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内河航道在施工建设和运营管理期间会产生大量的能源消耗,抓好航道的节能减排对发展绿色交通具有重要作用。本文总结概况了目前我国内河航道节能减排现状及采用的关键技术,相关技术的推广将引导交通运输行业优化用能结构、促进产业协调发展。  相似文献   
传统的教学模式重理论轻实践,课堂上主要以填鸭式授课模式讲授,很多专业课缺乏连续的创新性实践教学,以至于学生无法将所学知识得到运用.本论文将研究如何把理论学习案例分析认证培训带薪预就业实习的有机结合,运用在车辆工程专业创新人才培养中,为应用型高校理工科专业教学改革提供新思路.  相似文献   
交通空气污染问题作为交通问题重要部分,因危及到人体健康而越发受到人们的重视.文章将对近年来关于交通空气污染对人体健康影响的相关研究进行综述,并从不同交通空气污染物导致的相关疾病及其与特定污染物暴露研究方法分析介绍,从而更为系统全面了解地交通相关空气污染物作用于人体相关生物机理,为交通相关空气污染控制与防护提供科学依据.  相似文献   
现如今,新能源电动汽车充电装置电气设计,得要顺应现代化实际需求与发展趋势.在后期发展阶段之中,新能源汽车会引领着整个汽车行业的发展,当然也可以凸显出节能减排、绿色出行的优势.因此在新能源项目发展阶段之中,针对新能源汽车充电设施实施电气设计至关重要.鉴于此,本文主要分析新能源汽车充电设施的电气设计.  相似文献   
甲醇燃料在国内已经大量运用于汽车发动机,但由于甲醇的物化特性导致甲醇发动机存在冷启动困难问题,文章通过查阅相关资料,总结了国内相关研究者针对这一问题所做研究,并提出甲醇汽车冷启动技术未来发展方向.结果表明只要采取一定的辅助措施,就能让甲醇发动机在特定温度下顺利起动.其中,效果最好的能达到在-25℃下顺利起动.  相似文献   
汽车在雨天行驶时,落到侧窗表面的雨水会影响驾驶员的侧向视野和后视野,从而危及行车安全,故侧窗雨水管理对于整车安全非常重要。但迄今为止对于侧窗雨水管理问题尚未有一个统一而有效的评价方法。为此,本文中应用液膜模型和拉格朗日粒子模型对某款SUV进行了雨水仿真,基于人机工程学和粒子束轨迹技术提出了侧窗雨水管理的评价方法,并对仿真结果进行了相应的分析。  相似文献   
目前预定义几何集方法主要用于平行车位和垂直车位2种类型的泊车路径规划,对于未涵盖的停车位种类而言则存在无法规划泊车路径的问题,使得自主泊车系统对于能够泊入的车位种类存在局限性.为了设计斜列式泊车方式用以提高自主泊车系统中车位种类的覆盖率,提出一种基于预定义几何集的斜列式泊车路径规划方法.首先,提出了斜列式C字形泊车路径...  相似文献   
The AUTOSAR has been developed as the worldwide standard for automotive E/E software systems, making the electronic components of different suppliers to be employed universally. However, as the number of component-based applications in modern automotive embedded systems grows rapidly and the hardware topology becomes increasingly complex, deploying such large number of components in automotive distributed system in manual way is over-dependent on experience of engineers which in turn is time consuming. Furthermore, the resource limitation and scheduling analysis make the problems more complex for developers to find out an approximate optimal deploying approach in system integration. In this paper, we propose a novel method to deploy the AUTOSAR components onto ECUs with the following features. First, a clustering algorithm is designed for deploying components automatically within relatively low time complexity. Second, a fitness function is designed to balance the ECUs load. The goal of our approach is to minimize the communication cost over all the runnable entities while meeting all corresponding timing constraints and balancing all the ECUs load. The experiment results show that our approach is efficient and has well performance by comparing with other existing methods in specific and synthetic data set.  相似文献   
With the progress of information and sensing technologies, estimating vehicular queue length at signalized intersections becomes feasible and has attracted considerable attention. The existing studies provided a solid theoretical foundation for the estimation; however, the studies have some restrictions or limitations more or less. This paper presents a new methodology for estimating vehicular queue length at signalized intersections using multi-source detection data under both undersaturated and oversaturated conditions. The methodology applies the shockwave theory to model queue dynamics. Using data from probe vehicles and point detectors, analytical formulations for calculating the maximum and minimum (residual) queue lengths of each cycle are developed. Ground truth data were collected from numerical experiments conducted at two intersections in Shanghai, China, to verify the proposed methodology. It is found that the methodology has mean absolute percentage errors of 17.09% and 12.28%, respectively, for maximum queue length estimation in two tests, which are reasonably effective. However, the methodology is unsatisfactory in estimating the residual queue length. Other limitations of the proposed models and algorithms are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
一辆宝马轿车在维修保养之后,偶尔会出现报警、故障灯亮、加速无力的故障现象,阐述该故障诊断流程,找出故障原因系气门室盖罩变形所致。更换气门室罩盖罩后,车辆恢复正常。  相似文献   
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