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Modeling delay at signalized intersections with channelized right‐turn lanes considering the impact of blockage 下载免费PDF全文
This paper presents a probabilistic delay model for signalized intersections with right‐turn channelization lanes considering the possibility of blockage. Right‐turn channelization is used to improve the capacity and to reduce delay at busy intersections with a lot of right‐turns. However, under heavy traffic conditions the through vehicles will likely block the channelization entrance that accrues delay to right‐turn vehicles. If the right‐turn channelization gets blocked frequently, its advantage in reducing the intersection delay is neglected and as a result the channelization lane becomes inefficient and redundant. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) neglects the blockage effect, which may be a reason for low efficiency during peak hours. More importantly, using HCM or other standard traffic control methods without considering the blockage effects would lead to underestimation of the delay. To overcome this issue, the authors proposed delay models by taking into account both deterministic and random aspects of vehicles arrival patterns at signalized intersections. The proposed delay model was validated through VISSIM, a microscopic simulation model. The results showed that the proposed model is very precise and accurately estimates the delay. In addition, it was found that the length of short‐lane section and proportion of right‐turn and through traffic significantly influence the approach delay. For operational purposes, the authors provided a step‐by‐step delay calculation process and presented approach delay estimates for different sets of traffic volumes, signal settings, and short‐lane section lengths. The delay estimates would be useful in evaluating adequacy of the current lengths, identifying the options of extending the short‐lane section length, or changing signal timing to reduce the likelihood of blockage. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
针对顶上隧道施工过程中的涌泥事故,通过地质调查、地质雷达探测、钻探等手段,详细研究了事故发生地段的工程地质情况、水文地质情况;分析了该隧道岩溶的发育、赋存、分布规律及规模;指出顶上隧道涌泥的主要原因是岩溶洼地及落水洞中的地表积水和残坡积水以及基岩裂隙水,经岩溶管道不断地渗透于花岗岩体与钙质砂页岩及灰岩接触部位的薄弱地带,从而形成了以垂直发育为主封闭性较好的管道溶洞。实践中结合地质补勘结果,采用跟管管棚、溶洞回填、加强溶洞段初期支护等治理措施,对顶上隧道的涌泥进行了有效处治。 相似文献
结合道路运输行业安全监管现状,从道路运输行业安全监管职责和内容、监管方式、安全检查方面对道路运输行业安全监管存在的问题进行分析,并有针对性的提出了相应的建议和对策。 相似文献
为了针对某大型沉管隧道预制管节的顶推滑移系统选择合适的摩擦面材料,文章对该顶推滑移系统的四组拟采用摩擦面材料(不锈钢板-PTFE、不锈钢板-NGE、普通钢板-PTFE、普通钢板-NGE)进行了静、动态摩擦系数测试。利用20 000 k N压剪试验机、采用双剪法进行了模拟测试试验。试验结果表明:(1)四组被测试摩擦面的摩擦系数中,不锈钢板与PTFE板的最小,普通钢板与PTFE板的最大;(2)锂基润滑油和水对减小不锈钢板与PTFE板之间的静、动摩擦系数效果都十分明显,但锂基润滑油对摩擦系数的减小效果会随着油层被挤压变薄而逐渐减弱。该试验结果为该顶推滑移系统的摩擦面材料选择以及摩擦面润滑处理措施提供了重要参考依据。 相似文献
随着改革开放以来,我国的经济得到了快速的发展,第一产业和第二产业都得到了有效的发展.众所周知,我国是农业大国,农业生产是国民经济中的重要组成部分,随着我国工业的发展,我国都农业也得到了飞速的发展.其主要为农业提供机械的生产,以促进农业的发展以及农业水平的提高.在农业机械的逐步推广,我国的农业农村发展发生了翻天覆地的变化... 相似文献
本文介绍了一种基于力学分析的皮卡车(也称多用途货车)牵引能力的理论计算和试验方法,得出了决定皮卡车牵引能力的主要因素有:皮卡车动力传动系统能力、驱动形式、结构强度,挂车类型以及道路情况等。经验证,理论计算得到的牵引能力与试验结果一致性较好:通过皮卡车牵引能力的计算和验证,能够有效指导企业进行设计开发,充分发挥皮卡车较强的牵引能力特性,推动皮卡车市场发展。 相似文献
随着社会经济的不断发展,人们对能源的创新利用以及减少环境污染等方面产生了新的思考,对单缸高温置换型发动机借助斯特林原理加以改造可以有效优化热力学以及空气动力学的实际应用.基于此,本文对斯特林原理发动机的创新实验进行探讨,分别从建立斯特林原理创新实验室的背景与意义、基于STL原理的创新实验活动以及STL原理创新实验活动的... 相似文献