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In the past 15 years, cities in China have experienced big changes in socioeconomic and traffic conditions, resulting in a long term change in bicycle use. This study aims to quantify the changes in bicycle mode share in Chinese cities and explore the potential causes. Based on data from 51 cities, it is found that bicycle mode share at the city level decreased gradually in the past. Conventional bicycle mode share decreased with a rate of 3 % per year, but electric bicycle mode share increased with a rate of 2 % per year. The correlations between city features such as demographics and built environments and bicycle mode share at different city sizes are compared. The generalized linear models are estimated to relate the changes in the share of different trip modes to various city-level factors. The results show that the bicycle mode share in a city is impacted by factors including city area size, population density, number of cars, percentage of local road mileage among all roads, and trip purpose. Possible reasons for the changes in bicycle uses in Chinese cities are explored and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   
There is a significant body of evidence from both disaggregate choice modelling literature and practical travel demand forecasting that the responsiveness to cost and possibly to time diminishes with journey length. This has, in Britain at least, been termed ‘Cost Damping’, and is recognised in guidance issued by the UK Department for Transport. However, the consistency of the effect across modes and data types has not been established. Cost damping, if it exists, affects both the forecasting of demand and our understanding of behaviour. This paper aims to investigate the evidence for cost and time damping in rail demand using aggregate rail ticket sales data. The rail ticket sales data in Britain has, for many years, formed the basis of analysis of a wide range of impacts of rail demand. It records the number of tickets sold between station pairs, and it is generally felt to provide a reasonably accurate reflection of travel demand. However, the consistency of these direct demand models with choice modelling and highway demand model structures has not been investigated. Rail direct demand models estimated by ticket sales data indicate only slight variation in the fare elasticity with distance, as is evidenced in the largest meta-analysis of price elasticities conducted to date (Wardman in J Transp Econ Policy 48(3):367–384, 2014). This study of UK elasticities shows strong variation between urban and inter-urban trips, presumably a segmentation at least in part by purpose, but less remaining variation by trip length. A lack of variation by length supports the hypothesis of cost damping, because constant cost sensitivity would imply that fare elasticity would increase strongly with distance, because of the increasing impact of higher fares at longer distances. In this paper we indicate that rail direct demand models have some consistency of behavioural paradigm with utility based choice models used in highway planning. We go on to use rail demand data to estimate time and fare elasticities in the context of various cost damping functions. Our empirical contribution is to estimate time elasticities on a basis directly comparable with cost elasticities and to show that the phenomenon of cost damping is strongly present in ticket sales data. This finding implies that cost damping should be included in models intended for multimodal analysis, which may otherwise give incorrect predictions.  相似文献   
针对超宽带(UWB,Ultra Wide Band)设备对窄带无线业务的干扰,通过对UWB空间分布进行投影和方位加权,提出一种新的三维投影干扰分析模型。该模型适于分析UWB设备对高增益、强方向性受扰设备干扰。在此模型基础上分析UWB对卫星通信业务的干扰,通过仿真得出了C波段卫星通信业务对UWB的使用限制。  相似文献   
DEA方法在电子对抗装备软件综合评价中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对电子对抗装备软件综合评价中四种不同的群体,建立装备软件综合评价的指标体系,并根据其特点,将模糊综合评价方法和DEA方法结合起来,建立了电子对抗装备软件综合评价和装备软件组织与设计开发方案选择模型,最后给出一个实例验证了模型的正确性。  相似文献   
基于寿命分布的备件需求计算模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据指数分布、正态分布和威布尔分布的寿命分布类型,对航海装备的一些维修备件进行分类,并提出了在满足备件保障度下这三种寿命分布类型备件的需求计算模型,对一些备件需求预测实例进行了预测计算。  相似文献   
基于最大熵谱估计的舰船静电场实时检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舰船静电场是海水中舰船产生的物理场之一,是很难被隐身的目标特征信号.以往对静电场的检测方法都是基于信号的时域特征,低信噪比情况下,检测效果差.通过对舰船静电场的频域特征分析发现,其能量主要集中在低频段,利用这个特点,提出了一种基于最大熵谱估计(MESE)的舰船静电场实时检测的方法.首先对舰船静电场信号进行最大熵谱估计,然后提取低频段功率谱值作为特征量,通过设定的浮动阈值进行分段功率谱滑动检测,用实船数据对该方法进行了验证,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   
2008年,对于中国人来说,是极不平凡的一年。 但无论是南方雪灾、汶川地震时保障水路通畅,还是举办奥运战浒苔、防抗台风保平安,总有一种坚定的力量,在危急时刻营救生命、排除万难,为营造和谐的水上环境,构筑起一道安全屏障:这力量来自于党中央、国务院、中央军委正确领导下的国家海上搜救部际联席会议各成员单位及国务院相关部门。  相似文献   
以提供可靠保密通信为目标的安全路由协议的分析是无线传感器网络安全基本研究领域之一.阐述了针对无线传感器网络的攻击手段所采取的措施,研究了安全路由协议,重点研究了其中的传感网络加密协议(Sensor Network Encryption Protocol,SNEP),并进行了仿真实现,最后针对无线传感网络的攻击方式对SNEP的安全性进行了分析.结果证明SNEP协议具有数据机密性、数据认证、防御重放攻击等安全服务.  相似文献   
1 项目背景 神华天津煤炭码头坐落于天津滨海新区,码头建设之初便秉承了“节能环保”的理念,投入了大量资金用于环保设施的建设。压舱水回收系统作为公司环保设施的一部分,肩负着回收来港船舶压舱水并为洒水系统提供水源的任务。  相似文献   
进入21世纪以来,浙江省交通规划设计研究院坚持贯彻落实科学发展观,以建设"港航强省"为己任,依靠科技创新,设计了一个又一个具有重要影响力的精品工程,获得了多项国家、省部级优秀设计奖,为浙江省乃至全国的经济建设作出了重要贡献.  相似文献   
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