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In recent years, electric vehicles are developing rapidly in automotive industry. When involved in accidents, if the batteries of electric cars break, it is likely to cause a short circuit and start a fire. Aimed at this issue, a car battery protection device based on torsion spring has been designed. The car battery protection device can deform in a particular pattern in a collision accident. Impact energy of the accident is absorbed by the deformation, which can significantly reduce impact force on the batteries. Meanwhile, based on the principle of maximum energy absorption, some crucial parameters of the device can be determined. Furthermore, an impact simulation conducted on ANSYS software shows that maximum safety factors can be obtained when the material of car battery protection device is carbon steel. The analysis of “safe space” in the car battery protection device shows that the device can prevent battery damage effectively in general circumstances, which means the reliability of the device has been verified. Therefore, when applied to electric vehicles, the car battery protection device, which can prevent secondary accidents, significantly improves the vehicle security in accidents.  相似文献   
Strain invariant failure theory (SIFT) is a micro-mechanics-based failure theory for multi-scale failure analysis of composite materials originally proposed by Gosse and Christensen. In this paper, the approach for obtaining strain amplification matrix which is a key step for the execution of SIFT is improved by adopting representative volume element (RVE) finite element models considering periodical boundary condition, based on which more actual deformation mode is reflected. The deformation modes and strain data at the characteristic points of the centroid cell of multi-cell RVE model are analyzed and taken as a reference. It can be concluded that more reasonable deformation mode and relationship between the micro-mechanical and macro-mechanical strain states are obtained by employing the new model. Finally, numerical examples are provided to illustrate the determination of strain amplification factors within the RVEs considering periodical boundary condition at the characteristic points.  相似文献   
The rate equations and the power evolution equations based on excited state absorption (ESA) and cooperative upconversion (CUC) of high concentration erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) transparent ceramic waveguide amplifier are set up to analyze the effects of the pump power, active ion concentration and waveguide length on the amplifier gain and noise figure (NF). The numerical analysis predicts that with a pump power of 100mW, an active ion concentration of 1.0×1026 ion/m3 and a waveguide length of 3 cm, a small-signal gain of 30 dB and an NF of 5 dB can be achieved in the micro-chip amplifier.  相似文献   
公路隧道节能照明系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对重庆交通科研设计院近几年在公路隧道照明系统方面相关研究成果的总结,从照明灯具、灯具的布置方式、照明设计参数和新光源的合理应用4个方面来系统解决公路隧道照明质量和效率的问题,使广大设计人员树立起应通过充分运用现代科学技术的进步来提高隧道照明的设计水平和隧道照明的质量,而不能通过降低设计标准来达到节能目的的理念.  相似文献   
洪酉路K54+535~K54+645段路基高挡墙因覆盖层较厚,挡墙下基困难。经分析场区地形、地质条件,并进行稳定性计算后,结合工期要求和工程造价,对该段挡墙基础采用一种新型基础结构型式———矩形桩基托梁进行处理,获得了较好的技术经济效益,值得类似工程推广应用。  相似文献   
针对地铁列车节能运行问题,提出基于滚动优化的列车协同控制方法,将系统整体最优问题分解为基于时间推进的局部优化问题。考虑列车每次停站时同一供电分区内其它列车的操纵方案,实时计算下一站间运行净能耗最小的操纵方案。在计算操纵方案时,对传统的列车4阶段操纵策略进行改进,允许列车在运行途中进行2次牵引,减小列车牵引能耗并提高再生能的利用率。结果表明:相比列车基于传统4阶段的个体最优控制策略,采用本文提出的列车协同控制方法在不同发车间隔下均可提高再生能利用率并节约列车运行净能耗,平均节能率达8.37%。  相似文献   
宋波 《舰船电子工程》2011,31(4):28-31,46
直升机载激光定向红外反导技术在现代战争中发挥着越来越重要的作用。文章介绍了国外直升机载激光定向红外反导技术的发展历程以及装备的研制、改进情况,指出了在现代战争中发展直升机载激光定向红外反导技术的优势和重要性,重点探讨了几种直升机载激光定向红外反导技术的性能及其特点,最后论述了直升机载激光定向红外反导技术的发展动向与分析。  相似文献   
针对地铁换乘站换乘方式适配性评价难题,提出总体技术方案并构建设施平均密度、能力饱和度、平均疏散时间等量化评价指标,以典型十字换乘站——沈阳地铁青年大街站为例,重点分析换乘方式能力适配性问题。通过车站客流仿真及指标计算评价,发现站台能力不足及换乘设施客流冲突等问题突出。因此,从行车组织及车站结构方面提出优化建议,其中压缩行车间隔仅能提升车站运能,但难以解决换乘节点客流冲击问题;而优化车站结构仅能减缓换乘设施压力,若同时实施,则能彻底解决能力不足和冲击性问题。建议大客流换乘站不采用十字节点换乘,应结合工程条件优先考虑T型或L型换乘。  相似文献   
对比了页岩陶砂、粉煤灰黏土复合陶粒、浮石粉3种内养护材料对高强度混凝土的工作性能、力学性能和早期抗裂性能的影响,并结合桥塔混凝土结构进行了抗裂性验算。结果表明:随着内养护材料掺量的增加,不同龄期混凝土的抗压强度有所降低,但降幅不大,水胶比0.24时,每种内养护材料体积掺量控制在20%以内可满足C60混凝土强度要求;掺入3种内养护材料均可显著提高混凝土的早期抗裂性能,其中浮石粉的抗裂效果最好。结合沪通长江大桥主塔(高330 m,壁厚大多超过1.5 m)混凝土结构,针对收缩与温度应力引起的开裂问题进行了有限元抗裂性能分析,结果表明,浮石粉掺量20%的低收缩混凝土拉应力在容许范围内,开裂风险小。  相似文献   
重复动载疲劳损伤是沥青混凝土底砟层的破坏形式之一。本文建立了沥青混凝土底砟层的三维有限元分析模型,分析其在列车荷载作用下的受力变形特性。采用KENTRACK设计方法分析了沥青混凝土底砟层的疲劳寿命。结果表明:沥青混凝土底砟层等厚度替代基床表层的路基结构形式在列车荷载作用下基床表层的竖向动变形和振动加速度明显减小;沥青混凝土底砟层的层底拉应变在10×10^-6~90×10^-6,处于较低水平;沥青混凝土底砟层具有良好的疲劳耐久性,可用于工程实践。  相似文献   
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