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This paper summarizes work undertaken towards development and calibration of a model to predict the distribution of rail freight traffic among competing routes. The model is designed for use in analyzing the traffic effects of changes in the level-of-service on selected rail lines. The model predicts route shares based on the overall network configuration of each railroad participating in a given market. The model selects feasible routes, discards those routes which appear to be too circuitous or costly, and then assigns traffic to the remaining routes in accordance with several network characteristics. It is designed to be sensitive to level-of-service changes, and to simulate the response of shippers and railroads to a competitive environment. A multiple route-finding algorithm was used to find possible routes based on the number of railroads operating at the originating and terminating end of a market. Multiple routes were determined and matched with observed traffic flows from the ICC One-Percent Waybill Sample. Physical network characteristics for each route, including distance, junction frequency, and “impedance,” were calculated from the network model and were correlated with the traffic share observed on each route in the market. A two-stage model was developed to find feasible routes from the set of possible routes and to allocate traffic to feasible routes based on levels-of-service. The model was calibrated on 9,793 routes from 1,199 markets with twenty or more carloads from the 1977 One-Percent Carload Waybill Sample. Model calibration supported the hypothesis that network route characteristics did indeed influence shipper choice of route, and that a normative model could be used to assess relative attractiveness of routes under various railroad corporate ownership restructuring scenarios. 相似文献
The transport problems that urban centres now face (as regard congestion, the environment and public deficits) have led to an examination of competition in the sector. Some countries have moved towards the deregulation or privatization of urban public transport, influenced by developments in the theory of contestable markets. These analyses could potentially provide a means of increasing the efficiency of public services and, hence, public transport. However, the authors do not feel that they can deal with the full extent of the problem. Particularly in urban areas, there is a need nowadays to examine the issue of competition between the passenger car and public transport, especially from the pricing angle. In France, decades of policy strongly influenced by a preference for the car have prevented this problem from being a central concern for researchers and decision-makers. The approach to the problem has mainly been centred on increasing urban supply to meet demand better. However, a failure to consider pricing, and the subsidization phenomena that can occur as a result, affects the shape of supply systems. Pricing, through its action on demand, acts on supply by increasing or reducing its potential profitability. 'Snowball' effects can, therefore, mean that slight underpricing results in the domination of one transport mode. These effects have been revealed in particular by work in the new field of network economics. The example of the Lyon conurbation shall be used to illustrate the case, which is that car travel is underpriced. The basis of the exposé will be a detailed analysis of the externalities associated with the car, i.e. the costs of car use and the revenue it raises for the community. The second part of the paper is a study of several urban travel policies in Europe (France, UK, Switzerland, Italy) to show the 'effects' of this underpricing. Where supply has followed the pressure of demand, the dominance of the car has been reinforced. However, in cities, particularly in Switzerland, where supply has been restricted, this dominance has been considerably moderated. On the other hand, it can be seen from the French example that taking strong action to improve public transport is not in itself sufficient to increase usage. Several lessons can be learnt from this work. First, it is shown, if it was still necessary to do so, that the problems of urban travel require a comprehensive and coherent approach. Modal policy must, therefore, be assessed with reference to the entire transport system. Next, in connection with the issue of regulation, it is important to consider the issue of competition in urban areas, and not only competition between public transport operators, but also (and even above all) competition within the entire system of personal and public transport. Finally, with regard to pricing, the ratchet effects that benefit the car as a result of its underpricing in urban areas need to be studied. 相似文献
雷诺公司的产品包括从重型卡车,大型客车到小型货车及轿车等全系列轮式运输工具,而它的中型厢式车在欧洲市场占有极大的份额,其代表车型为Trafic. 相似文献
同样是在意大利的博洛尼亚车展(Bologna Motor Show)上,与众不同的菲亚特Oltre隆重登场。菲亚特集团以这款独特的车型,展现了自己在大型四轮驱动和越野车型方面的卓越技术。 相似文献
最近,宝马特意为在意大利布雷西亚举行的Mille Miglia老爷车大赛准备了一款新概念车——Concept Mille Miglia。它的设计灵感源自宝马Z4双门跑车以及自1936年开始生产的著名双门赛车328.制造这款车的意义之一在于,向多年来帮助宝马在众多汽车赛事取得成功的工程师们致敬。 相似文献
这是一个既可以从恶劣的路况中轻松摆脱困境的越野者,也可以在城市街道上从容穿梭的行路人。Panda Cross就具有这样的双重性格。 相似文献
荷兰世爵公司为了把他们全新的D12和普通的宝马X5,大切诺基区分,特意创造了一个新类型SSUV,就是超级SUV的意思. 相似文献
也许认为Q7目前装备的发动机系列还是不够强劲,于是奥迪决定使用那款6.0升V12 TDI柴油发动机。 相似文献
Port authorities increasingly need to communicate with a variety of external stakeholders in order to maintain and strengthen the societal acceptance of seaport activities. The availability of socio-economic impact studies on port authority and regional development agency websites has often made this information accessible to the public at large. However, the differences in methodologies adopted, in terms of selecting, defining and measuring various types of socio-economic impacts, sometimes lead to misconceptions as well as misleading comparisons across ports within and between regions. In this paper, we suggest guidelines for the design and application of a potential best practice from an interregional perspective (UK, France and Belgium), based on research in the framework of a European Commission co-funded project, ‘IMPACTE’. The paper also aims to develop guidelines for comparing the socio-economic impacts of ports across regional and national borders and discusses the development of a European port economic impact measurement toolkit. We analyse a sample of 33 recent socio-economic impact assessment reports in terms of methodologies adopted and types of impacts measured. The review shows a great diversity among these studies, leading to important differences between the impacts of port activity communicated to stakeholders. 相似文献
Alain Mnesguen Philippe Cugier Sophie Loyer Alice Vanhoutte-Brunier Thierry Hoch Jean-Franois Guillaud Francis Gohin 《Journal of Marine Systems》2007,64(1-4):47
The general trend in ecosystem modelling is to improve the spatial resolution by shifting from rough box-models to fine 3D models. Despite the continuous speeding-up of computing, 3D models involving numerous state variables may remain intractable, especially for parameter calibration, when processes with long half-life periods (i.e, from years to decades) are introduced, such as the behaviour of organic matter in sediment and population dynamics of benthic species. In these cases, a first approach can be provided by fast-running box-models, if they take into account the most crucial hydrodynamic properties of the system. In a macrotidal shelf sea such as the English Channel, the long-term horizontal transport can be summarized by the tidal residual circulation, and the vertical stratification can be sketched by a two- or three-layered integral model.This paper compares the results obtained in the English Channel area by the same biogeochemical equations of pelagic primary production, coupled to 1) a two-layered box-model 2) a three-layered box-model (i.e., with an intermediate cline layer between surface and bottom ones) and 3) a fine-gridded 3D model. Comparison is focused firstly on thermal stratification and summer dinoflagellate blooms in the north-western Channel and secondly on the haline stratification and the sequence of blooms obtained in the eutrophicated Seine river plume. Comparison shows that box-models act as low-pass filters which reproduce correctly the weekly mean time-course, but greatly reduce the variance locally observed in a tide-oscillating plume region. As far as global characteristics are concerned, such as the annual primary production, or the percentage of variation in annual production after reducing the nutrient loadings, the box and 3D models gave very similar results. This conclusion reinforces the usefulness of using box-models as a first approach in long-term processes, for which a long transient phase is expected before reaching the annual periodic solution. 相似文献