板的最终设计方案。  相似文献   
肖启俊  张延猛 《船舶工程》2013,35(2):100-103
二手船价格是买卖二手船决策过程中非常关键的因素。为了准确地估算二手船价格,利用BP神经网络的高度非线性运算能力以及通过学习样本数据即可对事物复杂内在规律进行精确计算的特点,将BP神经网络应用于二手船价格的估算。利用从克拉克松获取的2009年到2012年120个灵便型干散货船交易数据,建立了基于船龄、船舶载重吨(DWT)、新造船价格和一年期期租费率的BP神经网络模型,网络输出结果与二手船实际交易价格的相对误差率在10%以内。  相似文献   
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