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阐述了煤炭管理工作要不断强化动态管理意识 ,加强管理过程中煤炭质量的监督、检查力度。规范煤炭质量管理行为 ,确保运输生产安全  相似文献   
以一离岸深水桩柱为例,依据JTJ 2132—1998《海港水文规范》的环境条件和环境荷载规范,对桩柱进行有限元离散。在海洋深水环境条件下考虑流固耦合效应,计算了在海洋极端规则波以及不规则波条件下桩柱的运动响应;为了进一步研究分析泥面以下土体对桩柱运动响应的影响,对比分析了在考虑桩土耦合相互作用下桩柱的响应与基岩面固结解下的响应;考虑到海洋地基为两相饱和土介质,对比了在不同简化阻抗处理下的运动响应结果。结果表明,桩土耦合相互作用对于波浪尤其是不规则波作用下的桩柱响应有很大影响,简化阻抗下的运动响应相比两相饱和地基阻抗处理论误差在10%左右,考虑桩土耦合效应对于工程设计具有指导意义和实用价值。  相似文献   
A novel micro-machined diamagnetic stable levitation system (MDSLS) which is composed of a free permanent magnetic rotor, a ring lifting permanent magnet and two diamagnetic stabilizers was presented. The static and dynamic stable characters of MDSLS were analyzed. The coupled non-linear differential equations were used to describe six-degree-of-freedom motion of the levitated rotor, and the equivalent surface current and combined diamagnetic image current method were utilized to model the interaction forces and torques between the lifting permanent magnet and rotor permanent magnet and also between the rotor permanent magnet and diamagnetic substrates. Because of difficulty to get analytical solution, the numerical calculation based on Runge-Kutta method was used to solve the dynamic model. The vibration frequencies were identified by fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis. According to their resonance characteristics and parameters, the translational and angular dynamic stiffness were also calculated. The results show that the levitation of the rotor in MDSLS is stable, and the MDSLS is potential for the application in levitation inertial sensor.  相似文献   
In the novel prototype of micro-gyroscope structure,the new configured capacitance sensing scheme for the micro gyroscope was analyzed and the virtual instrument based detection scheme was implemented.The digital lock-in amplifier was employed in the capacitance detection to restrain the noise interference.The capacitance analysis shows that 1 fF capacitance variation corresponds to 0.1 degree of the turn angle.The differential capacitance bridge and the charge integral amplifier were used as the front signal input interface.In the implementation of digital lock-in amplifier,a new routine which warranted the exactly matching of the reference phase to signal phase was proposed.The result of the experiment shows that digital lock-in amplifier can greatly eliminate the noise in the output signal.The non linearity of the turn angle output is 2.3% and the minimum resolution of turn angle is 0.04 degrees.The application of the software demodulation in the signal detection of micro-electro-mechanical-system(MEMS)device is a new attempt,and it shows the prospective for a high-performance application.  相似文献   
利用失重法、电化学测试、扫描电镜、能谱分析等方法,研究X80管线钢在鄯善土壤模拟溶液中的腐蚀行为。结果表明:X80钢在3个测试点模拟土壤溶液中以全面腐蚀为主,局部位置发生点蚀;60 d浸泡期内,其在不同模拟溶液中的腐蚀速率大小依次为:AN000〉AN065〉AN016;随着浸泡时间的增加,Ca2+吸附在X80钢表面并形成Ca的产物层,有效地减缓了X80钢在AN016模拟溶液中的腐蚀。在含盐量较高的土壤环境中,富集在钢基表面的结晶盐对钢的腐蚀具有一定的减缓作用。  相似文献   
故障现象在行驶过程中换挡或等待红绿信号灯时发动机怠速转速偏高。检查分析试车验证故障,属实。连接故障检测仪进行检测,无故障代码储存。读取数据流,发现发动机怠速转速为1100r/min,加速踏板位置传感器1的信号电压为0.95V,加速踏板位置传感器2的信号电压为0.43V。接着用故障检测仪检测同车型新车怠速时加速踏板位置传感器的信号电压,分别为0.74V和0.37V。  相似文献   
<正>故障现象一辆荣威550轿车(VIN为LSJW26G368J042233),操作左前门DDM(驾驶人侧车门组合开关模块)上各个相应开关时,除左前车窗玻璃不能上升和下降外,其他车窗玻璃升降正常。故障诊断首先验证故障现象。按下DDM上相应的控制开关后:除左前车窗玻璃不能上升和下降外,其他车窗玻璃均升降正常,单独操作  相似文献   
建立现代企业制度,是国家深化经济体制改革,建立社会主义市场经济的重大举措,也是搞活国有企业的重要步骤和内容。本文就铁路施工企业的现状和特点,探讨在建立现代企业制度过程中,应先行解决了几方面问题做出了初步的分析,提出了相应的意见和建议。  相似文献   
勉宁高速公路中面层Superpave沥青混合料的设计和施工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过SUP-19混合料在勉宁高速公路中面层的设计和旋工,介绍了superpave技术在原材料选择、配合比设计和旌工控制等方面的要点以及与传统马歇尔方法之间的差异。同时.结合我国沥青混凝土路面混合料设计现状,提出了superpave技术对于我国沥青混合料配合比设计中应该借鉴的关键点,对于同类工程的实施具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
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