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In the present analysis, several parameters used in a numerical simulation are investigated in an integrated study to obtain their influence on the process and results of this simulation. The parameters studied are element formulation, friction coefficient, and material model. Numerical simulations using the non-linear finite element method are conducted to produce virtual experimental data for several collision scenarios. Pattern and size damages caused by collision in a real accident case are assumed as real experimental data, and these are used to validate the method. The element model study performed indicates that the Belytschko-Tsay element formulation should be recommended for use in virtual experiments. It is recommended that the real value of the friction coefficient for materials involved is applied in simulations. For the study of the material model, the application of materials with high yield strength is recommended for use in the side hull structure.  相似文献   
In many developing countries, massive investment in transit infrastructure is concurrent with the proliferation of automobiles. Planners expect that investment can slow the growth of auto ownership. However, few studies have examined the relationships between transit access and auto ownership in developing countries, whereas research in developed countries offers mixed findings and the outcomes may not be applicable to developing countries. This study employs a random effect ordered probit model on data collected from Guangzhou residents in 2011–2012. We find that transit access is negatively associated with auto ownership, after controlling for demographics and other built environment variables. This result suggests that, although income is the dominant driver for auto ownership in growing developing countries, transit investment is a promising strategy to slow the growth of auto ownership. This study also highlights the importance of addressing spatial dependency in clustered data.  相似文献   
运用弹性系数法预测北京机动车保有量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了机动车保有量的预测方法,包括时间序列回归法、神经网络法、弹性系数法等,分析了不同方法的特点,给出了相关启示。结合北京经济发展趋势,运用弹性系数法对机动车保有量进行了预测。  相似文献   
桩基的质量具有高度的隐蔽性,低应变反射波法作为基桩完整性无损检测方法之一,具有数据采集快速、方便,结果分析简单及费用较低等优点,被检测单位所采纳。简要介绍低应变反射波法的原理、桩身缺陷位置的确定、桩身完整性的判定以及一些典型波形的分析。  相似文献   
电喷车用空气流量传感器结构与故障检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了空气流量传感器计量准确性对电子控制汽油喷射发动机性能的影响程度.以叶片(翼板)式、卡门涡旋式、热线式空气流量传感器等几种常用的传感器为例,从其结构组成、工作原理、故障检测(就车检测,动态检测)等方面进行了介绍,并结合具体车型给出了判断故障的参数限值.  相似文献   
单片机在高频DC-DC变换器中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了由单片机监控的高频DC-DC变换器的主回路和控制部分的电路组成.该变换器以 IGBT为开关器件,采用PWM控制技术,以单片机为控制核心,系统的智能化水平高.并对软件设计进行简要说明.  相似文献   
柴油机的气缸润滑对于柴油机的运行管理及使用寿命影响很大.正确适当的润滑会战小气缸套的磨损,减少润滑油的费用,给航运公司带来较大的直接经济利益.  相似文献   
一年一度在上海举办的"中国国际船艇及其技术设备展览会"(以下简称上海国际船艇展),将于今年4月20日至23日在上海国际会议中心隆重举行.自1996年以来,这个以展示游艇、高速船、渔船等各种小型船舶及其相关产品的专业展览会,在国内外船艇界的影响越来越大,成为我国船舶行业一个重要的国际展览会.  相似文献   
4月24日,由上海船舶工业行业协会、上海博华国际展览有限公司、上海市对外科学技术交流中心联合主办的2000年"中国国际船艇及其技术设备展览会"(以下简称船艇展)经过连续四天展出后落下帷幕.来自美国、英国、俄罗斯、意大利、韩国、日本、新加坡、中国(含台湾、香港)等13个国家和地区共七十多家著名的船艇厂商报名参展,一万二千多名观众和大量的国内外用户单位从四面八方涌向位于浦东的上海国际会议中心,兴致勃勃地参观了展览.  相似文献   
圆管连续肋肋效率数值计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用有限元法对圆管连续肋肋效率进行了分析计算,比较了肋片厚度、管间距等参数对顺排圆管和错排圆管连续肋肋效率的影响,并与圆管连续肋肋效率简化计算公式的计算结果进行了比较.同时,用等步长优化方法对管间距进行优化设计,确定了最佳肋效率时顺排圆管和错排圆管的管间距比.  相似文献   
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