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针对某牵引车车架横梁开裂事件,使用Creo构建整车三维模型,导入Hyperworks中进行前处理网格划分等,使用Optistruct进行求解得出弯曲、制动、左转弯、右转弯、扭转、扭转+转弯工况等分析结果,将结果与实际开裂情况进行了对比,结果表明在扭转+转弯工况下第三横梁开裂,与分析结果一致,并提出横梁优化方案进行求解,分析结果表明在扭转+转弯工况下,第二横梁最大应力值降低38.1%,第三横梁最大应力值降低64.3%,提出后续牵引车设计时横梁优化意见及注意事项。  相似文献   
文章针对车辆工程专业核心课程—汽车理论,结合我校该专业的定位和社会对该专业人才的实际需求,根据地方院校应用型人才培养的目标和要求,在我校进行了汽车理论课程非标准答案教学改革的探索,提出了该课程采用非标准答案教学的改革思路,并从非标准答案教学的意义、非标准答案教学改革的内容与形式、具体实施步骤以及评分标准等方面进行了细致...  相似文献   
邱明明  曹龙凯  黄康  张义雷  刘浩 《汽车工程》2021,43(1):68-76,85
制动安全是车辆主动安全的关键技术之一.制动决策和执行器控制是影响线控制动系统性能的两个主要因素.路面自适应性和控制器鲁棒性分别对制动决策和执行器控制有着重要影响,制约着线控制动系统的发展.本文中以一种液压调控的线控制动系统为基础,针对路面自适应性和控制器鲁棒性问题,提出一种双层结构的制动系统控制器,上层采用计算机视觉的...  相似文献   
动力电池的电性能、安全性和循环性能都与电池的工作温度密切相关.在一定的散热条件下,动力电池的温度主要取决于其本征产热和比热容热物性参数特性.上述热物性参数可通过等温量热法(IBC)和绝热量热法(ARC)进行精确的量化测试.主要从测试原理、模拟场景、测试样品尺寸、数据分析过程和测试结果5方面,针对上述2种测试方法的异同进...  相似文献   
根据客车底盘总成的分类,简介客车底盘的管路及技术。  相似文献   
地理信息系统管理的对象是复杂和多样的,不是人们通常认为的白色系统,而是一个灰色系统.其数据变化不是割裂的,是一个动态发展过程.其管理的地理实体不仅包括白色地理实体,也包括灰色地理实体.其管理的数据不仅包括白色数据,也包括灰色数据.灰色动态的概念应该贯通整个系统的数据采集、处理、储存、分析和显示中.以地下排水管线为例,介绍了灰色理论在地下管线状态评定中的应用,采用维修费用作为管线状态这个灰色数据的关联量.  相似文献   
在路堤原位抗剪试验基础上,获取路堤原位抗剪强度指标内摩擦角ψ和黏聚力C,以推滑平衡分析法为理论基础,提出4点基本假设,经过现场试验数据计算分析,论证了假设成立和推滑平衡分析法应用于填石路堤的正确性.  相似文献   
以SBS为主改性剂,研制了SBS改性沥青粘层材料,具有粘接强度高、塑性好、施工简单、方便、对环境污染小等特点,作为沥青路面坑槽修补用粘层材料,使用效果良好.  相似文献   
A new regularisation of non-elliptical contact patches has been introduced, which enables building the look-up table called by us the Kalker book of tables for non-Hertzian contact (KBTNH), which is a fast creep force generator that can be used by multibody dynamics system simulation programs. The non-elliptical contact patch is regularised by a simple double-elliptical contact region (SDEC). The SDEC region is especially suitable for regularisation of contact patches obtained with approximate non-Hertzian methods for solving the normal contact problem of wheel and rail. The new regularisation is suitable for wheels and rails with any profiles, including worn profiles.

The paper describes the new procedure of regularisation of the non-elliptical contact patch, the structure of the Kalker book of tables, and parameterisation of the independent variables of the tables and creep forces.

A moderate volume Kalker book of tables for SDEC region suitable for simulation of modern running gears has been computed in co-simulation of Matlab and program CONTACT.

To access the creep forces of the Kalker book of tables, the linear interpolation has been applied.

The creep forces obtained from KBTNH have been compared to those obtained by program CONTACT and FASTSIM algorithm. FASTSIM has been applied on both the contact ellipse and the SDEC contact patch. The comparison shows that KBTNH is in good agreement with CONTACT for a wide range of creepage condition and shapes of the contact patch, whereas the use of FASTSIM on the elliptical patch and SDEC may lead to significant deviations from the reference CONTACT solutions.

The computational cost of calling creep forces from KBTNH has been estimated by comparing CPU time of FASTSIM and KBTNH. The KBTNH is 7.8–51 times faster than FASTSIM working on 36–256 discretisation elements, respectively.

In the example of application, the KBTNH has been applied for curving simulations and results compared with those obtained with the creep force generator employing the elliptical regularisation. The results significantly differ, especially in predicted creepages, because the elliptical regularisation neglects generation of the longitudinal creep force by spin creepage.  相似文献   

To obtain an ultralean air-fuel ratio and to reduce engine-out NOX and HC emissions induced by the richer mixture near the spark plug, a spray and wall complex guided combustion system has been developed by utilizing the fuel characteristics of LPG. The new combustion system configuration is optimized by using a commercial CFD code, FIRE V2013, and the reliability of the system has been experimentally demonstrated by Plane Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF). The mixture formation in the new combustion system under part load (2,000 rpm) is numerically simulated. With an injection timing of 40°CA BTDC, the LPG spray which is injected from two upper holes, reaches the ignition point, and the other part of the LPG spray which is injected from the bottom hole, is directed to the ignition point through the vertical vortices at the same time. At the ignition timing of about 20°CA BTDC, the two-part mixtures have been shown to form a stable and richer stratified mixture around the ignition point, and the maximum global air-fuel ratio reaches to 60: 1.  相似文献   
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