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为提高城市轨道交通服务质量、优化乘客乘车体验、提升城市轨道交通在公共交通中的竞争力,对城市轨道交通乘客满意度开展研究。首先,选取乘客特征因素,引入皮尔逊积矩相关系数来分析乘客满意度与乘客特征因素的相关关系,提取对满意度存在显著影响的乘客特征因素。然后,运用主成分分析法刻画乘客群体特征,据此对乘客进行分类,并采用克鲁斯卡尔-沃利斯检验法来分析其满意度的差异性。基于此,对某城市地铁A号线2019年乘客满意度调查数据进行了分析,结果显示:地铁A号线乘客的出行频率、出行目的和收入水平与乘客满意度显著相关。通过主成分分析将乘客划分为常乘客与非常乘客,发现两者对城市轨道交通服务的关注点不同,常乘客更关注乘车效率,非常乘客更关注信息指引准确性,运营单位应针对不同乘客群体展开差异性服务。  相似文献   
为探讨共享单车用户在不同影响因素下对现金奖励调度策略的接受程度,设定了针对共享单车用户的调查问卷,并在济南市进行了调查,得到519份有效问卷。基于扩展的计划行为理论(Extended Theory of Planned Behavior, ETPB)模型和相关结构方程模型(Structural Equation Model, SEM),设定了社会规范、支付能力、体力、感知服务、感知绿色价值5个构念以及5个相关假定,以测度不同奖励调度情境下共享单车用户对奖励策略的接受程度。结果显示,支付能力和体力对用户接受调度的影响程度最大,其次是社会规范和感知服务,感知绿色价值的影响程度最小。在此基础之上,提出了增大站点密度、实行现金奖励及提高车辆质量等建议,以降低运营成本、提升用户满意度与车辆使用率。  相似文献   
为解决冻土地区普通路基由于保温性能差导致的路基病害问题,采用保温隔热性能好的气泡混合土作为路基填料,可起到保护冻土、减少病害的作用。为探讨气泡混合土的抗冻性能,选取了不同容重的气泡混合土试件进行冻融循环试验研究,研究气泡混合土质量及强度损失规律,从而获知气泡混合土的容重对其抗冻性能的影响;进而,向气泡混合土试件中掺入玻璃纤维,探讨其对气泡混合土抗冻性能的增强作用。结果表明:气泡混合土的抗冻性能随着容重的增大而提高,表现为容重越大,所能经受的冻融循环次数越多,抗压强度和质量损失率越低;容重为800kg/m3的气泡混合土试件经过15次冻融循环后抗压强度迅速降低,经过100次冻融循环后,试件的质量损失达到9.2%;而容重为1 200kg/m3的气泡混合土试件在经过50次冻融循环后,抗压强度才开始明显降低,经过100次冻融循环后,试件的质量损失只有4.5%。玻璃纤维能显著提高气泡混合土的抗冻性能,其抗压强度损失率和质量损失率明显较未掺纤维的普通气泡混合土要小,且抗压强度和质量损失的速率明显降低;不同容重的气泡混合土试件掺入纤维后,经过50次冻融循环后,试件的抗压强度损失减少50%以上,质量损失减少40%以上。  相似文献   
当前,我国正处于新冠肺炎疫情防控最吃劲的关键时期,同时也是交通运输综合执法改革深入推进的攻坚阶段。面对疫情防控的严峻考验,交通运输综合执法能力的既有短板与疫情防控中暴露出的新问题相互交织,提升交通运输综合执法能力显得十分紧迫而必要。为此,采用文献调查、访谈研究和实证分析等方法,总结了抗击疫情期间的交通运输执法状况,分析了疫情防控对交通运输综合执法能力建设带来的挑战,从完善执法工作机制、提升专业处置能力、严格规范执法行为、创新执法方式方法、强化执法作风建设、建立法律服务体系、强化执法保障等七个方面,就提升交通运输综合执法能力提出了对策建议。  相似文献   
The magnetic field tuning characteristics of an ultrasonic motor (USM) stator are discussed. The stator consists of two piezoelectric ceramic transducer (PZT) plates and one sandwiched-in Terfenol-D plate. The dimensions of the stator are carefully adjusted to specifically discuss the influence of the magnetic field on the frequency difference between the longitudinal and bending modes of the stator. The frequency difference discussed in this paper is usually small and mainly caused by uneven materials, machining errors and changes in external conditions (temperature, pre-stress or load). The longitudinal and bending modes of the stator are simultaneously excited by an external electric field to generate the elliptic motion trajectories of the driving points. A direct current (DC) magnetic field is applied to decrease the difference between the two mode frequencies of the fabricated stator. In experiments, the dependences of the two mode frequencies and their difference on DC magnetic fields are all investigated. The experimental results indicate that the difference between the longitudinal and bending mode frequencies of the PZT/Terfenol-D/PZT composite stator can be tuned by changing the intensity of the external DC magnetic field.  相似文献   
