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The flow-induced vibration of a cylindrical structure is a very common problem in marine environments such as undersea pipelines, offshore risers, and cables. In this study, the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of an elastically mounted cylinder at a low Reynolds number is simulated by a transient coupled fluid–structure interaction numerical model. Considering VIV with low damping ratio, the response, hydrodynamic forces, and vortex shedding modes of the cylinder is systematically analyzed and summed up the universal rule under different frequency ratios. On the basis of the analysis, we find that the frequency ratio α is a very important parameter. It decides the locked-in, beat, and phase-switch phenomena of the cylinder, meanwhile, it also influence the vortex mode of the cylinder. The trajectory of the two degrees of freedom (2 DOF) case at different natural frequency ratios is discussed, with most trajectories having a “figure of 8” shape and a few having a “crescent” shape. A fast Fourier transformation technique is used to obtain the frequency characteristics of the vibration of the cylindrical structure. Using the 2 DOF cylinder model in place of the 1 DOF model presents several advantages in simulating the nonlinear characteristics of cylindrical structures, including the capacity to model the crosswise vibration generated by in-line vibration.  相似文献   
育德轮是上海船舶研究设计院为集美大学设计的用于航海专业教学实习、科学研究兼顾货物运输的教学实习船。该船是目前世界吨位最大的教学实习船,配备了功能齐全的教学设施、先进的科研设备以及舒适的学习生活环境。该船还具有安全性高、绿色环保和经济性优异等特点。  相似文献   
在统计时间内有效的行政裁决制度共有16项,分布在自然资源和环境、知识产权以及民间纠纷三大领域,均为中央政府的法律、行政法规和部门规章所设定.但行政裁决设定的领域范围在逐步退缩,已设定的行政裁决被纷纷废止,新的法律更倾向规定调解或仲裁.行政裁决实施性规定多集中于与土地有关的行政裁决,其中绝大多数系由地方政府所制定.地方政府不仅做出了细密规定,而且纷纷制定了专门性规定.但在矿权、环境、知识产权和民间纠纷领域,地方政府并未充分发挥出细化法律、行政法规和部门规章中行政裁决条款的作用,更没有制定专门的行政裁决规定.有关行政裁决的行政规范性文件高度集中于征地补偿裁决、拆迁补偿裁决和林地权属裁决.其中,林地权属裁决的中央行政规范性文件较多,征地补偿裁决和拆迁补偿裁决的地方行政规范性文件较多.这些行政规范性文件的内容,集中在纠纷的化解而非行政裁决制度本身.从行政裁决引发的诉讼案件反观行政裁决制度,征地补偿裁决、拆迁补偿裁决和林地权属裁决都在运行,其他行政裁决制度都没有运行.其中,拆迁补偿裁决的运行异常活跃,征地补偿裁决的运行却极为低迷.统计发现的耦合是:凡地方政府对行政裁决制定了专门性实施规定的,行政裁决制度都在运行,否则都已停滞;地方行政规范性文件被用作行政裁决依据的多少,与该行政裁决的活跃程度成正比.当然,上述发现的证成或证伪,有待于另一项研究.  相似文献   
基于SoftPLC的船舶主机遥控物理仿真模拟器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模拟器以一艘1600 TEU集装箱船使用的Autochief IV主机控制系统作为原型,采用SoftPLC实现对船舶主机遥控物理仿真模拟器的控制。利用组态软件PIMS作为上位机开发平台,实现数据的存储及功能的完善。在模拟器上可以进行各种相关的训练操作,达到培训学员的目的。  相似文献   
Urban arterial performance evaluation has been broadly studied, with the major focus on average travel time estimation. However, in view of the stochastic nature of interrupted flow, the ability to capture the characteristics of travel time variability has become a critical step in determining arterial level of service (LOS). This article first presents a stochastic approach that integrates classic cumulative curves and probability theories in order to investigate delay variability at signalized intersections, as a dominant part of the link travel time variability. This serves as a basis for arterial travel