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收费公路存在的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
收费公路是特定历史条件下的产物,给人们出行带来了方便。经过十几年的运行,矛盾也随之出现。如何理顺收费公路的管理关系,已到迫切解决的时候了。就此问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
船舶在冰区航行时,存在冰晶颗粒混合海水流入船舶冷却系统现象。基于颗粒动力学理论,建立适用于海水-冰晶两相流的欧拉-欧拉双流体模型,耦合相间传热传质模型对海水-冰晶两相流在水平直管内流动及传热特性数值模拟。研究表明,冰晶颗粒流动过程中,在管道上部位置R=8~10mm处冰晶体积分数达到最大值,且随着速度增加而增大;当入口含冰率(IPF)为4%时,冰晶速度的最大值出现在管道中心轴线上方。当入口速度为1.0~3.0 m·s-1,含冰率4%~30%时,局部传热系数随入口速度及含冰率增大而增加。  相似文献   
西安地铁二号线地裂缝段防水设计探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
地裂缝是西安市地铁工程建设面临的重大难题,其活动将给地铁的防水带来很大的压力.结合西安市地铁二号线地裂缝段处置措施的课题研究,对地裂缝的成因及特点进行了说明;根据地裂缝段地铁的结构设置情况和地裂缝的特点,提出了GINA止水带法、可卸式管片拼装双层结构法和管中管法等三种具体的防水方案.  相似文献   
支撑式TBM与双护盾式TBM在设计选型中的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
如何对硬岩隧道(洞)施工中使用的TBM进行设计选型?相信这是每个工程业主和设计院都需要面对的问题.通过对硬岩隧道(洞)掘进中,支撑式和双护盾式TBM的施工方法及设备功能包括对地质的适应性以及初期支护与混凝土衬砌型式、不良地质地段处理方法、出碴运输方式、环境影响等进行比较,并结合辽宁省大伙房输水一期工程输水隧洞施工中TBM的工程实践,提出了弥补支撑式TBM开挖和衬砌不能平行作业的改进构想,提出了采用栈桥式仰拱模板台车和全环内通式模板台车的施工方法.通过改进,可实现一模养生、一模浇注、第三模移动框架梁的作业工序.  相似文献   
隧道内爆炸作用可能导致其衬砌结构的破坏和坍塌,造成车辆通行受阻和生命财产损失。为了研究隧道衬砌结构的抗爆性能,应用AUTODYN软件建立了隧道衬砌-岩石-土壤的三维数值模型,并考虑炸药-空气-结构的流固耦合相互作用,以及隧道内爆炸作用对衬砌结构的动力响应和损伤机理进行了数值模拟分析。结果表明:在不同炸药量作用下,超压峰值及冲量以爆心地面投影点为中心,向四周迅速衰减,表现出一定的规律性;离爆心最近的底板首先出现损伤,并向四周扩展,直墙角部由于受到底板竖向变形而引起的拉应力作用,较早地出现损伤,在直墙壁和拱顶产生纵向和环向的裂缝,这些裂缝把整体式隧道衬砌结构分割成大小不等的混凝土块体。  相似文献   
In this paper, a numerical investigation of a float-over installation for an offshore platform is presented to verify the feasibility of the actual installation. The hydrodynamic performance of a T-barge is investigated in the frequency domain, and the coupled motions are analyzed in the time domain. We then compare with those of the model test and determine that the response amplitude operator and the time series agree quite well. The barge exhibits favorable hydrodynamic behavior in the considered sea state, and the equipment loads are allowable. The mooring system and sway fender forces are within the permissible range. Based on these results, we can verify that the actual installation of the offshore platform is feasible. We accurately simulated many important factors and effectively reduced the risk associated with the offshore installation, which is of great importance. As such, we demonstrate that the numerical simulation of the float-over installation for offshore platforms has practical engineering significance.  相似文献   
Based on the Sutong GIL utility tunnel project, which is constructed by the shield machine under the river, and as for the overloading problem at the river bank slope during operating period, the refined threedimensional finite element model was established to study the deformation and cracking characteristics of the tunnel segment structure under different forms of overloading. The evolution laws of section convergence, joint opening and structural stress were analyzed, and the structure damage mechanisms were revealed under conditions of large area loading and local loading. The surface-surcharge control standard was proposed. For the big diameter shield tunneling crossing the silty clay, the research results show that: (1) the deformation failure process is divided into three stages under large area loading condition, taking the design load and compressive yield of rebars inside haunch as the critical points respectively. The first stage is characterized by the elastic stress, the second stage is in plastic state with fracture, and the third stage is accelerating deformation and instability stage. The vertical convergence is 110.5 mm with no opening of joints when rebars are yielded; (2)the deformation failure process under local loading condition is also divided into elasticity, plasticity and instability stages, taking the design load and tensile yield of rebars outside haunch as the critical points respectively. The vertical convergence is 152.6 mm with joint opening of 4.36 mm; (3) the early-warning values of additional stress on the ground under conditions of large area loading and local loading are 110 kPa and 70 kPa respectively. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
波浪中破损船舶的运动会同时受到波浪激励和进出水的影响,而船体运动也会影响进出水过程,二者的相互影响机理十分复杂.本文重点研究波浪中破舱进出水对船舶运动响应的影响,文中首先基于势流理论建立了考虑破舱进出水的4DOF(横荡-垂荡-横摇-纵摇)相互耦合时域预报方法,在计算中假设舱内的液面水平,利用修正的伯努利方程模拟破舱进/出水,利用Ikeda's经验公式修正阻尼系数.然后以一艘ITTC破损稳性标模为例,研究了波浪中考虑破舱进出水的数学模型以及破舱进出水对运动响应的影响,并研究了不同自由度、破舱口位置对运动响应的影响.研究表明,本文基于势流理论建立的时域预报方法可以定量的预报破损船舶的运动响应.  相似文献   
变频器功率限制功能是保证电力推进系统安全运行不可或缺的一环,本文针对万吨级溢油回收船电力推进系统,设计了一种新的功率限制算法及相应硬件接口,最后通过实船验证,表明该功能设计满足万吨级溢油回收船电力推进系统安全性要求。  相似文献   
黄辉  钟明键 《湖南交通科技》2006,32(1):160-162,166
分析了传统的合理最低评标价法的利弊,探讨与论证了新兴的合理定价评审抽取法在农村公路建设中的运用和发展。在农村公路建设招标活动中不断摸索和实践的合理定价评审抽取法,维护了公开、公正和公平的基本原则,实现了建设项目经济效益和社会效益的利润最大化。  相似文献   
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