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Bundled hybrid offset riser (BHOR) global strength analysis, which is more complex than single line offset riser global strength analysis, was carried out in this paper. At first, the equivalent theory is used to deal with BHOR, and then its global strength in manifold cases was analyzed, along with the use of a three-dimensional nonlinear time domain finite element program. So the max bending stress, max circumferential stress, and max axial stress in the BHOR bundle main section (BMS) were obtained, and the values of these three stresses in each riser were obtained through the "stress distribution method". Finally, the Max Von Mises stress in each riser was given and a check was made whether or not they met the demand. This paper provides a reference for strength analysis of the bundled hybrid offset riser and some other bundled pipelines.  相似文献   
This research aims to develop an actively translating rear diffuser device to reduce the aerodynamic drag experienced by passenger cars. One of the features of the device is that it is ordinarily hidden under the rear bumper but slips out backward only under high-speed driving conditions. In this study, a movable arc-shaped semi-diffuser device, round in form, is designed to maintain the streamlined automobile??s rear underbody configuration. The device is installed in the rear bumper section of a passenger car. Seven types of rear diffuser devices whose positions and protrusive lengths and widths are different (with the basic shape being identical) were installed, and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyses were performed under moving ground and rotating wheel conditions. The main purpose of this study is to explain the aerodynamic drag reduction mechanism of a passenger car cruising at high speed via an actively translating rear diffuser device. The base pressure of the passenger car is increased by deploying the rear diffuser device, which then prevents the low-pressure air coming through the underbody from directly soaring up to the rear surface of the trunk. At the same time, the device generates a diffusing process that lowers the velocity but raises the pressure of the underbody flow, bringing about aerodynamic drag reduction. Finally, the automobile??s aerodynamic drag is reduced by an average of more than 4%, which helps to improve the constant speed fuel efficiency by approximately 2% at a range of driving speeds exceeding 70 km/h.  相似文献   
1980年~1988年共遇到8例HalIermann-Streiff综合征,2例进行了7年后随访。病人包括男性6例,女性2例,年龄在8岁~32岁之间。临床表现为:①鸟面畸形;②先天性白内障或无晶体在全部病例中均具备;③牙齿异常7例;④体儒4例,其中1例(例7,男,32岁,身高1.23m,体重29.5 kg)前囟门未闭;⑤皮肤萎缩7例,萎缩灶发亮菲薄,特别在鼻尖部,3例有1~2块斑秃;⑥毛发稀少8例;⑦双侧小眼球6例。①和②对本征的诊断具有重要意义。  相似文献   