time estimation, which can be obtained through a convolution of individual link travel time distributions. The proposed approach is then applied in the estimation of travel time along one arterial in Shanghai, China, with abundant automatic vehicle identification (AVI) data sources. The travel time variability is evaluated thoroughly at 30-min intervals, with promising results achieved in comparison to the field measurements. In addition, the estimated travel time distributions are utilized to illustrate the probability of multiple LOS ranges, namely, reliability LOS. The results provide insights into how we might achieve a more reliable and informative understanding of arterial performance.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new model called subjective-utility travel time budget (SU-TTB) model to capture travelers' risk-averse route choices. In the travel time budget (TTB) and mean-excess travel time (METT) model, a predefined confidence level is needed to capture the risk-aversion in route choice. Due to the day-to-day route travel time variations, the exact confidence level is hard to be predicted. With the SU-TTB model, we assume travelers' confidence level belongs to an interval that they may comply with in the route choice. The two main components of SU-TTB are the utility function and the TTB model. We can show that the SU-TTB can be reduced to the TTB and METT model with proper utility function for the confidence levels. We can also prove its equivalence with our recently proposed nonlinear-expectation route travel time (NERTT) model in some cases and give some new interpretation on the NERTT with this equivalence. Finally, we formulate the SU-TTB model as a variational inequality (VI) problem to model the risk-averse user equilibrium (RAUE), termed as generalized RAUE (GRAUE). The GRAUE is solved via a heuristic gradient projection algorithm, and the model and solution algorithm are demonstrated with the Braess's traffic network and the Nguyen and Dupuis's traffic network.  相似文献   
目的观察氧化苦参碱对慢性肾脏病(CKD)患者血清转化生长因子-β1(TGF-β1)、Ⅲ型胶原(ColⅢ)的影响,探讨其在肾间质纤维化发生发展过程中的作用和治疗价值。方法选取健康对照者10例、慢性肾脏病患者40例,根据肾小球滤过率(GFR)分为轻度肾损害组(GFR<90 mL/min.1.73 m2,CKDⅠ)、中重度肾损害组(GFR<60 mL/min.1.73 m2,CKDⅡ),再分层随机抽样,分为常规治疗组和氧化苦参碱组。利用双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附法分别检测各研究对象治疗前、后血清TGF-β1、ColⅢ含量,采用t检验比较两组TGF-β1、ColⅢ水平的差异。结果氧化苦参碱组TGF-β1、ColⅢ含量显著低于常规治疗组(P<0.05)。结论氧化苦参碱可能通过下调TGF-β1、ColⅢ水平,减少ECM沉积,从而达到防止肾间质纤维化的作用。  相似文献   
目的研究刀豆蛋白A(concanavalin A,ConA)条件化培养基对体外培养的兔角膜内皮细胞(rabbit corneal endothelial cells,RCECs)生长的影响。方法采用揭取后弹力层及内皮细胞联合组织块法进行RCECs的体外原代培养,分别用含有体积分数为5%、10%、15%、20%ConA的活化大鼠脾细胞条件上清液的RPMI1640培养基进行RCECs原代培养,并用含10%(体积分数)胎牛血清(fetal bovine serum,FBS)的RPMI1640培养基作为对照。神经烯醇化酶免疫组织化学染色法进行细胞鉴定;噻唑蓝比色法观察各组RCECs生长的状况;SPSS11.0One-way ANOVA及LSD检验进行统计分析。结果成功进行了RCECs的体外培养,培养细胞内神经烯醇化酶阳性表达。ConA条件化培养基各组细胞增殖均高于对照组(P<0.001),且10%、15%ConA条件化培养基组的RCECs细胞数量明显高于其他各实验组(P<0.001)。结论ConA条件化培养基具有促进RCECs生长的作用,可作为培养辅佐剂。  相似文献   
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