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IntroductionLaserTransformationhardeningtechniquehasbeensuccessfullyusedinindustryformanyyears.AlotsoftheoreticalworkshasbeendoneforheatflowduringthelasertfansformationhardeningofflatworkPieces["].Cyindricalbodiesarewidelyusedinindustrysuchaslocomotivecrankshaft,steelrollervalyeseat,enginecyinder.IftheschcesoftheseworkPiecesaretreatedbylasertheirwearresistancewiIIimProvealot.UptillnowmanyexPerimentalworkshasbeendoneforlasertransformationhardeningofcyindricalbodies,butfewtheoreticalworkshav…  相似文献   
根据地铁车站的特点,结合多年的建设及运营经验,对地铁车站循环冷却水系统的特点和需求进行分析,从系统形式、水处理方案和水泵等多方面进行考虑,提出一整套的循环冷却水系统节能节水优化方案,同时结合复八线某站循环冷却水系统改造实例,论证优化方案的节能节水效果。  相似文献   
“十五”期间,在铁路跨越式发展的形势下,全国地方铁路工作取得突出成绩,在地方铁路建设和满足铁路运输需求方面发挥了重要作用。按照铁路“十一五”发展规划的总体思路,地方铁路将加强行业管理力度,结合铁道部与各省、市、自治区签订的铁路建设纪要和地方铁路建设的需求,配合铁路干线的规划搞好地方铁路的规划和建设,促进区域经济的发展。2006年,地方铁路将转变发展观念,创新发展模式,提高发展质量,建立更适应地方铁路的建设模式和运营模式。  相似文献   
The present study was aimed at the comparison of the pharmacokinetics of pure chlorogenic acid and extract of Solanum lyratum Thunb. The animals were allocated to two groups, and were administered chlo...  相似文献   
In Africa, there live antelopes and lions. In the morning, the antelope wakes up from sleep. His first sense is that he has to run faster than the fastest lion, otherwise, he will be eaten out. In the meanwhile, when the lion opens his eyes, his first thought is he must run faster than the slowest antelope, otherwise, he will starve to death. Internationally, there are many companies, which disappear before the sunrise of the next morning, because they run too slow and are washed out by the throat-cutting market competition. Therefore, whether you are now a powerful lion or a weak antelope, you have to learn to run as fastest as possible. Animals run fast on instinct, however, before running large state-owned enterprises must ponder over the questions of where to run and how to run. As far as my long-term experience is concerned, to be the fastest and best runner, five basic skills are indispensable before the running. These five skills are as follows:  相似文献   
山区高速公路建设遇有大量的古滑坡稳定问题。对某山区高速公路古滑坡的监测结果表明,该山体边坡分别存在着深层和浅层滑动变形区域,分析发生变形的主要原因是山体地下水位升降的影响。因此,建议该高速公路滑坡的稳定措施,应以防、排水工程措施为主。  相似文献   
The COVID-19 medical diagnosis method based on individual's chest X-ray (CXR) is achieved dif-ficultly in the initial research,owing to difficulties in identifying CXR data of COVID-19 individuals.At the beginning of the study,infected individuals' CXRs were scarce.The combination of artificial intelligence (AI)and medical diagnosis has been advanced and popular.To solve the difficulties,the interpretability analysis of AI model was used to explore the pathological characteristics of CXR samples infected with COVID-19 and assist in medical diagnosis.The dataset was expanded by data augmentation to avoid overfitting.Transfer learning was used to test different pre-trained models and the unique output layers were designed to complete the model training with few samples.In this study,the output results of four pre-trained models in three different output layers were compared,and the results after data augmentation were compared with the results of the original dataset.The control variable method was used to conduct independent tests of 24 groups.Finally,99.23% accuracy and 98%recall rate were obtained,and the visual results of CXR interpretability analysis were displayed.The network of COVID-19 interpretable diagnosis algorithm has the characteristics of high generalization and lightweight.It can be quickly applied to other urgent tasks with insufficient experimental data.At the same time,interpretability analysis brings new possibilities for medical diagnosis.  相似文献   
实时性分布式监控系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种实时性分布式监控系统的整体解决方案, 利用数字数据网(DDN)实现本地监控网络和远程监控网络的连接, 利用数据网关实现监控点到局域网的连接.整体监控网络采用以太网,在计算机上实现对分布各处的监控点进行实时的监控.软件实现采用COM技术开发,有实时性强、便于维护、升级和通用性强等特点;硬件连接采用以太网和数据网关,具有可靠性高,系统稳定、便于管理维护的特点.  相似文献   
Mostofresearchesonthepathogene-sisofidiopathicosteonecrosislaidparticularemphasisontheosteopathology,hemorrheology,biomechanicalandchondropathology〔1,2〕.Therehasbeennostudyonthechondralfunctionbiochemicalchangeandit′srolesinsteroidavascularnecrosisof…  相似文献   
MATERIALSANDMETHODS1 AfterselectingthreeendemicareasofKBD,suchasMangkeng,FanrongandNanyuanandaneighboringnon-endemicfieldforeachoneinYulin,Shaanxi〔1〕,weexaminedchildrenagedfrom6to12intheseareaswithroentgenography.Thepatientsandendemicareaswererespect…  相似文献   
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