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This paper develops a comprehensive approach to the definition of transportation analysis zones (TAZ), and therein, presents a new methodology and algorithm for the definition of TAZ embedded in geographic information systems software, improves the base algorithm with several local algorithms, and comprehensively analyses the obtained results. The results obtained are then compared to these presently used in the transportation analysis process of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. The proposed algorithm presents a new methodology for TAZ design based on a smoothed density surface of geocoded travel demand data. The algorithm aims to minimise the loss of information when moving from a continuous representation of the origin and destination of each trip to their discrete representations through zones, and focuses on the trade-off between the statistical precision, geographical error, and the percentage of intra-zonal trips of the resulting OD matrix. The results for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area case study suggest a significant improvement in OD matrix estimates compared to current transportation analysis practises based on administrative units.
Elisabete A. SilvaEmail:

Luis M. Martínez   is a Civil Engineer from the Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon since 2004. After finishing his degree, he started his work as researcher in the CESUR (Civil Engineering & Architecture Department—Instituto Superior Técnico) where he has been working since. In 2006 he completed his Master Thesis at Instituto Superior Técnico on Traffic Analysis Zones modeling and started his PhD studies on the theme: Metropolitan Transportation Systems Financing Using the Value Capture Concept. José Manuel Viegas   is Full Professor of Transportation at the Civil Engineering & Architecture Department of the Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon. He has worked extensively in Modeling, Innovation and Policy in several types of Transport Systems. He was founder and first Director General of Transportnet, a group of eight leading European Universities with Advanced Studies in Transportation, and currently leads the Portuguese side of the Transportation Systems area in the MIT—Portugal program. Elisabete A. Silva   is at the University of Cambridge (University Lecturer in Planning at the Department of Land Economy and a Fellow of Robinson College). With more than 100 contributions in peer review journals, books/books chapters, conference proceedings, and a research track record of approximately 16 years, (both at the public and private sector), her research interests are centred on the application of new technologies to spatial planning in particular city and metropolitan dynamic modelling through time.  相似文献   
In this paper, a joint model of vehicle type choice and utilization is formulated and estimated on a data set of vehicles drawn from the 2000 San Francisco Bay Area Travel Survey. The joint discrete–continuous model system formulated in this study explicitly accounts for common unobserved factors that may affect the choice and utilization of a certain vehicle type (i.e., self-selection effects). A new copula-based methodology is adopted to facilitate model estimation without imposing restrictive distribution assumptions on the dependency structures between the errors in the discrete and continuous choice components. The copula-based methodology is found to provide statistically superior goodness-of-fit when compared with previous estimation approaches for joint discrete–continuous model systems. The model system, when applied to simulate the impacts of a doubling in fuel price, shows that individuals are more likely to shift vehicle type choices than vehicle usage patterns.
Chandra R. Bhat (Corresponding author)Email:

Erika Spissu   is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Cagliari (Italy). She received her Ph.D. from the University of Palermo and University of Cagliari (Italy) in Transport techniques and economics. She spent the past 2 years at The University of Texas at Austin as a Research Scholar focusing primarily in activity-based travel behavior modeling, time use analysis, and travel demand forecasting. Abdul Pinjari   is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of South Florida, Tampa. His research interests include time-use and travel-behavior analysis, and activity-based approaches to travel-demand forecasting. He has his Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin. Ram M. Pendyala   is a Professor of Transportation Systems in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University. He teaches and conducts research in travel behavior analysis, travel demand modeling and forecasting, activity-based microsimulation approaches, and time use. He specializes in integrated land use-transport models, transport policy formulation, and public transit planning and design. He is currently the Vice-Chair of the International Association for Travel Behavior Research and is the immediate past chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Traveler Behavior and Values. He has his PhD from the University of California at Davis. Chandra R. Bhat   is a Professor in Transportation at The University of Texas at Austin. He has contributed toward the development of advanced econometric techniques for travel behavior analysis, in recognition of which he received the 2004 Walter L. Huber Award and the 2005 James Laurie Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the 2008 Wilbur S. Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator Award from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). He is the immediate past chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation Demand Forecasting and the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research.  相似文献   
This paper presents estimates of the rebound effect and other elasticities for the Canadian light-duty vehicle fleet using panel data at the provincial level from 1990 to 2004. We estimate a simultaneous three-equation model of aggregate demand for vehicle kilometers traveled, vehicle stock and fuel efficiency. Price and income elasticities obtained are broadly consistent with those reported in the literature. Among other results, an increase in the fuel price of 10% would reduce driving by ~2% in the long term and by 1% the average fuel consumption rate. Estimates of the short- and long-term rebound effects are ~8 and 20%, respectively. We also find that an increase in the gross domestic product per capita of 10% would cause an increase in driving distance of 2–3% and an increase of up to 4% in vehicle stock per adult. In terms of policy implications, our results suggest that: (1) the effectiveness of new fuel efficiency standards will be somewhat mitigated by the rebound effect and (2) fuel price increases have limited impacts on gasoline demand.
Philippe BarlaEmail:

