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Based on dynamic triaxial test, the mechanical properties of the weathered rock covered by loess were studied. The cohesion value of weathered mudstone is far below that of the weathered sandstone, while the internal friction angle values are basically equivalent, about 30°. Compared with the undisturbed sample, the cohesion value of remodeling weathered rock sample decreases significantly. With the increase of moisture content, the strength of weathered mudstone is obviously decreased due to the influence of the water softening effect. This results illustrate that the bearing stratum is not easily affected by external disturbance in comparison to weathered mudstone. In the engineering, in order to ensure the good mechanical properties of the soil, more attention should be paid to keeping the water content constant, even to reducing the water content. The experiments show that the relations between shear stress and strain of weathered rock were nonlinear and the behavior of weathered rock can be expressed by the hyperbolic model. The initial modulus of undisturbed weathered rock, under the same consolidation conditions, is much greater than that of remodeling samples. Meanwhile, the initial dynamic elastic modulus of sandstone is also greater than that of the mudstone. The dynamic shear modulus ratios of the undisturbed sandstone, the undisturbed mudstone, as well as the remodeling mudstone have the normalization characteristics with the increase of dynamic shear strain. The damping ratio of mudstone is larger than that of the sandstone, and the damping ratio of remolding sample is also greater than that of the undisturbed mudstone. The mudstone has the bad mechanical properties as bearing stratum.  相似文献   
针对含输入时延与通信时延的车辆队列PID控制系统,分析了其内部稳定性和队列稳定性,研究了内部稳定的充要条件,求解了完整、精确的时延边界;在内部稳定性分析中,考虑输入时延与通信时延影响下车辆队列PID控制系统为中立型双时延系统的特点,结合Rekasius代换和劳斯表,提出了关于中立算子的系统强稳定充要条件;在此基础上,为了便于PID参数的快速选取,推导了一种形式更为简练的系统强稳定充分条件;在强稳定条件下,基于特征根聚类法求解了系统完整、精确的时延边界;针对具有奇数辆跟随车的车辆队列,推导了无关车辆队列规模的输入时延上界;在队列稳定性分析中,为了保证干扰和误差沿车辆队列向后传播不发散,分析了车间误差传递函数,给出了双时延影响下队列稳定的充分条件。仿真结果表明:在含输入时延与通信时延的分布式PID控制器作用下,车辆队列控制系统可同时保证内部稳定和队列稳定;车间状态误差可在15 s内快速减小并趋近于零;在所有车辆恒速行驶时,车间保持50 m期望安全距离;在领航车以0.5 m·s-2加速和0.8 m·s-2减速时,跟随车的速度和加速度随领航车变化,并在领航车速度稳定时一致;车辆队列在不同行驶工况下,由领航车加、减速引起的车间位置误差小于0.2 m,且沿车辆队列向后传播不发散。  相似文献   
随着科技的进步,新能源汽车已经渐渐走入千家万户,特别是多个城市出台限行政策以来,越来越多的个人用户把目光转向电动车.由于电动车更加静谧,所以电动车NVH性能的好坏将直接影响到整车品质和顾客的乘坐感受.本文以解决吉利帝豪EV车型仪表板异响为例,简述新能源汽车在路试当中遇到的仪表板异响问题的种类及具体解决方案,为今后其它车...  相似文献   
针对可控硅触发角分区移相定时方法,讨论了由于同步电路参数变化所造成的可控硅漏触发情况,并在原触发角分区移相定时方法基础上给出了一种改进方法.  相似文献   
针对可控硅触发角分区移相定时方法,讨论了由同步电路参数变化所造成的可控硅漏触发情况,并在原触发角分区移相定时方法基础上给出了一种改进方法。  相似文献   
鄂东长江大桥主桥为混合梁斜拉桥,钢箱梁桥面吊机安装前须预先吊装塔梁段非标准钢箱梁段(M、F梁段).由于梁段重200 t以上,加之下游桥梁通航高度较低,选用镇航工818号1 200 t浮吊;M、F梁段位于桥塔江侧水域,吊装占用部分航道,浮吊抛锚、起锚、吊装施工组织及施工水域的维护要求较高.通过选择合理的吊装施工工艺,成功完成了M、F梁段的吊装,定位平面轴线偏差远小于施工要求.  相似文献   
遂渝线试验段在桥隧和路基上共有板式、双块式及长枕埋入式各型轨道十余种,其结构不同、定位方式不同,精度要求高、控制测量难度大。采用附合导线法建立施工控制网,采用坐标法进行施工放样,配合现场施工,满足了无碴轨道的施工要求。  相似文献   
党的十七大做出了全面建设小康社会的战略部署.河北省也开启了沿海混省建设的新征程.秦皇岛市的发展正站在新的历史起点上。当前和今后一个时期.市政府要求认真贯彻党的十七大精神,全面落实科学发展观,重视改善民生和促进社会和谐,以构建富庶文明和谐、宜居宜业宜游新秦皇岛为总目标,全面推进以实力、活力、魅力、竞争力为标志的沿海强市建设。同时提出要以人民利益为根本价值取向.  相似文献   
为了保证大型活动安全、高效运营,围绕交通需求管理(TDM)的作用机理,在对纽约、伦敦和新加坡及香港、上海实施的交通需求管理政策和措施进行分析总结的基础上,结合我国城市的发展现状.提出国内城市大型活动进行交通需求管理的方法,并通过实际事例对提出的方法进行了验证。  相似文献   
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