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基于虚拟仪器技术的信号模拟和测试系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余锡斌  陈可 《舰船电子工程》2011,31(11):140-142
讨论采用虚拟仪器的技术,把计算机强大的处理功能和仪器硬件的测量、控制能力结合在一起,实现对不同负载平行环电流的精确设定,模拟产生零磁空间,并采用高性能单片机实时控制,模拟舰船在不同姿态下的固定磁场或感应磁场,同时通过对消磁设备输出响应进行高速采样测试、计算,实现对消磁设备性能指标的精确自动测试,解决了使用部队设备维修后的性能检定难题。  相似文献   
徐尘  付立军  谢桢  王瑞田  纪锋 《船电技术》2011,31(12):11-14
本文分析了三电平空间矢量脉宽调制的基本原理,应用电磁暂态分析软件PSCAD/EMTDC搭建了基于三电平逆变器的感应电机调速系统模型,实现了电机的矢量控制。仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
苑仁民  陈波  刘新建 《船电技术》2011,31(12):65-68
以"COSCO ROTTERDAM"轮等5446TEU系列船型作为母型船,建立了物理—数学混合的电力仿真系统。应用计算机仿真技术模拟船舶电力系统的操作功能,并与虚拟配电盘相结合,实现了具有视景和人机自然交互界面的电力仿真系统,该仿真系统已在山东交通学院海运学院大型轮机模拟器上成功运行并取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   
针对乳化120#重油时掺水率变化在船舶实际运行中对柴油机燃烧与节能减排的影响,利用重油智能在线乳化装置,在以G6300ZC18B型柴油机为动力的“宁大6号”运输船进行实船试验.结果表明:掺水率在16%~22%时,爆发压力、排气温度和冷却水出口温度参数虽有变化,但都处于正常工作范围,能够保证船舶正常航行;耗油量降低.掺水率在20%时节油效果较好,NOx、碳烟以及CO排放降低.燃烧乳化重油具有节约能源和减少排放的效果.  相似文献   
下承式系杆拱桥稳定性影响参数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于拱桥稳定性分析理论,通过有限元分析软件ANSYS对天门市陆羽大桥的稳定性影响因素进行了分析,探讨了矢跨比、系梁抗弯刚度、拱肋抗弯刚度、吊杆刚度和横撑形式等参数对拱桥稳定性的影响。  相似文献   
基于电弧触发的混合式限流熔断器方案,采用电弧触发器取代了现有混合式限流熔断器中的电子检测控制装置,分析该方案限流过程中的关键技术,设计研制样品.模拟短路限流试验验证分析设计的正确性,结果表明,基于电弧触发的混合式限流熔断器可靠性高、结构紧凑、限流能力强,具有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   
This study identified a set of applicable and practical green performance evaluation indices for Chinese ports using the Delphi technique. The research was conducted by targeting three representative Chinese ports in Eastern China: the Shanghai Port, Ningbo Port, and Qingdao Port. An effective expert panel was structured with direct stakeholders related to green performance, which was based on a sufficient consideration of the unique and the special decision-making system for Chinese ports. Twenty-one green performance indices in six dimensions (i.e. liquid pollution management, air pollution management, noise control, low carbon regulations and energy savings, marine biology preservation, and organization and management) were eventually identified through three rounds of iterations. The identified green performance indices for Chinese ports are highly consistent with the Chinese Government’s environmental policies. Compared with European ports, the green port performance indicators in China are not as comprehensive. The indicators that are strictly consistent with national macro policies and the factors that are more easily seen, heard, and felt were perceived to be more important. From an academic perspective, this study offers a new approach for system establishment and green practice criteria exploration and thus provides a significant basis for further green port studies.  相似文献   
The typical industry practice for Tension Leg Platform (TLP) design focuses on a conventional short-term design recipe, which assumes that an N-year design environment leads to an N-year response. In the response-based design method, the TLP is designed to withstand N-year responses rather than respond to N-year environmental conditions. In this paper, we present an overview and a general procedure for the response-based design method and use a case study to compare the critical TLP responses between the two methods. The results of our comparison show that the conventional short-term design method often contains an element of conservatism and that the response-based design method can reduce the design conditions and thereby achieve cost savings.  相似文献   
通过在某岛礁泻湖内布置ADCP波流测量仪器,采集到2016年21号台风"莎莉嘉"期间的波浪数据.结合布置在泻湖口处风速仪的风实测数据,本文对该时间段内的波浪特征进行分析.由波浪统计数据分析发现有义波高随时间的变化趋势与风速的变化趋势高度重合;谱峰周期的变化则要晚于风速的变化;谱峰方向在台风起主导作用期间与风向高度一致.通过分析多个无因次参数以及对风浪和涌浪进行分离发现测点与台风中心距离开始变大的这个时间点有着重要的意义.在该时间点,波长开始变长,波浪由无限水深波浪转变为有限水深波浪.一些波浪特征值,比如谱峰周期、a/L,也发生比较大的变化.此后在七级风半径不再覆盖测点时,该处波浪由风浪转变为涌浪.对波浪谱进行分析发现,在台风主导期间,其谱为单峰谱,其余时间则为双峰谱.  相似文献   
基于AQWA计算规则波中新型海工船的运动响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用三维势流理论的水动力软件AQWA分析一种新型工程船舶在波浪中的运动响应,新型船为改造的波兰中型集装箱船B-573,设计搭载Pram型艉和POD吊舱式推进系统的新型海工船.本文计算此船在规则波中不同浪向角条件下的六个自由度的频域和时域的运动响应,得到在不同浪向角下船体的响应振幅算子RAO,计算船舶顺浪下不同船速的垂荡RAO以及纵荡、垂荡和纵摇三个自由度的一阶、二阶波浪力,分析结果显示该新船型具有良好的耐波性.  相似文献   
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