横风对高速动车曲线通过性能的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过横风对电动车组气动特性影响的试验研究,得到了高速动车受横风作用时所受的气动升力、侧力和侧翻力矩,并利用动力学分析软件SIMPACK分析高速动车在横风工况下的曲线通过性能.分析结果表明,侧向风力引起的车轮减载是影响动车安全运行的重要因素.在所研究的工况下,动车在常值侧风下通过曲线的速度不应超过220km/h,在阵风下以100km/h的速度通过曲线仍然不能满足安全指标.  相似文献   
Motor vehicle passenger airbags have been proven to be effective for reducing the possibility of passenger injury during a crash. However, the inflation of the airbag sometimes causes serious injury when a passenger is positioned close to the airbag. The United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 208 requires the use of a low-riskdeployment (LRD) passenger airbag system. This paper proposes a newly developed airbag system comprising two slim airbags mounted on the instrument panel. A series of tests were conducted using the FMVSS 208 test procedures to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system. It was found that the system not only satisfied the injury criteria of FMVSS 208, but was also effective for protecting passengers of all sizes.  相似文献   
沈大高速公路路面使用性能养护综合评价模型的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
以沈阳至大连高速公路路况普查的数据为基础,考虑路面性能参数的概率分布特性,建立了高速公路沥青路面使用性能养护综合评价模型,并通过产例将其与国内外模型进行了对比分析,验证了其实用性。然后通过进一步研究建立了此模型与养护经济费用的关系,找出了路面养护费用增长的敏感阶段,建立基于路况综合评价的路面养护优先级别,为高速公路养护优先排序提供了一个简捷的参考方法,最后应用马尔可夫过程建模方法,建立了路况综合评价随时间衰变的概率预测矩阵,使之可供养费用分析之用,通过以上研究,此模型可为高速公路沥青路面的养护评价,养护对策的优先排序,养护资金的优化决策分析提供参考。  相似文献   
用免疫组化ABC法及P53单克隆抗体D0-7检测了32例葡萄胎首次清宫标本。结果表明:未恶变的9例P53染色阳性率为33.33%,强度均为(+),发生恶变的23例P53染色阳性率为82.6%,强度为(+)10例,(++)6例,(+++)3例,二者差别明显,中强以上阳性均发生恶变。可见,检测葡萄胎首次清宫标本的P53突变蛋白,有望作为预测葡萄胎恶变的一项指标。  相似文献   
白藜芦醇对心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 研究白藜芦醇 (Res)对心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用。方法 通过建立大鼠心肌缺血再灌注模型 ,了解不同剂量白藜芦醇对心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用。结果 Res呈剂量依赖性缩小大鼠缺血再灌注心肌梗塞范围 ;减少缺血再灌注心肌细胞内肌酸激酶 (CK)和乳酸脱氢酶 (LDH)的释放 ;降低心肌缺血再灌注诱发的ST T段的抬高 ;改善缺血再灌注心肌光镜下的细胞损伤。结论 Res对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤有保护作用  相似文献   
基于多体动力学理论,构建了2万吨重载列车中部机车-货车三维动力学模型,分析了连挂车钩初始高差、车钩钩头摩擦因数等关键因素对中部机车跳钩的影响规律,探究了空制缓解与牵引工况下中部机车-货车连挂车钩分离的形成机理,并提出相应的防控对策。研究结果表明:中部机车-货车连挂车钩在压钩状态下能够保持稳定,但在钩缓系统由压缩状态转变为拉伸状态的过程中,机车电制力、牵引力将使连挂车钩产生垂向相对跳动;进入拉钩状态后,较大的初始高差和较差的钩头摩擦因数使得连挂车钩自锁力不足,导致车钩间垂向相对位移迅速增大;若机车垂向转角限值过大,车钩间垂向相对位移将进一步增大至300 mm以上,最终导致车钩分离现象的发生;当钩头摩擦因数和机车车钩垂向转角限值分别为0.08、8°时,空制缓解工况下发生车钩分离所需的最小初始高差、电制力施加比例分别为40 mm、40%,牵引工况下发生车钩分离所需的最小初始高差、牵引力施加比例分别为30 mm、50%;空制缓解工况下,当初始高差为50 mm、电制力施加比例为70%时,发生车钩分离所需的最小钩头摩擦因数、机车车钩垂向转角限值分别为0.09、6°;牵引工况下,当初始高差为50 mm、牵引力施加比例为100%时,发生车钩分离所需的最小钩头摩擦因数、机车车钩垂向转角限值分别为0.10、7°。可见,为有效抑制跳钩事故的发生,须严格限制连挂车钩间的初始高差,适当减小机车电制动力/牵引力,增大车钩钩头的摩擦因数,以及限制机车车钩的垂向最大转动角度。  相似文献   
基于弓网离线时刻电弧产生的机理,提取电弧发生时刻弧光特征量——(250±10)nm波段的紫外光作为在线检测目标,研制出了一套非接触式弓网电弧检测装置。通过现场检测采集广州地铁2号线弓网电弧数据,利用Matlab软件对检测数据进行分析。结果表明,电弧的发生导致列车牵引电流中0~50 Hz谐波含量明显增加。  相似文献   
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