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为保证辅机间冷空冷机组在夏季正常运行,开发了辅机喷雾降温装置.在每个冷却三角与百叶窗之间加装喷雾管路及喷嘴,为辅机间冷空冷机组提供细化水颗粒,利用风机的抽力将冷空气及部分细水雾颗粒通过散热器,迅速降低环境温度至设计温度以下,降低机组背压,提升机组出力能力,降低煤耗.现场使用表明,喷雾降温装置有助于辅机间冷机组安全运行,...  相似文献   
由于密封垫的使用寿命对今后隧道工程有着重要的工程意义;因此,对比不同密封垫材料的优缺点,根据规范对尺寸的规定,选取合适的盾构管片橡胶密封垫材料(EPDM)和3种尺寸分别进行防水试验。得出的结论是:当橡胶密封垫的接触应力与设计水压力之比K≥1.15时能满足防水要求。针对目前盾构隧道管片接缝弹性密封垫以经验为主的设计思路,提出利用数值模拟手段,将第3种试验产品的耐久性实验所得的数据利用"阿累尼乌斯方程"的"P-T-t三元模型"进行橡胶密封垫使用寿命预测。所得出的结论是:橡胶密封垫在使用100年后其应力保持率为83.3%。第3次试验所用橡胶密封垫的短期防水压力最高达到1.8 MPa,通过计算可知使用100年后该断面尺寸橡胶密封垫的防水压力为:1.8×83.3%=1.5 MPa,满足0.4 MPa的长期防水指标。研究结果表明"阿累尼乌斯方程"的"P-T-t三元模型"能够很好地解决密封垫的使用寿命问题,具有较好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   
对功率因数校正电路技术发展情况进行了分析,从实现的主要方式及其特点等方面较系统地论述了三相功率因数校正技术近期内的发展,尤其是对三相单管PFC的拓扑及其应用进行了详细阐述,在此基础上,指出了今后三相功率因数校正技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   
Objective It was reported that p53 apoptotic peptide (N37) could inhibit p73 gene through being bound with iASPP, which could induce tumor cell apoptosis. To further explore the function of N37, we constructed the cloning plasmid of DNA fragment encoding p53 (N37) apoptotic peptide by using DNA synthesis and molecular biology methods. Methods According to human p53 sequence from the GenBank database, the primer of p53(N37) gene was designed using Primer V7.0 software. The DNA fragment encoding p53 (N37) apoptotic peptide was amplified by using self-complementation polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method and cloned into the pGEM-T Easy vector. The constructed plasmid was confirmed by endonuclease analysis and sequencing. Results The insertion of objective DNA fragment was confirmed by plasmid DNA enzyme spectrum analysis, p53 (N37) gene was successfully synthesized chemically in vitro. The sequencing result of positive clone was completely identical to the human p53(N37) sequence in GenBank using BLAST software (http://www. ncbi. him. nih. gov/cgi-bin /BLASTn). Conclusion The cloning of DNA fragment encoding p53(N37) apoptotic peptide was constructed by using DNA synthesis and pGEM-T Easy cloning methods. With the constructed plasmid, we could further investigate the function of N37 peptide.  相似文献   
集热体对太阳能热电发电系统性能具有重要的影响.文中建立了一个太阳能热电发电系统的三维模型,采用ANSYS软件的热电模块研究了集热体物性对太阳能热电发电系统性能的影响.计算结果表明,集热体材料的选择对热电性能有很大影响,高吸收率和低发射率的集热体材料有助于提升太阳能热电发电系统的性能,但随着聚光比的提高,增长幅度逐渐减小,而热导率的影响则较小;高聚光比下,集热体上表面热辐射对太阳能热电系统效率的影响较大,低聚光比下则影响不大.  相似文献   
基于蚂蚁算法和元胞自动机各自的原理,提出一种元胞蚂蚁耦合算法及其数学描述,并将该模型探索性的用于边坡安全系数优化问题的求解中.算法在MATLAB环境下进行实现.通过工程数据进行验证和测试,证明其良好的效果.  相似文献   
Techniques from the perturbation method, fourth moment method, reliability-based design theory, and sensitivity analysis approach are employed to present a practical and efficient method for testing the reliability sensitivity of vehicle components with non-normal distribution parameters. With the condition that the first four moments of original random variables are known, the reliability sensitivity theory and cases are researched using the presented numerical method. The variation regularities of reliability sensitivity are obtained and the effects of design parameters on reliability of the vehicle components are studied. The sophisticated formulation provided in this paper is easily amenable to computational procedures. The respective program can be used to obtain the reliability sensitivity of vehicle components with non-normal distribution parameters accurately and quickly. The results obtained are perfect and the solutions compared very well with those from Monte Carlo simulation. The method presents a theoretic basis for the reliability design of the vehicle components.  相似文献   
牛角山隧道岩溶处治施工技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨健  张光兰 《路基工程》2009,(4):202-204
根据广砚高速公路牛角山隧道不同的岩溶特性,有针对性地介绍了不同的施工方法,安全、高效、快速地通过了隧道岩溶地区,确保了隧道的施工和运营安全,对类似隧道施工有一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   
粉煤灰路用工程性状的室内试验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过室内试验,研究了一段路堤拟用粉煤灰的工程性状。试验结果表明:该粉煤灰可定名为级配不良的中砂,其比重较小,击实曲线具有双峰特点,透水性中等,压缩性中等,抗剪强度中等,回弹模量和承载比与试样干密度呈较好的正线性相关。  相似文献   
For electromagnetic governing equations formulated by magnetic vector potential and electric scalar potential, its detailed numerical implementation is achieved by using meshless method and Galerkin approach. And essential boundary and interface condition of electromagnetic field are imposed by means of Lagrange multiplier method. Furthermore, the influences of interpolation point number at essential boundary and interface on computational results are also discussed. Examples are given to validate the effects of meshless method and Lagrange multiplier approach for electromagnetic field.  相似文献   
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