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提出了一种车辆运行状态识别体系.鉴于车辆行驶环境的复杂性,多作业工况条件的影响以及车辆行驶行为表现特征的多元性,采用BP神经网络技术与Dempster-Shafer证据推理技术相结合的信息模式分类及融合判断的解决方案.为验证所提出的方案,建立车载摄像机视频实时检测系统,以车道偏离信息和跟驰车间距信息作为车辆行驶的表征参量,实现车辆险态行驶特征表现的检测和评价.研究结果表明,模式分类和多源信息融合决策技术的综合运用提高了车辆危险行驶姿态表征信息甄别的自适应性和智能化水平.  相似文献   
为准确计算航道通过能力,针对单双向通航方式并存的混合通航航道,建立了基于船种聚类的航道通过能力量化模型.根据海港航道通航管理规则,对不同船舶种类进行分类,通过聚类算法确定船舶种类特征及其分布概率.与传统航道通过能力计算方法相比,对不同种类船舶所占航道资源分别附以不同权重,同时考虑船舶通航方式改变对航道通过能力的影响,能够更加准确地量化航道通过能力.应用天津港大沽沙航道数据进行了实例分析,目前航道实际月通过船舶约为1 905艘次,计算得到大沽沙航道月通过能力为2 350艘次,并且与港口公共混合通航航道通过能力计算结果4 455艘次/月相对比,前者的结果更符合实际情况,后者的结果明显大于实际航道通过能力.结果表明,基于船种聚类的航道通过能力量化方法能更加准确地反映航道实际情况.  相似文献   
地铁车站接地设计探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前国内地铁接地设计通常采用外引接地极、绝缘引入、设置专用接地网的现状,参考国外地铁接地的设置形式,分析地铁接地网与结构钢筋不能做到真正绝缘的原因.实践证明,采用不大于1Ω的接地电阻完全能够满足地铁对接地的要求.结合实际,说明在地铁接地设计中可以用车站结构钢筋作为自然接地体,合理地确定接地电阻的大小,对于降低工程造价和施工难度具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
分析点式感烟探测器、缆式线型定温探测器、红外光束感烟探测器在地铁电缆夹层、高大的车库空间、装修方案复杂的车站站厅公共区、站台公共区等场合应用的不足,通过对吸气式烟雾探测技术与传统的火灾探测器在地铁环境中的应用特点进行对比分析,说明吸气式烟雾探测系统具有安装灵活、易维护等特点,推荐在地铁上述重要或特殊场所采用吸气式烟雾探测报警技术.  相似文献   
Ridesharing has been attracting increasing attention from both academia and industry. One of the challenges posed by the study of ridesharing is to identify the most valuable information for improving the ridesharing decisions taken by participants. Another challenge is to use harvesting techniques to extract specific types of travel-related information. Many methods have been developed by the community in order to solve these issues. However, due to a lack of information sharing between different transit authorities and the difficulty of identifying subjective perceptions of the experience of ridesharing, understanding and evaluating how social media data might support or obstruct goals for mobility, safety and environmental sustainability in ridesharing is a difficult task. In this survey, we first analyze the literature on ridesharing with a focus on the properties and model of service, and introduce a framework to describe the major components required for a ridesharing service. Then, we illustrate the potential value of information extracted from social media and present the rationale for harvesting travel-related data. Finally, we detail some possible directions and different approaches for using social media data, and highlight their assets and drawbacks.  相似文献   
The household travel survey (HTS) finds itself in the midst of rapid technological change. Traditional methods are increasingly being sidelined by digital devices and computational power—for tracking movements, automatically detecting modes and activities, facilitating data collection, etc.. Smartphones have recently emerged as the latest technological enhancement. FMS is a smartphone-based prompted-recall HTS platform, consisting of an app for sensor data collection, a backend for data processing and inference, and a user interface for verification of inferences (e.g., modes, activities, times, etc.). FMS, has been deployed in several cities of the global north, including Singapore. This paper assesses the first use of FMS in a city of the global south, Dar es Salaam. FMS in Dar was implemented over a 1-month period, among 581 adults chosen from 300 randomly selected households. Individuals were provided phones with data plans and the FMS app preloaded. Verification of the collected data occurred every 3 days, via a phone interview. The experiment reveals various social and technical challenges. Models of individual likelihood to participate suggest little bias. Several socioeconomic and demographic characteristics apparently do influence, however, the number of days fully verified per individual. Similar apparent biases emerge when predicting the likelihood of a given day being verified. Some risk of non-random, non-response is, thus, evident.  相似文献   
在大倾角中厚煤层沿空留巷中,以往的支护方式难以满足大倾角中厚煤层巷道特殊的围岩结构稳定的需要,同时无法适应工作面内矸石垮落造成留巷困难。文章针对这一难题,首次提出并采用了"柔性护巷"技术,通过利用巷道上帮形成的由垮落矸石堆积在特制钢筋网上的"包护带",允许巷道顶板有一定的下沉量,从而使矸石充分为巷道顶板组合岩梁结构提供支撑力。在总结其施工工艺的基础上,通过现场试验,研究了巷道矿压显现规律、顶板移动规律、矸石垮落堆积规律和钢筋网变形规律;实验结果表明,在利用锚、网、索、支柱联合支护的基础上,应用"柔性护巷"技术能有效地解决大倾角中厚煤层沿空留巷技术难题。  相似文献   
沥青混凝土路面主要应用于公路的面层,由于沥青混凝土材料本身的差异,以及受设计、施工水平的影响,沥青路面常常出现松散、脱皮、冻胀翻浆、水破坏、沉陷、开裂、泛油、坑槽等病害。这些病害的出现严重影响了路面行车速度、行车安全、加大了汽车磨损、缩短了沥青路面的使用寿命,使行车不畅,行成交通压力,造成道路使用年限缩短。本文具体结合工程项目阐述沥青混凝土的施工工艺、病害分析及防治措施。  相似文献   
在科威特舒艾拜油码头工程砼施工中,对砼的配比、搅拌、输送、出模温度、作业的可靠性都有很高的要求。文中介绍了针对上述要求对三航砼7船进行的技术改造措施和效果。  相似文献   
文中提出一种新的复合材料板弹簧设计方法,以某型客车的载荷、安装条件为设计依据,以结构力学和复合材料力学为设计原理,进行玻璃钢复合材料板弹簧的自主设计,设计结果需要满足4个工况下强度和刚度要求。使用Abaqus有限元软件进行强度和刚度校核,并进行静力试验和疲劳试验。计算结果与试验结果对比发现,刚度和强度吻合度较高,此设计方法具有良好的适用性。  相似文献   
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