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在车辆维修手册中规定,当车轮两次镟轮轮径值减少量超过一定限度以后,需要在二系簧下加垫片补偿,以保证车体高度。对广州地铁现有的4条线车辆该值进行分析与计算,并得出相应结论。  相似文献   
城市轨道交通列车紧急自牵引方案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,城市轨道交通列车的行驶完全依赖于外部电力供应,这就限制了断电情况下列车移动的灵活性。提出了基于车载储能装置的运营列车在外部供电瘫痪的紧急情况下的自行牵引移车方案,并对系统架构、储能装置的设计及列车运行工况等进行了分析。该方案可极大地提高列车移动的灵活性,将会在紧急救援中发挥积极作用。随着储能技术、电力电子技术日益成熟及其成本的降低,自牵引技术将会在列车上逐步得到实际应用。  相似文献   
HX_D3C型交流传动电力机车DC 600V列车供电系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HXD3C型交流传动电力机车是干线客货通用电力机车,机车额定功率为7 200 kW,最高速度为120 km/h。该机车列车供电系统具备DC 600 V供电能力。文章介绍了HXD3C型机车列车供电系统的结构、技术特点,并通过试验验证该列车供电系统性能。  相似文献   
为研究新建隧道近距离上穿对既有地铁隧道的变形影响,以京张高铁清华园隧道上穿北京地铁15号线区间隧道为工程背景,提出一种新的施工方法:上中隔壁下双侧壁预锚锭工法,并采用数值模拟和现场实测进行验证,分析隧道施工过程中既有地铁隧道的变形规律。研究结果表明:(1)在侧导洞扩大基础内增加预应力锚索可以有效控制15号线的上浮;(2)上中隔壁下双侧壁预锚锭工法能够保证地铁15号线的安全运营。  相似文献   
This study investigates the effect of traffic signal coordination on emissions and compares it with their effects on operational performance measures of delay and stops. Various platoon ratios are obtained by simulating cycle lengths and offsets. Our results indicate that the impact of the cycle length on delay is more significant than those on stops and emissions for under-saturation traffic conditions. Given a fixed cycle length, increasing the platoon ratio can reduce delay, stops, and emissions, with reduction in emissions being correlated with stops than delay. The effect on emissions from the platoon arrival with respect to the onset of green or red indication is identified. With the same cycle length and platoon ratio, the early arrival situation, when the leading vehicles of a platoon encounters the red signal, can generate more emissions than are associated with late platoon arrival, when the last few vehicles in a platoon are stopped at the intersection by the onset of the red signal.  相似文献   
对SMA-13用于隧道沥青路面上面层的适应性进行分析总结;认为沥青面层存在的交通噪声偏大问题,可通过调整SMA-13沥青混合料组成设计技术途径得到改善;并对隧道沥青路面工程的特殊性与施工技术管理和安全管理的应对策略进行了分析。  相似文献   
洋山港背后的群雄角力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕航 《中国船检》2006,(1):52-55
“一体两翼”是国家对长三角地区港口布局制定的发展框架。建设上海国际航运中心,确立了上海港的主枢纽港地位,作为两翼的江苏和浙江则重在配合,以为示范,集聚辐射长三角乃至中国大陆。然而,宏观的规划难抵港口自然发育和地方经济市场化的冲击。当国外的大港纷纷对即将到来的洋山港时代高唱赞歌的时候,国内长三角地区的其他各港则来者不善,暗自较劲,开始了新一轮“抢位之争”。  相似文献   
The new Badaling tunnel is the longest tunnel on the under-construction Beijing-Zhangjiakou highspeedrailway, with the Badaling Great Wall station to be built in the tunnel. This station, which is under the Badaling Great Wall historic site, is the world’s largest underground high-speed railway station with the most complicated structure and the largest overburden and excavation area. It is therefore a representative project for China’s highspeed railway development strategy, supporting infrastructure facilities for the Beijing Horticultural Expo 2019 and the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, and it is important that it be of high quality and completed safely. In the de-sign and construction of the station, the glyphs of the Chinese characters of "中",”国”,”人”and”品”are used, re-spectively, along the station route, in the rescue and evacuation mode, auxiliary adit and partial excavation, which is a way to successfully integrate the art of Chinese characters into tunnel engineering. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
基于IDEF3的功能特性,首先阐述了IDEF3在流程优化方面的适用性,然后以北京市交通执法业务为例,在对其业务流程各子环节进行准确把握和系统分析诊断的基础上,运用IDEF3方法对交通执法业务流程进行优化与重组,形成了新的业务流程。研究结果可作为进一步进行交通执法业务流程再造和优化的基础,也可以为交通执法部门提高作业效率和改进作业质量提供借鉴。  相似文献   
指出了师范院校土木工程专业毕业设计中存在的问题,并从毕业设计题目选题、指导方式、过程管理等方面着手,提出了几方面的措施建议及注意事项,以提高毕业设计质量和学生的综合素质,为学生即将走上工作岗位打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   
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