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作者等对郭峰红细胞C_3b受体花环试验和红细胞免疫复和物花环试验的实验方法进行改进,建立了微量实验法。这一方法设计合理、步骤简便,节约试剂、方便病人,具有微量、准确、快速、简便、实用等优点,适宜于各级医疗单位推广应用。  相似文献   
通过大骨节病和克山病共存地区360名小学生手部 X 线、心电图和发、尿硒分析,结果,干骺端病变检出率为16.16%,X 线异常率为37.22%,心电图异常率为13.06%,大骨节病阳性体征和(或)X 线异常总检出率为56.11%;异常心电图与异常 X 线、阳性体征和(或)X 线征符合率分别为53.19%和72%.心电图和 X线2项检出率呈显著正相关关系;心电图、干骺端病变检出率与发、尿硒呈负相关关系.本文结果结合文献报道低硒地区有单独大骨节病、克山病存在的事实,提示病区不同人体硒水平可造成发、尿硒含量与心电图、干骺端病变检出率间有相关关系,也使心电图与 X 线2项检出率间有相关关系。不能单从两病共存地区心电图、干骺端病变、发尿硒间这种相关关系及心电图和 X 线有较高符合率,说低硒是大骨节病、克山病的共同病因,也不能说大骨节病和克山病是同病异症。  相似文献   
系统介绍国内外机车柴油机排放污染物限值和测定方法法规制定的进展与现状、重点介绍了国际铁路联盟(UIC)、欧洲共同体(ECE)、经互会(CMEA)、国际标准组织(ISO)、美国、日本、捷克、前苏联及中国机车柴油机排放污染物限值与测定方法法规制定的有关情况.  相似文献   
本文给出了当超导复合多芯线位于高斜率迅变横向磁场中,多芯线内饱和区界线的理论计算式。此结果与已有的理论计算,也就是应用超导单芯线理论于多芯线场合的计算结果有明显的差别,其原因在于本理论考虑了饱和区内屏蔽电流的回路径路的存在。  相似文献   
PHC桩具有施工速度快、单桩承载力高、工后沉降及不均匀沉降小、施工质量容易控制、单位承载力造价便宜等优点,目前在高速公路桥梁工程中尚未得到推广应用。从管桩填芯、桩长和桩间距等几个方面,对PHC管桩在桥梁工程中的应用进了系统研究,通过PHC管桩实体工程验证了研究成果的正确性。  相似文献   
德国滑模摊铺机连续摊铺枕式无碴轨道轨下基础施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍德国铁路土路基上枕式 (Rheda型 )无碴轨道轨下基础采用滑模摊铺机连续摊铺混凝土底座和混凝土路槽的施工技术 ,并与我国长期施工实践所积累的较为成熟的轨排支撑架法技术相比较 ,对如何再提高机械化施工程度以及如何提高施工质量提出新的思路与方向。  相似文献   
钢轨断面图形信息自动获取系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以铁道钢轨断面图形检测为实例,设计了一个光学图象信息采集系统。把强光带直接照射到钢轨轨顶及其两侧,将一对CCD摄象机获取的三维物体的图象信息,经图象预处理后,用线性内插法对光带细化,使其变为二维图象处理,从而不再涉及难度较大的立体象对的图象相关问题。  相似文献   
Melatonin(Mel) ,anindoleamineprimarilyderivedfromthepinealgland ,issecretedduringthehoursofdarkness.Melactsasahormonalconduc tionof photoperiodinfluencedbytheseasonanddailyphysiologicalrhythms.Thefunctionofmelinhumansisobscure .However ,melhasattainedprominenceasatreatmentfordisturbedcircadianrhythmsandsleeppatterns ,hasenhancedthefunc tionofimmunitysystem[1] andhasinhibitedtumorgrowth[2 ] .Thepreviousstudieshaveindicatedthatmelcombinedwithotheranticancerdrugscanin creasetheefficiencyanddecre…  相似文献   
Objective Ependymal cells are thought to be the primary source of neural stem cells in the adult central nervous system. The purpose of this study is to examine spatial and temporal profiles of ependymal cell proliferation and migration after focal cerebral ischemia. Methods Eighty male Sprague Dawley rats underwent permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion after injection of 10/μL of 0.2% Dil into the lateral ventricle. Rats were sacrificed and brain sections were acquired for pathological evaluation and laser confocal imaging at day 1,3,7,11,14,21 and 28 after ischemia. Results The density of Dil-labeled cells in the ischemic ipsilateral subventricular zone was significantly higher than that in the control group and these labeled cells dispersed in the ischemic ipsilateral subventricular zone and/or were located in ependyma from day 1 to 11. In the ischemic ipsilateral cortex, some Diilabeled cells occurred in peri-infarction and infarction of parietal region at day14 and peaked at day 21 when some Dil-labeled cell nodules were found in this region. During postischemic day 14--28, a significant decrease in labeled celldensity in the ischemic ipsilateral subventricular zone was coincident with a significant increase in labeled cells density in the cortex (peri-infarction and infarction). Conclusion The results indicate that ependymal cells proliferate and migrate after focal cerebral ischemia in the adult rat brain.  相似文献   
Kashin Beckdisease (KBD )isanendemicos teochondropathyresultingfromimpairedendochon drialdevelopmentinchildren .Itmanifestswithsecondarychronicdeformitiesandosteoarthrosisinadults.Geographically ,thediseaseoccursmainlyinadiagonalbeltrangingfromthenortheasttothesouthwestofChina (KBDarea) .Thisareaischar acterizedbyalowfoodseleniumcontent .Thereare2 .5millionpatientswithKBDand 30millionpeo pleareatrisk[1] .TheclinicalmanifestationsofKBDareflexionoftheterminalpartofthefingersorcrookedfinger…  相似文献   
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