Philippe Barla   is full professor at the economics department of Université Laval. He is currently the director of the research center GREEN and is a member of CDAT. He is conducting theoretical and empirical research on energy efficiency in the transportation sector. Bernard Lamonde   obtained his MA in economics in 2007 working on this project. He is working as an economist for Agence de l’efficacité énergique du Québec. Luis Miranda-Moreno   is professor at McGill Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics. He was post-doctoral student at CDAT when this research was carried out. His research interests include road safety, travel behaviour and demand modeling. Nathalie Boucher   holds a PhD in economics from Queens’ University. She is the executive director the CDAT a research center dedicated to improving knowledge about energy use in the Canadian private and commercial transportation sector.  相似文献   
A Final Word     
This paper investigates recent commuting trends by American workers. Unlike most studies of commuting that rely on data from the American Community Survey this study utilizes the American Time Use Survey to detail the complex commuting patterns of modern-day workers. Changes in the price of gasoline in recent years suggest that the incidence of “driving alone” should be on the decline. Indeed, results show that the sensitivity of modal commuting with respect to changes in gasoline prices appears to be relatively large. We estimate the gasoline-price elasticity of driving alone to be 0.057 and the gasoline-price elasticity of carpooling to be 0.502. Additional factors also affect commuting, including socio-economic characteristics and social desires. However, it is changes in gasoline prices that appear to account for nearly all of the recent variation in the mode chosen for commuting.  相似文献   
This study presents a unified framework to understand the weekday recreational activity participation time-use of adults, with an emphasis on the time expended in physically active recreation pursuits by location and by time-of-day. Such an analysis is important for a better understanding of how individuals incorporate physical activity into their daily activities on a typical weekday, and can inform the development of effective policy interventions to facilitate physical activity. Furthermore, such a study of participation and time use in recreational activity episodes contributes to activity-based travel demand modeling, since recreational activity participation comprises a substantial share of individuals’ total non-work activity participation. The methodology employed here is the multiple discrete continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model, which provides a unified framework to explicitly and endogenously examine time use by type, location, and timing. The data for the empirical analysis is drawn from the 2000 Bay Area Travel Survey (BATS), supplemented with other secondary sources that provide information on physical environment variables. To our knowledge, this is the first study to jointly address the issues of ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘how much’ individuals choose to participate in ‘what type of (recreational) activity’.  相似文献   
Agent-based microsimulation models of transportation, land use or other socioeconomic processes require an initial synthetic population derived from census data, conventionally created using the iterative proportional fitting (IPF) procedure. This paper introduces a novel computational method that allows the synthesis of many more attributes and finer attribute categories than previous approaches, both of which are long-standing limitations discussed in the literature. Additionally, a new approach is used to fit household and person zonal attribute distributions simultaneously. This technique was first adopted to address limitations specific to Canadian census data, but could also be useful in U.S. and other applications. The results of each new method are evaluated empirically in terms of goodness-of-fit.  相似文献   
According to the Third Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Study 2014 of International Maritime Organization (IMO), the total emission in 2012 are estimated to be 949 million tonnes which is 2.7% of global CO2 emission by total shipping and expected to increase from 2012 levels by 50–250% by 2050. Significant changes are needed to all industry by implementation of energy efficiency design and operational measures to meet existing and future global emission reduction targets. Although the fuel cost-reducing effects of some energy efficiency measures and new technologies are well established and matured, shipping companies appear reluctant to adopt them. Besides, it is observed that the stakeholders are directly or indirectly involved for implementation of energy efficiency measures in shipping industry. Therefore, the objective for this study was to identify the barriers to energy efficiency operational measures by a qualitative survey among various stakeholders from all corners of shipping industry. It has been found in the research that the barriers for implementation of all cost-free operational measures are almost the same such as lack of information of the measure, lack of awareness and competence of ship crews and operation difficulties which are in nature of information and technical barriers. But financial issue and owner’s interest are the key barriers for some other operational measures which are related to costing and need investment for implementation.  相似文献   
Beaches along the eastern branch of the Giens double tombolo are subject to coastal erosion. Prediction of the behavior of the beach profile configuration in response to natural and anthropogenic changes using the concept of equilibrium beach profile (EBP) could be useful in finding the most suitable measure to address the erosion problem. Field investigation data of 11 beaches along the eastern tombolo were supplied for this study, and a nonlinear fitting technique was applied to estimate the best parameter values of seven empirical formulations of the relevant EBP. All of the observed beach profiles could be described by a single function, but a single EBP was inadequate to represent all of the beach profiles observed. The variation found could be explained in terms of longshore variation of bathymetry, sediment size, and wave parameters. Analysis of the validity of the EBPs revealed that a representative EBP of each beach is governed by different equilibrium parameters.  相似文献   
With the continuous advancement of (mobile) ICT devices and applications, their impact on travel, activities and time use becomes more diverse. This holds in particular for apps developed for mobile devices (smartphones). In this paper, we argue that the effect of ICT on travel and activities should be analysed at the level of a single specific device or application, rather than for broad classes of ICT devices. We propose activity theory as a framework to analyse the impact of smartphone apps on travel and activities. Activity theory describes how subjects apply tools (such as apps) to work on an object and achieve an outcome that is in line with the subject’s motive. The application of the tool is embedded in an activity system which includes a community, formal and informal rules and in which a division of labour exists. We apply activity theory to analyse the effects of Whatsapp and travel feedback apps, based on existing literature about these apps. The analyses suggest that the activity systems of each app differ greatly in terms of object, motive, outcomes, community and rules, with implications for their use and impact. Both apps have an impact on travel, but differ with respect to whether this effect is intentional. For both apps contradictions in the activity system can be identified, which may give rise to further development of the activity system. These seem, however, to be largest for travel feedback apps. Based on our exploration, we argue that quantitative research on the impact of apps should be complemented by qualitative research based on activity theory. In particular, activity theory may help to gain a better understanding of underlying mechanism by which apps influence travel, to strengthen the theoretical underpinning and interpretation of the results of quantitative research and to explore changes in the development and use of apps and their impact on travel behaviour.  相似文献   
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