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一辆95款的凌志400轿车,故障现象是发动机起动困难,加速发闷且回火,有时一加空油门就熄火,挂档后轿车几乎无法起步行驶,故障指示灯常亮。  相似文献   
大学生亚健康心理现象分析及其矫治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生亚健康心理是高校心理健康教育应重点关注的内容。本文分析了大学生亚健康心理的表现及产生的原因,提出了相应的矫治策略,以期对大学生亚健康心理的教育有所裨益。  相似文献   
通过光谱仪、OM、硬度计、SEM和能谱仪等设备对断裂的汽车车门限位器拉杆臂的化学成分、显微组织、显微硬度和微区化学成分及断口形貌进行表征,分析其断裂原因。结果表明,QSTE420TM钢的组织为铁素体+珠光体,在失效件断口截面发现长条状的MnS夹杂物沿着带状组织分布,裂纹沿着MnS夹杂物扩展。钢中过多的长条状MnS夹杂物是导致裂纹萌生和扩展的主要原因,最终导致限位臂断裂。  相似文献   
上海虹桥国际机场扩建工程西航站楼的建设分两期实施,均涉及到航空旅客在航站楼内部的交通出行问题,是否建设旅客捷运系统是一个规划控制因素以及服务水平的关键.建设航站楼旅客捷运系统的前提条件是旅客出行流量以及服务水平要求,航站楼内的旅客由于出行路径的不同,快速输送系统的布局与旅客流在航站楼内部的分布密切相关.针对虹桥国际机场航站楼内部旅客流进行预测分析,相关研究结论和成果在内部旅客快速输送系统规划方案中得到了应用.  相似文献   
本文主要论述了燃料电池混合动力电动汽车相对于传统内燃机汽车及其他电动汽车的优势,固体氧化物燃料电池相对于其他的燃料电池的优势。若将其应用于电动汽车上,可以有效地增加电动汽车的行驶里程,提高燃油经济性。  相似文献   
In proxy signature schemes, an original signer A delegates its signing capability to a proxy signer B, in such a way that B can sign message on behalf of A.The recipient of the final message verifies at the same time that B computes the signature and that A has delegated its signing capability to B.Recently many identity-based(ID-based) proxy signature schemes have been proposed, however, the problem of key escrow is inherent in this setting.Certificateless cryptography can overcome the key escrow problem.In this paper, we present a general security model for certificateless proxy signature scheme.Then, we give a method to construct a secure certificateless proxy scheme from a secure certificateless signature scheme, and prove that the security of the construction can be reduced to the security of the original certificateless signature scheme.  相似文献   
At present, there are many effective ways to achieve high performance in cluster system storage management, including server-end disk, server-end caching, local caching and cooperative caching. The cooperative caching mechanism shares caches among different clients so as to avoid expensive disk access costs and to improve overall throughput of cluster system. In this paper, a Single Copy Cooperative Cache model is proposed together with block lookup algorithm, block replacement algorithm and the consistency algorithm based on the model. Meanwhile, the prototype system of the model is implemented in PVFS file system. Finally, the performance of this system is tested in InfiniBand Framework, the result of which shows that in contrast to the original PVFS system, read performance of PVFS file system is improved by about two times, while write performance is reduced by nearly ten percent.  相似文献   
干海子大桥为交通部西部山区科技示范项目依托工程,大桥下部结构多为钢管格构墩,对钢管格构墩的现场实际采取的安装技术进行了总结。  相似文献   
结合初始模型和结构损伤的概率定义,给出了一个具有统计意义的梁式结构静力损伤识别方法.在此基础上,重点研究了初始模型的不确定性对损伤识别的影响.经数值分析,发现当初始模型的不确定程度低于或基本相当于损伤程度时,本文的方法依然具有较好的损伤识别效果.而当初始模型的不确定程度超过结构损伤程度时,已无法识别出结构损伤.因此,为了获得较好的损伤识别结果,必须保证初始模型具有足够的精度.  相似文献   
“释能降压”专项技术 “释能降压”技术,就是针对隧道施工中所遇到的高压富水充填溶腔,选择适当的时机,采取有计划、有目的的精确爆破,把溶腔打开,释放溶腔内所存储的高压泥水,削减势能,降低泥水压力,从而消除隧道溶腔处理的高风险。然后。对溶腔进行清淤、  相似文献   
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