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可编程控制器由于其在工业控制方面的应用意义日趋明显,并在发电、化工、电子等行业工艺设备的电气控制方面得到了广泛的应用.随着我国经济的不断发展,社会高度信息化,新的高科技技术不断应用到各个方面中,使得智能化已成为一种发展的必然趋势.智能化也往往是从设备自动化系统开始.本文主要针对我们本次的毕业设计<智能化小型中央空调>阐述PLC控制设计与智能化中央空调(冷冻站)系统的关系.  相似文献   
In this paper the numerical simulation analysis of the effect of explosion in the gas pipeline compartment of a utility tunnel on neighboring metro tunnels was conducted using the software AUTODYN. The results show that the TNT equivalent in a fireproof partition with length of 200 m is 41.6 kg when the gas concentration in the gas pipeline compartment reaches 10%; the blast wave has much effect on the crown and arch waist of the round metro tunnel and it’s necessary to take some protective measures in both areas; when the surrounding soil is sand, the utili- ty tunnel is above the round metro tunnel and their alignments are in the same direction, the greater the vertical spacing between the utility tunnel and the metro tunnel, the smaller the effect of the blast wave on the metro tunnel; when the vertical spacing is 7.2 m, the maximum dynamic tensile stress is 1.86 MPa (including the static stress value of 1 MPa in the tunnel segment) and it is slightly smaller than the designed tensile strength of metro tunnel (about 1.89 MPa). The maximum vibration velocity and the maximum displacement meet the structural stability require- ments, so it is suggested the vertical spacing between the utility tunnel and metro tunnel shall not be less than 7.2 m. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
转盘式分块组合顶盖胎具的设计与应用,能降低胎具制作费用,加快新车型上线的时间,并减少胎具存放空间。  相似文献   
文章应用整车碰撞有限元模型与THUMS人体模型,对该车低速碰进行了气囊匹配分析,分析了该车在25kmph、28kmph、30kmph、32kmph的低速碰撞情况的人体伤害情况,得出了该车在30kmph时,且气囊在35ms起爆时,人体伤害最小的结论。  相似文献   
曾冬  丁建军 《水运工程》2021,(8):182-189
针对浮式平台大直径钢管锚桩疲劳设计,研究了英国标准学会、法国船级社、美国材料试验学会以及挪威等国家的相关标准或规程,详细论述了锚桩疲劳分析理论、分析流程和疲劳设计分区.采用S-N曲线法计算焊缝等级C、D下的锚桩线性累积损伤,结果表明:增加钢筋混凝土芯柱、增大钢管桩壁厚以及提高焊缝等级能有效改善锚桩抗疲劳性能.研究成果可...  相似文献   
软弱地层管棚荷载传递作用分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章根据软弱地层浅埋暗挖工法的施工情况,建立了可用来分析管棚荷载传递作用的分析模型,该模型荷载明确,可考虑支护结构、土体与管棚的相互作用,同时,用增量法可考虑施工开挖过程.依据该模型着重对管棚荷载传递作用和主要影响因素进行的分析表明软弱地层开挖过程的释放荷载通过管棚作用主要传递到支护结构上;在支护体系中,管棚的承载能力不是体系的控制性因素;在管棚扩散荷载中,支护段和未开挖段承担扩散荷载的比值与支护结构刚度和地层基床系数比值的1/4次方成线性关系.  相似文献   
Internet is capturing more and more of our time each day, and the increasing levels of engagement are mainly due to the use of social media. Time spent on social media is observed in the American Time Use Survey and recorded as leisure time on Personal Computer (PC). In this paper, we extend the traditional analysis of leisure activity participation by including leisure activities that require the use of a PC. We study the substitution effects with both in-home and out-of-home leisure activities and the time budget allocated to each of them. The modeling framework that includes both discrete alternatives and continuous decision variables allow for full correlation across the utility of the alternatives that are all of leisure type and the regressions that model the time allocated to each activity. Results show that there is little substitution effect between leisure with PC and the relative time spent on it, with in-home and out-of-home leisure episodes. Households with more children and full-time workers are more likely to engage in in-home and PC related leisure activities (especially during weekends). Increments in the travel time of social trips result in significant reductions in leisure time during weekdays.  相似文献   
文中采用Fluent模拟与理论计算结合比较的方法,研究了不同因素对蒸汽管道散热损失的影响规律,并分析了理论计算模型的相对误差.发现增加注汽管线距地面高度,对其散热损失影响较弱;空气温度升高,注汽管道表面散热损失降低;风速和表面发射率对注汽管线表面热损失影响较大;数值模拟结果与理论计算数据相对误差较大.  相似文献   
针对道路交通事故综合救援装备专用作业装置存在功能不匹配、性能适应性差等问题,参照《清障车》(QC/T 645)和《道路车辆清障救援操作规范》(JT/T 891),提出了道路交通事故清障救援装备专用作业装置的测试与评价方法。并在此基础上,以某型道路交通事故综合救援装备为例,分别选取空载、额定载荷、超载、侧绞盘载荷、托臂载荷、扶正等系列工况测评。验证结果表明:该型道路交通事故综合救援装备的功能和性能均合格。  相似文献   
This paper studies the assignment of long-distance passenger traffic on a highway corridor network. First, we propose a traditional model for the long-distance traffic assignment considering interactions with local commuter traffic. It addresses the effect of local networks on highway corridors. An iterative algorithm is developed to solve for the exact solution. Then, to address the potential computational issues that arise therein, a decomposition method is proposed by introducing a new concept of corridor elasticity. An assignment procedure for long-distance passenger traffic is developed accordingly. Numerical tests show that the proposed decomposition method makes significant improvements in computational performance at a small loss of optimality. This decomposition method well approximates the exact assignment from the traditional formulation, especially when the highway corridors are near-saturation. The proposed decomposition method appears practical for application.  相似文献   
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