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Code divisionmultipleaccess (CDMA )isaspread spectrummultipleaccessschemethatisex pectedtogainasignificantshareofthecellularmar ket.CDMAhasseveralattractivepropertiesforper sonalcommunications.Andifallmobileradiosig nalsarrivingatthebasestationaresynchronizedtowithinafraction ,thesynchronousCDMA (S CD MA)systemscanenhancethebandwidthefficiencytoa greaterdegreebyemployingorthogonalcodewords.However,S CDMAsystemshavefunda mentaldifficultieswhenutilizedinafrequency se lectivefadingenviron…  相似文献   
从上世纪90年代早期到目前为止,尼日利亚联邦政府并没对航运业和造船修理业投入太多精力。一个典型例子就是,由于对这些行业不够重视导致了前尼日利亚国家货运公司(NNSL)的衰败及倒闭。1996年,尼日利亚联合货运公司(NUL)成立。但新公司的成立并  相似文献   
Within the literature concerned with aspects of competitiveness, innovation and strategic management of industrial clusters, the body regarding forecasting of strategic management is still nascent. This work aspires to render a contribution within the domain of strategic management forecasting, through the indicative case of European maritime clusters. For this end, a two-tier model is formulated. A quantitative strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) methodology that derives from the fusion of a quondam situation analysis and crosstabs’ theory is generated. This leads to the utilization of the crosstab’s conditional probabilities as transition probabilities; the latter are called to compile the transition matrix of a Markov chain. Through this methodology, and the successive Markov chain’s transition matrices, strategic forecasts are extracted for a devised European maritime cluster case. This work relinquishes a novel application with respect to strategic management forecasting, that provides a dichotomy of practical interpretations and scenarios for quantitative situation analysis. Thus, it may enable effective real-time decision-making for strategic management and/or policy drafting. The situation analysis forecasting model may find applicability in a plethora of practical and theoretical cases, wherein forecasting may be desirable. It may as well pertain to an intrinsic methodology for situation analysis forecasting of maritime clusters.  相似文献   
Understanding how people are dependent on Large Scale Marine Protected Areas (LSMPAs) is important for understanding how people might be sensitive to changes that affect these seascapes. We review how resource dependency is conceptualized and propose that it be broadened to include cultural values such as pride in resource status, scientific heritage, appreciation of aesthetics, biodiversity, and lifestyle opportunities. We provide an overview of how local residents (n = 3,181 face-to-face surveys), commercial fishers (n = 210, telephone surveys), and tourism operators (n = 119 telephone surveys) are potentially dependent on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), a region currently experiencing significant environmental, social, and economic change. We found that commercial fishers and tourism operators were dependent not only financially on the GBR, but also because of their age, years in the industry and region, lack of education, and the number of dependents. These stakeholders lacked flexibility to secure alternative employment. All stakeholder groups, regardless of economic imperatives, were dependent on the GBR because of their cultural connections. We propose that resource dependency also provides an umbrella concept to describe the cultural services provided by an ecosystem, which can be described through place-based dependence and place-identity.  相似文献   
This paper examines a case study of the SkyCabs system as a way to alleviate some of the traffic problems of Auckland, New Zealand. SkyCabs is an elevated two-way monobeam carrying light eight-seater cabs on tracks on each side of the beam, available on demand, providing fast, pollution-free, unimpeded travel above the footpath with panoramic views of the city. The aim of this study is to investigate the attractiveness of implementing the SkyCabs system to and from Auckland central business district (CBD) and Auckland international airport by examining four variables: different routes, different number of stops/stations, different passenger demand levels, and different number of cabs in the system. The analysis utilizes geographical information system and simulation tools for the various scenarios considered. The results show that it is possible to assess the cost–benefit of alternative routes in terms of those four variables and rate of return on investment.  相似文献   
In this paper, a new cellular automata model is proposed to simulate the car and bicycle heterogeneous traffic on urban road. To capture the complex interactions between these two types of vehicles, a novel occupancy rule is adopted in the proposed model to consider the variable lateral distances of mixed vehicular traffic. Based on massive simulations, microscopic fundamental diagrams under different bicycle densities are devised. With these, the bicycle's spilling behavior is then investigated and discussed. In order to reflect the interference of a bicycle on a car, the interference transformation from friction state to block state is modeled explicitly. Finally, different simulation results under different occupancy rules indicate that the constant and fixed occupancy rule adopted in the previous studies might lead to overestimation of car flux in the heterogeneous traffic flows with different bicycle densities. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents an off‐line forecasting system for short‐term travel time forecasting. These forecasts are based on the historical traffic count data provided by detectors installed on Annual Traffic Census (ATC) stations in Hong Kong. A traffic flow simulator (TFS) is developed for short‐term travel time forecasting (in terms of offline forecasting), in which the variation of perceived travel time error and the fluctuations of origin‐destination (O‐D) demand are considered explicitly. On the basis of prior O‐D demand and partial updated detector data, the TFS can estimate the link travel times and flows for the whole network together with their variances and covariances. The short‐term travel time forecasting by O‐D pair can also be assessed and the O‐D matrix can be updated simultaneously. The application of the proposed off‐line forecasting system is illustrated by a numerical example in Hong Kong.  相似文献   
某车型在结构耐久试验过程中出现了后制动卡钳活塞防尘罩处渗油。制动卡钳在生命周期内是不允许有漏油发生的。本文针对上述故障产生的原因进行了分析排查出活塞漏油的原因,并通过设计和工艺优化,对该问题进行了改善。  相似文献   
Identifying the components of a vehicle’s interior noise is important in many phases of the noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) development process. Many test methods that have been widely used in the automobile industry to separate noise sources are based on system identification methods in the frequency domain. However, none of the frequency response function-based methods can directly estimate the wind noise component. In this article, an analytical model for the interior noise level based on a simple power law was developed. It was assumed that the mean squared acoustic pressure for the interior noise could be obtained by summing up those of the wind noise, road noise, and background noise. The wind noise and road noise were further assumed to depend only on wind speed and the vehicle’s driving speed, respectively, and to follow a simple power law. The resulting analytical model includes five parameters that can be optimized for the vehicle and the road. The validity of the model was verified by using data obtained from cruise tests performed on a proving ground for cruise speeds ranging from 40 km/h to 130 km/h. The model is applied to the overall and 1/3-octave bands of interior noise and is shown to describe the data trends fairly well. For the test vehicle used in the present work, the overall mean squared pressures for the wind and road noise components are shown to be proportional to the wind speed to the 5.8 power and to the driving speed to the 3.4 power, respectively.  相似文献   
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