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随着城市交通建设的发展,我国出现了宽跨比较大的城市桥梁。此类桥横向分布效应较常规桥梁明显,以传统的桥梁平面计算程序计算活载作用效应会带来误差。针对一座宽跨比约2.3的简支空心板桥梁进行结构平面和空间加载分析,分别计算加载后桥梁的变形和应力,并与实际加载测量的变形和应力结果进行比较,分析两者的差别,为实际工程提供参考。  相似文献   
从管理实践者的体验出发,阐释了资源、配置、结构的内涵,提出了"管理就是对资源的配置结构"的观点。认为:探讨管理就是探讨资源构成、配置、结构,改进管理也就是改进资源的配置、结构;在管理的资源、配置、结构中,起核心作用的因素是人,在瞬息的机遇或危机面前,管理者的决断力至关重要,优化资源的配置和结构,就可能洞察先机、赢得先机。  相似文献   
建立汽车二自由度模型,进行受力分析,给出相应的汽车运动方程,并应用拉氏变换建立角位移输入与力矩输入的传递函数,通过MATLAB软件编程,求解角输入与力矩输入2种输入条件下汽车二自由度模型的特征参数,绘制特征参数随速度变化的关系曲线,分析变化趋势,从而对2种不同输入条件下的汽车操纵稳定性的响应品质进行比较分析。  相似文献   
对公共交通枢纽换乘算法设计,换乘分为直达线路,一次换乘,二次换乘,换乘算法的具体设计分为两个步骤1、构造并求解换乘矩阵,获得公交换乘方案(即从起点到终点最少换乘次数,及换乘站点).2、根据最少换乘次数,缩小求解范围,求解起始站点与目标站点间的最短路径,进而得到最佳路径.  相似文献   
针对某隧道泵站自动化水平低、配套管理滞后、在汛期存在安全事故隐患的实际情况,构建以可编程自动化控制器(PAC)为核心的智能化泵站监控系统,讨论整个系统的控制方案,对相关控制策略的基本原理、软硬件设计方法以及基于Kingview 6.55的上位机远程监控系统软件的开发进行具体介绍。系统实现了在线监控、均衡调度、故障保护等功能,提高了泵站的动态管理水平,优化了水泵的运行性能,具有良好的实际应用前景。  相似文献   
在经历了机动化的迅猛发展给城市带来交通拥堵和环境污染等问题后,越来越多的城市为宜居性和环境可持续发展着想,主张打造步行友好的城市交通体系,全球主要城市相继推出"街道设计导则",从微观尺度指引街道空间重构。城市建成区既有步行系统的改善需要对既有步行网络设施进行全面客观的认识和评价,以发现问题并有针对性地改善步行空间。鉴于此,本文从步行者的主观感受和实际需求出发,提出了"连续、安全、便捷、舒适"四个维度共13个二级指标的评价体系,用于评价城市和街区尺度的步行系统,并以广州旧城区步行系统为例进行了评价,为重新认识广州旧城区步行系统现状提供了基础,也为今后步行系统改善的评价工作提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
在自动化道路病害检测过程中,检测车的横向偏移会导致路面病害横向定位的误差,通过边缘检测算法对标线进行自动识别及定位,可消除病害横向定位的误差. 但传统Canny边缘检测算法存在对标线边缘识别不全,噪声、伪边缘较多的问题. 因此本文对Canny算法进行改进:采用维纳滤波替代高斯滤波以滤除噪声;利用OTSU法自适应地选取图像阈值;提出划定准偏区域以滤除路面干扰并提高边缘完整识别率. 研究结果表明:与其他边缘检测算法相比,该算法检测出的边缘像素总数分布在900~2 000,与标准值1 352较为符合,8连通域数与边缘像素总数、4连通域数的比值分别分布在0~0.04和0~0.29,在抑制噪声、剔除伪边缘及路面干扰、边缘识别连续性和单一边缘响应方面实际应用效果较好;人工法验证结果表明该算法定位标线结果与实际值的吻合度高达99%,可在同步采集的3D激光图像上进行路面病害横向定位.   相似文献   
Weight reduction has attracted much attention among ship designers and ship owners. In the present work, based on an improved bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method and surrogate model method, we propose a hybrid optimization method for the structural design optimization of beam-plate structures, which covers three optimization levels: dimension optimization, topology optimization and section optimization. The objective of the proposed optimization method is to minimize the weight of design object under a group of constraints. The kernel optimization procedure (KOP) uses BESO to obtain the optimal topology from a ground structure. To deal with beam-plate structures, the traditional BESO method is improved by using cubic box as the unit cell instead of solid unit to construct periodic lattice structure. In the first optimization level, a series of ground structures are generated based on different dimensional parameter combinations, the KOP is performed to all the ground structures, the response surface model of optimal objective values and dimension parameters is created, and then the optimal dimension parameters can be obtained. In the second optimization level, the optimal topology is obtained by using the KOP according to the optimal dimension parameters. In the third optimization level, response surface method (RSM) is used to determine the section parameters. The proposed method is applied to a hatch cover structure design. The locations and shapes of all the structural members are determined from an oversized ground structure. The results show that the proposed method leads to a greater weight saving, compared with the original design and genetic algorithm (GA) based optimization results.  相似文献   
A new time-frequency analysis method is proposed in this study using a multi-rate signal decomposition technique for the analysis of non-stationary signals. The method uses a multi-rate filter bank for an improved non-stationary signal decomposition treatment, and uses the Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) analysis for signal reconstruction. The method presented in this study can effectively resolves the time and frequency resolution issue for non-stationary signal analysis and the cross-term issue typically encountered in time-frequency analysis. The feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method are evaluated and verified in a numerical simulation.  相似文献   
针对视频监控调度系统,设计了一种基于XML消息模型的通信协议,在监控系统通信结构的基础上,详细地设计了通信协议数据单元,实现了系统中监控信息实时、准确的交换.实验结果表明,设计的通信协议是正确可行的,并且能保证信息的高效传输,为构建稳定可靠、高效的监控调度系统奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   
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