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This paper considers a static congestion pricing model in which travelers select a mode from either, driving on highway or taking public transit, to minimize a combination of travel time, operating cost and toll. The focus is to examine how travelers’ value of time (VOT), which is continuously distributed in a population, affects the existence of a pricing-refunding scheme that is both self-financing (i.e. requiring no external subsidy) and Pareto-improving (i.e. reducing system travel time while making nobody worse off). A condition that insures the existence of a self-financing and Pareto-improving (SFPI) toll scheme is derived. Our derivation reveals that the toll authority can select a proper SFPI scheme to distribute the benefits from congestion pricing through a credit-based pricing scheme. Under mild assumptions, we prove that an SFPI toll always exists for concave VOT functions, of which the linear function corresponding to the uniform distribution is a special case. Existence conditions are also established for a class of rational functions. These results can be used to analyze more realistic VOT distributions such as log-normal distribution. A useful implication of our analysis is that the existence of an SFPI scheme is not guaranteed for general functional forms. Thus, external subsidies may be required to ensure Pareto-improving, even if policy-makers are willing to return all toll revenues to road users.  相似文献   
On August 1, 2007, the collapse of the I-35W bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis abruptly interrupted the usual route of about 140,000 daily vehicle trips, which substantially disturbed regular traffic flow patterns on the network. It took several weeks for the network to re-equilibrate, during which period travelers continued to learn and adjust their travel decisions. A good understanding of this process is crucial for traffic management and the design of mitigation schemes. Data from loop-detectors, bus ridership statistics, and a survey are analyzed and compared, revealing the evolving traffic reactions to the bridge collapse and how individual choices could help to explain such dynamics. Findings on short-term traffic dynamics and behavioral reactions to this major network disruption have important implications for traffic management in response to future scenarios.  相似文献   
韩江洪  刘征宇  周霞  芦东昕  李永 《汽车工程》2006,28(11):1036-1038,1046
在车辆移动监控系统运行过程中,监控中心将同时接收到从不同车载终端发送过来的大量信息,这些信息分别对应着不同的事件。监控中心如何针对这些事件,及时做出不同的响应和处理是极为重要的。在对监控中心并发处理的性能要求进行分析的基础上,提出了优先数事件队列算法来实现车辆监控中心的并发调度机制,并给出了算法实现。  相似文献   
本文简要介绍城市防洪与城市发展的关系 ,说明城市防洪必须首先做好规划 ,并以实例作分析与说明 ;对做好城市防洪提出几点意见与建议。  相似文献   
在介绍了发动机怠速停止起动系统工作原理的基础上,分析了发动机怠速和重新起动时的燃油消耗量,以及目前怠速停止起动系统的缺点。结果表明,短时间的怠速停止反而会因需要重新起动而增加发动机油耗。为此设计了一种汽车发动机智能怠速停止起动系统的控制策略,它能够根据交通信号灯确定的停车时间的长短来决定是否执行怠速停止。  相似文献   
对比分析了欧洲商用车被动安全现行法规ECE R29-02及其修订案ECE R29-03的异同,将已进行实车试验并满足ECE R29-02法规要求的某重型商用车驾驶室作为研究对象,通过仿真计算得到了该商用车在ECER29-03中的性能表现.定性提出了ECE R29-03对结构的考核重点和加强纵梁及A柱强度,并适当增加前端结构吸能能力等满足新版法规要求的一系列结构改进措施.  相似文献   
跑道不停航加铺工程要求在较短的施工周期内完成多项关键施工工序的实施,受到时间周期、资源利用、工序完整性等多方面的制约,因此,科学合理的施工组织方案对于确保工程质量意义重大。该文充分考虑了跑道不停航施工的各种制约因素,分析测算了各道工序的施工时间,基于最优化方法原理,通过施工组织网络图建立了不停航施工组织优化的数学模型。该模型能够灵活地根据所选决策变量定量求解出施工周期内的施工能力,根据时间和资源两方面的约束条件给出资源的合理配置,可为相似工程编制合理的施工组织方案提供参考。  相似文献   
润滑油的作用就是保护内燃机免遭磨损损害,当内燃机在润滑油保护的条件下仍然受耐磨损损害,说明润滑油的的保护功能存在问题,阐述了润滑油不同粘度对内燃机的影响,分析了润滑油高,低温对内燃机损害的原因,揭示了目前改善润滑油高,低温技术存在的问题等。  相似文献   
随着我国国民经济的快速发展,煤田采空区对城市发展的影响越来越大,当今国内外对采空区治理多采用注浆的方法处理,而无论是从质量、费用还是从工期来说注浆材料及其配合比合理选择都显得至关重要。该文结合乌鲁木齐市外环路东北段六道湾煤田采空区路基抗变形注浆治理试验工程,通过对该试验结果的分析和研究,得出了适用于该工程的合理的注浆材料和浆液配合比,并为类似工程积累工程实验经验,从而进一步完善采空区注浆治理技术。  相似文献   
基于有限元软件OrcaFlex,充分考虑不规则波浪、海流、管土相互作用以及船舶管线耦合运动,建立海底埋设管线平管起吊模型。参考DNV-RP-F110计算埋深管道受到的土壤阻力,依据DNV-RP-C205确定相关水动力系数。通过数值模拟研究分析管线在平管起吊过程中管道的运动响应以及吊绳张力的时间历程变化,为实际海底管线平管起吊提供一定理论参考。  相似文献   
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