Phased-mission systems (PMSs) have wide applications in engineering practices, such as manmade satellites. Certain critical parts in the system, such as cold standby, hot standby and functional standby, are designed in redundancy architecture to achieve high reliability performance. State-space models such as Markov process have been used extensively in previous studies for reliability evaluation of PMSs with dynamic behaviors. The most popular way to deal with the dynamic behaviors is Markov process, but it is well known that Markov process is limited to exponential distribution. In practice, however, the lifetime of most machinery products can follow non-exponential distributions like the Weibull distribution which cannot be handled by the Markov process. In order to solve this kind of problem, we present a semi-Markov model combined with an approximation algorithm to analyze PMS reliability subjected to non-exponential failures. Furthermore, the accuracy of the approximation algorithm is investigated by comparing to an accurate solution, and a typical PMS (attitude and orbit control system) is analyzed to demonstrate the implementation of the method.  相似文献   
Wave simulation performance and its quality are key factors to reflect the overall capacity and level of an ocean engineering basin. They include wave simulating and absorbing capacity of reflected waves. In order to reduce the influence of reflected waves, various wave absorbing devices are equipped in ocean engineering basins across the world. The experimental investigation into the performance of combined cambered-type wave absorbing beach (CCTWAB) with damping bars equipped in Deepwater Offshore Basin is conducted. The experiment adopts the two-point method. The reflection coefficients are calculated by the method, in which the incident and reflected waves can be separated from the physically simulated composite waves with different periods and wave heights in the time domain. The experimental results indicate that in the range of normal wave heights and periods for model tests, the CCTWAB with damping bars is excellent in eliminating the reflected waves.  相似文献   
城市轨道交通客流特征除表现为常态的周期性、季节性及高峰性外,还会因节假日、体育赛事、城市大型活动、突发事件、特殊天气等因素表现出差异性和特殊性,本文对较为成熟的常态及研究较少的非常态客流预测方法进行了实验.首先利用通用的ARIMA时间序列预测算法分析样本历史数据实现常态日客流预测;其次针对客流特殊因素提出时间序列及回归分析的组合模型,同时引进虚拟变量和结合相似日样本数据进一步改进,实现非常态预测问题的高精度求解.仿真计算结果表明,本文方法对解决短期客流预测具有良好的适用度,尤其同样本同预测周期条件下的非常态组合改进模型和常用单一时间序列模型的对比,证明改进模型可以很好地应用在客流特征既包括随时间固有不变的性质又表现出特殊因素的研究中,具有较强的自适应性和更好的预测精度.  相似文献   
在交通管理和评价时,信号配时对监测评价路口运行状态,评价路口配时方案至关重要.但是,大范围的实时信号配时方案的获取尚缺乏简明有效的途径.本文提出两种基于移动导航数据计算固定配时路口信号配时的方法.第一种方法是在不考虑驾驶员驾驶行为差异性时,得到路口红灯和车均延误的关系模型,从而计算某相位的红灯时长.另外一种方法是基于车辆通过停止线的时间,结合本文提出的上升梯度法,得到某阶段红灯时长.本文通过实际的路口案例计算,将预测结果和已知路口的信号配时比较,表明此方法计算得到的红绿灯时长准确度较高,为后续进行路口运行状态和通行能力研究提供了数据支持.  相似文献   
空间运输联系反映地理单元间的经济联系,与城镇化进程和区域发展格局息息相关。随着经济发展和城镇化水平的提高,省内客运联系增长速度显著快于省际,省域客运联系呈现内聚化态势;从各区域变化幅度看,内聚化态势围绕三大核心城市群由内而外逐步加强,并呈现较大的南北差异。省际客运联系呈现以京津冀、长三角、珠三角为核心的中心—外围结构,从发展态势看,沿海城市群的极化效应进一步凸显,中西部区域区内联系加强态势初步显现。研究显示:现状城镇空间不平衡特征仍较为突出,尤其南北分化问题凸显;未来城镇空间布局需突出沿海城镇空间的再平衡、促进中西部城镇空间的多中心集聚和加强南北区域协作。  相似文献   
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