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当前,智能船舶仍处于探索和发展的初级阶段,稳定可靠的船岸通信则是未来智能船舶运营的基础支撑。文中在研究智能船舶与通信卫星产业发展现状的基础上,结合国内外智能航运通信发展规划,提出通过推进航运与卫星产业融合发展、建立自主可控的交通运输公益卫星系统,以保障未来智能船舶运营发展与航行安全。  相似文献   
正时间是历史的见证者,也是伟大的书写者。耕耘成就梦想,奋斗收获幸福。新中国成立7 0年来,取得了足以镌刻在丰碑上的辉煌成就,也经历了让人难忘的艰苦岁月。7 0年来,中国港口经历了波澜壮阔、极不平凡的历史过程。而这些背后,是一任又一任党和国家领导人的亲临视察,是交通运输部和交通战线广大职工的勠力同心,是千千万万平凡的港口人造就出的极不平凡的港口事业。  相似文献   
正2019年4月15日,宁波市北仑区春晓滨海新城中国港口博物馆的阳光大厅,来自全国各地港口企业的新闻媒体宣传工作人员约60余人聚集一堂,共同就新时代全国港口行业新闻媒体宣传工作进行学习探讨。近年来港口发展始终是习近平总书记考察、关注的重点之一。港口的发展离不开精神文明建设和新闻舆论工作的助力。2019年,中国交通强国建设进人关键的一年,港口行业的发展呈现出很多  相似文献   
针对复杂工业过程不确定性、变量问的耦合性、非线性等特点,介绍了对模型要求低、在线计算方便、综合控制质量高的一类新型计算机控制算法——预测控制方法,并进行了仿真,仿真结果表明预测控制算法的控制效果远远优于PID控制算法,有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   
氢氧化镁对废水中镉(Ⅱ)吸附性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用氢氧化镁对含镉废水进行处理.实验考察了氢氧化镁用量、搅拌时间、温度及pH对处理效果的影响,探讨了吸附作用机理.结果表明:氢氧化镁对镉(Ⅱ)离子具有较强的吸附性能,去除率可达99%以上.氢氧化镁吸附镉(Ⅱ)离子的最初速率与浓度成一级反应,在镉(Ⅱ)离子浓度低于80mg/L时,吸附等温线符合Langrnuir模式,饱和吸附量为26.02mg/g.  相似文献   
无网格法是近年来迅速兴起的一种很有发展前途的数值分析方法,它可以克服有限元法等传统的数值方法对网格的依赖性,彻底或部分的消除网格,是目前国内外力学界的热点研究领域之一。由于网格的存在,有限元法在处理涉及网格畸变和自适应等计算时,如在裂纹扩展、冲压成型问题中遇到很多的困难,通常采用更新网格或网格重构来解决问题,这样不仅浪费了计算时间,  相似文献   
Apoptosis,orprogrammedcelldeath(PCD),isanintricatelyregulatedprocess">.Geneticstud-iesofapoptosisinCaenorhabditiseleganshavei-dentifiedced-3andced-4asproapoptoticgenesandced-9asanantiapoptoticgene"=-Severalmam-malianhomologuesofced-3,ced-4andced-9havebeenidentified.Recentstudiesindicatethatthefundamentalapoptosismachinery,whichconsistsofdistincteffectors,inhibitorsandinitiators,hasbeenconservedthroughoutevolution.Thekeyapoptosiseffectorsinmammalsareafamilyofcys-teine-containing,aspartate-spe…  相似文献   
Objective Ependymal cells are thought to be the primary source of neural stem cells in the adult central nervous system. The purpose of this study is to examine spatial and temporal profiles of ependymal cell proliferation and migration after focal cerebral ischemia. Methods Eighty male Sprague Dawley rats underwent permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion after injection of 10/μL of 0.2% Dil into the lateral ventricle. Rats were sacrificed and brain sections were acquired for pathological evaluation and laser confocal imaging at day 1,3,7,11,14,21 and 28 after ischemia. Results The density of Dil-labeled cells in the ischemic ipsilateral subventricular zone was significantly higher than that in the control group and these labeled cells dispersed in the ischemic ipsilateral subventricular zone and/or were located in ependyma from day 1 to 11. In the ischemic ipsilateral cortex, some Diilabeled cells occurred in peri-infarction and infarction of parietal region at day14 and peaked at day 21 when some Dil-labeled cell nodules were found in this region. During postischemic day 14--28, a significant decrease in labeled celldensity in the ischemic ipsilateral subventricular zone was coincident with a significant increase in labeled cells density in the cortex (peri-infarction and infarction). Conclusion The results indicate that ependymal cells proliferate and migrate after focal cerebral ischemia in the adult rat brain.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the mechanisms of apoptosis induced in Human leukemia cell line K562 by the combination of indole-3-acetic acid and horseradish peroxidase. Methods Human leukemia cell line K562 were exposed to indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) at 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100 mol/L and horseradish peroxidase(HRP) at 1.2 g/mL for varying times. MTT assay was applied to detect the cell proliferation. Flow cytometry was performed to detect the arrest of cell cycle. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay was used to measure apoptosis. 2, 7-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA) uptake was measured to determine free radical by confocal microscope. Content of malondiadehyde (MDA) and activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were measured by biochemical methods. Results IAA/HRP initiated growth inhibition of K562 cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Flow cytometry revealed that cell cycle arrested at G1/G0 after 24 hours treatment. After 72 hours treatment, apoptotic rate of 100 mol/L IAA group increased to 43.9 %, which was 5 times that of control(P〈0.01). Content of MDA and activity of SOD increased respectively in treatments compared with control. Meanwhile, IAA/HRP stimulated the formation of free radical, which was increased by IAA concentration-dependently. Conclusion The combination of IAAand HRP can inhibit the growth of Human leukemia cell line K562 in vitro by inducing apoptosis which is associated with the increase of free radical. The combination of IAA and HRP might be a promising chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agent against human leukemia.  相似文献   
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