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复杂地层地铁旁通道冻结孔施工技术   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在复杂地层中,对地铁旁通道采用水平冻结法施工是一种有效手段,而冻结孔施工又是旁通道工程的关键工序之一.结合上海地铁十一号线祁连山-真南路站区间旁通道施工实例,介绍了含承压水的砂性土复杂地层中旁通道冻结孔的施工技术,包括壁后预注浆加固、冻结孔开孔以及夯管等技术,对类似地质条件下旁通道冻结孔施工具有一定的参考价值和指导意义.  相似文献   
位于厦门市的明发商业广场嘉禾路地下行车通道,所处围岩条件差、地下管线密集、工期紧张.该工程为平顶框架式通道,开挖跨度大、结构埋深浅、车流量大,为了保证施工的安全、地下管线的正常使用以及地面交通的正常运行,施工时必须严格控制结构变形、管线变形以及地表沉降.为此,通过有限元数值模拟,确定了全断面的施工方法,并综合应用了包括长管棚预注浆加固、尽快施做二次衬砌封闭成环和现场监控量测等在内的各项技术,使得工期缩短了1个月.通过该项工程全断面法修建技术的成功应用,获得了良好的社会、经济和环境效益,并总结出了该类工程施工时围岩变形及地表沉降的基本规律,这也为今后的相关工程积累了经验.  相似文献   
In this paper the numerical simulation analysis of the effect of explosion in the gas pipeline compartment of a utility tunnel on neighboring metro tunnels was conducted using the software AUTODYN. The results show that the TNT equivalent in a fireproof partition with length of 200 m is 41.6 kg when the gas concentration in the gas pipeline compartment reaches 10%; the blast wave has much effect on the crown and arch waist of the round metro tunnel and it’s necessary to take some protective measures in both areas; when the surrounding soil is sand, the utili- ty tunnel is above the round metro tunnel and their alignments are in the same direction, the greater the vertical spacing between the utility tunnel and the metro tunnel, the smaller the effect of the blast wave on the metro tunnel; when the vertical spacing is 7.2 m, the maximum dynamic tensile stress is 1.86 MPa (including the static stress value of 1 MPa in the tunnel segment) and it is slightly smaller than the designed tensile strength of metro tunnel (about 1.89 MPa). The maximum vibration velocity and the maximum displacement meet the structural stability require- ments, so it is suggested the vertical spacing between the utility tunnel and metro tunnel shall not be less than 7.2 m. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
Fixed-rail metro (or ‘subway’) infrastructure is generally unable to provide access to all parts of the city grid. Consequently, feeder bus lines are an integral component of urban mass transit systems. While passengers prefer a seamless transfer between these two distinct transportation services, each service’s operations are subject to a different set of factors that contribute to metro-bus transfer delay. Previous attempts to understand transfer delay were limited by the availability of tools to measure the time and cost associated with passengers’ transfer experience. This paper uses data from smart card systems, an emerging technology that automatically collects passenger trip data, to understand transfer delay. The primary objective of this study is to use smart card data to derive a reproducible methodology that isolates high priority transfer points between the metro system and its feeder-bus systems. The paper outlines a methodology to identify transfer transactions in the smart card dataset, estimate bus headways without the aid of geographic location information, estimate three components of the total transfer time (walking time, waiting time, and delay time), and isolate high-priority transfer pairs. The paper uses smart card data from Nanjing, China as a case study. The results isolate eight high priority metro-bus transfer pairs in the Nanjing metro system and finally, offers several targeted measures to improve transfer efficiency.  相似文献   
间隙单元在独立舱式液货船强度计算中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立舱式液货船一般采用垂向支撑垫块连接独立舱和主船体结构。针对某型独立舱式液货船,采用通用的NASTRAN间隙单元来模拟各种装载工况下垂向垫块的支撑作用,并将计算结果与常规做法采用的杆单元模拟结果进行了比较,表明了在独立舱式液货船的直接计算中采用间隙单元模拟垂向支撑垫块的可行性和准确性,同时也能够提高计算效率。研究了间隙单元刚度对计算结果的影响,结论是垫块的刚度整体提高对支反力的影响较小,整体降低对支反力影响较大。  相似文献   
舰载直升机的起降安全涉及到舰机两方面,且影响因素较多。本文首先对舰载直升机起降安全因素进行了系统分析,梳理了其关键影响因素舰船空气流场中各特性参数对直升机操作性能的影响。然后介绍了用于舰船空气流场测量的三种典型方法,对舰船空气流场的深入研究有重要指导意义,并可为机舰动态配合研究提供参考。  相似文献   
针对仅使用槽道推进器提供横向推力的动力定位船舶路径跟踪控制问题,建立慢变环境干扰影响下的非线性船舶数学模型,设计带有自适应干扰补偿的反步控制算法来消除环境干扰的影响。引入平行目标接近(CB)导引算法为跟踪控制生成期望速度矢量信号,通过与所提出的自适应反步控制算法相结合,得到不受船舶驱动特性限制的全速度范围动力定位船舶导引跟踪控制算法,应用李雅普诺夫稳定性理论证明系统跟踪误差渐进收敛到零。仿真结果表明通过调整导引算法参数可以调节船舶跟踪过程表现,并可以得到较好的控制精度。  相似文献   
凝水泵出口压力波动问题机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对某凝给水系统部分工况下出现的凝水泵出口压力波动问题开展相关研究工作,通过调研系统实际运行参数,采用数值仿真和理论计算进行分析,推导系统汽蚀余量特性方程,获取系统参数对凝水泵运行情况边界条件的影响,进而获取导致凝水泵出口压力波动的原因,并提出相应的控制措施。  相似文献   
李新国  王安华  卢昭 《水运工程》2017,(10):130-134
针对在拉美和非洲地区部分码头建设中,存在大型船机设备缺乏和长周期波较为明显、常规打桩船作业和预制构件安装困难的问题,基于一般桩基码头结构,在设计和施工两个方面进行优化,采用桩顶施工行走平台方法施工,利用桩基自身作为支撑结构,大量采用叠合式上部结构,实现将海上施工转化为陆上施工的创新,形成整体推进式桩基码头结构,规避大型船机设备缺乏和长周期波较为明显的问题,具有良好的经济性和对强震区的适应性。  相似文献   
研究了单相桥式全控和不控两种整流电路,首先分析了单相桥式全控整流电路带反电动势电路的工作原理,然后分析了单相桥式不控整流电路带电容滤波的工作原理,最后在Matlab/Simulink中对两种电路进行了建模和仿真,通过对仿真结果的比较分析得出两种整流电路的负载电压都不会出现为零的情况。  相似文献   
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