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舰船综合电力推进技术的现状和发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了舰船综合电力推进技术的内涵和特点,分析了英、美两国海军为典型代表的世界海军综合电力推进技术发展现状,以及支撑现阶段及未来电力推进舰船发展的关键技术,并对综合电力推进技术的发展趋势进行了描述.  相似文献   
IntroductionRewriting logic[1]was introduced as a unifiedmodel of concurrency which provides a formal com-mon framework of well-known models of concur-rent systems.It is shown that rewriting logic as alogical and semantic framework to represent manyother logics,in a natural and direct way.In gener-al,every formal system has two parts:1 formulasor proof-theoretic structures, which call be pre-sented as terms in an order-sorted equational datatype whose equations express structural axiomsnatural…  相似文献   
循环水系统是滨海电厂动力装置最重要的系统之一,主要负责将冷却海水提供给众多用户.该系统与舷外海水直接连通,承受着等同于舷外海水的压力,该系统的安全可靠运行是保证电厂运行的必要条件之一.针对循环水系统的特点,分析了任务剖面,列举其可能发生的故障模式,分析其故障原因及对任务造成的影响,给出相应的补偿措施,并将分析结果反馈到系统设计中;建立模型并采用定量计算对改进的系统进行可靠性预计.结果表明,对系统的改进合理有效。其可靠性有一定的提高。  相似文献   
山区一般公路路侧危险度划分方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈乐生  游宏  李永江  白书锋 《公路》2005,(11):159-163
通过对山区一般公路路侧地形状况与车辆冲出路外事故伤亡情况关系的研究,提出了路侧危险度的概念,并给出了路侧危险度等级划分的量化计算办法。路侧危险度等级的合理划分为准确确定路侧危险状况,合理设置不同等级的安全护栏提供了依据.进而有效提高山区一般公路的安全水平。  相似文献   
根据道路安全行车要求,通过水泥砼路面宏观和微观抗滑构造的技术要求分析,结合工程实例,考虑施工速度和经济效益,介绍水泥砼路面抗滑构造的处理技术及其推广应用。  相似文献   
铁路客运专线路基沉降特性及其对策   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
结合路基沉降变形的特点,分析了影响路基沉降变形的因素,并对路基的不同部分和不同土壤的地基提出了可行的处治措施和相应的对策.  相似文献   
地铁隧道施工塌方问题一直是影响工程建设的主要问题,风险评价是衡量塌方风险大小的手段,现有的风险评价方法普遍存在方法简单、主观性强、评价结果可靠性不高等问题,由于塌方风险具有较多的不确定性,且指标之间具有关联性.文中基于集对分析理论构建集对评价法,并应用到地铁隧道施工塌方风险评价中,该法考虑了塌方中的不确定因素和指标之间的关联性等问题,使得评价结果更为可靠.  相似文献   
黄钟晖  舒瑶  季昌  乔书光  由效铭 《隧道建设》2016,36(11):1295-1301
为厘清盾构隧道施工期影响管片上浮各因素的权重大小,在明确管片上浮影响因素的基础上,基于盾构隧道纵向等效梁模型,以等效刚度的欧拉梁模拟盾构隧道衬砌环,以土体与浆液体等价弹簧来模拟土体与隧道之间的相互作用,编制有限元程序对模型进行求解,并以南宁某地铁盾构隧道施工期管片上浮实测数据来验证计算模型的合理性。采用敏感性分析法计算出各主要影响因素的权重排序,由大到小依次为浆液未凝固区长度、浆液压力、地层变形模量、隧道纵向刚度有效率和总推力竖向分力等,分析各因素的作用机制,并提出针对性的控制措施,以指导工程实践。  相似文献   
As firms come under greater market pressure, the management of the inter-functional design/manufacture relationship becomes a more important competitive variable. The characteristics of the design-manufacture interface were analyzed, and several methods of the design-manufacture interface relationship management were compared. Based on theories concerned and enterprise practice, how to manage the relationship of design-manufacture interface to reduce the product cost and shorten the time-to-market was demonstrated, finally the competitive advantage was improved.  相似文献   
The planar flexible manipulator undergoing large deformation is investigated by using finite element method (FEM). Three kinds of reference frames are employed to describe the deformation of arbitrary point in the flexible manipulator, which are global frame, body-fixed frame and co-rotational frame. The rigid-flexible coupling dynamic equation of the planar flexible manipulator is derived using the Hamilton’s principle. Numerical simulations are carried out in the end of this paper to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model. The simulation results indicate that the proposed model is efficient not only for small deformation but also for large deformation.  相似文献   
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