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钢管混凝土结构节点的抗震性能的研究一直受到人们的重视,低周反复加载试验结果指出,加强环式节点滞回曲线饱满且稳定,但同时也发现,在节点域会出现鼓胀现象.为了解释这一现象,对加强环式节点进行了低周反复加载非线性模拟分析.分析内容包括节点的滞回耗能指标、节点域变形及节点域塑性扩展三部分.研究指出:(1)节点的滞回曲线饱满稳定,耗散系数都在2.0以上,表明节点整体延性很好;(2)腹板焊缝孔开孔过大,节点滞回曲线有不重合现象,可见腹板焊缝孔尺寸需要控制;(3)节点域柱壁有明显的变形,规律与滞回曲线相似,表明节点滞回曲线主要是由柱壁变形而非梁端塑性变形贡献的;(4)在反复荷载作用初期,环板就出现了贯穿的塑性带,而在相隔相当长的荷载循环之后,梁面上才有塑性出现.由于在反复荷载作用下,节点域发生了明显的变形,且在环板上形成贯穿的塑性带.  相似文献   
配送系统设计时,除了使系统的总费用最小外,还要满足各个需求点对时间的要求.综合考虑选址的物流成本和服务水平,在说明了建模的假设条件后,以经济性为决策目标,以时效性为约束条件,建立了带时效性约束的单个产品混合整数非线性规划模型.根据模型的特殊结构和粒子群算法解决复杂问题的优势,运用粒子群算法进行了求解.将多配送中心选址模型及算法应用于某一快递企业的选址问题,用实际调研的数据得出了一个最优选址方案.  相似文献   
北京地铁九号线军事博物馆站下穿一号线区间隧道,在下穿施工过程中,必须保证既有线路的正常运营。为此,先进行超前支护,再采用多分部的CRD法施工,大刚度和强度初支进行支护,并采用三维数值方法分析了车站隧道下穿施工对既有线的影响,施工过程中的多项现场监测结果表明,既有结构的沉降和新建隧道结构受力都控制在安全范围之内,保证了既有隧道的正常和新建隧道安全。  相似文献   
In metal forming processes such as sheet blanking, severe plastic deformation localizes in a narrow shear band near blanking clearance, and ductile fracture occurs at the final stage. Because the combinations of large nonlinear strain localization, displacement discontinuity and ductile fracture brought obstacles to numerical simulation, a ductile fracture initiation criterion model and an elasto-plastic finite element method (FEM) were presented to simulate localized severe plastic deformation. Initiation and propagation of cracks were treated by deletion-and-replacement approach. The distributions and developing trends of effective strain and damage were predicted, the influence of blanking clearance on fracture was discussed, and an experiment was performed to explore the forming mechanism.  相似文献   
The major reason of the failure of jointed rock-mass is the formation of the plastic zone near the crack tip of I-II mixed crack which leads to the growth, propagation of the branched crack under load condition. In the paper, the failure judgment of mini-plastic zone??s displacement is derived by the Mises yielding rule. The anchor cable is simulated by the different link elements and inflicting pre-strains according to the difference of mechanism of the consolidated segment and free segment. The stress and strain fields near crack tip of twain collinear cracks of different angles and consolidated conditions are simulated by iso-parametric element with eight nodes. The iso-parametric element with eight nodes is degenerated to singular element at crick tip to simulate crack. It is shown that the mini plastic zone??s displacement near the crack tip begins to increase, then decreases with the increase of the angle of the crack. The better consolidated condition is, the smaller the angle of crack tip is when the mini plastic zone??s displacement near the crack tip arrives at the biggest value. The mini plastic zone??s displacement near the crack Tip 2 is bigger than that near the crack Tip 3. The crack is easier to failure with the increase of load.  相似文献   
<正>A high-strength Mg-15.3Gd-l.8Ag-0.3Zr(GQ152K,mass fraction) alloy was prepared by conventional ingot metallurgy process.The solution and aging(denoted as T6) treated alloy exhibits remarkable mechanical properties with ultimate tensile strength of 421 MPa and tensile yield strength of 309MPa.It has higher igniting temperature of 1208 K.Moreover,it can stand against flame at 1203 K for over 6 min in vertical burning tests, and its flammabiUty behavior is very similar to that of 6101A1 alloy.Vertical burning tests appear to be able to directly study the flammability behavior of Mg alloys and it appears to be a good approach to study the flammability behavior of Mg alloys in an aircraft fire accident.  相似文献   
The nanometer coherent structure evolution of spinodal decomposition and ordering coexistence phase transformation in Fe-24Al alloys is investigated by the microscopic phase field kinetic model. The results show that the concentration and long-range order parameters all continuously change towards to their equilibrium values during phase transformation. With the increase of elastic interaction energy, the anisotropy along [01] or [10] elastic soft direction is more obvious and the time reaching equilibrium state is also shortened. According to the results, the formation of nanometer coherent structures during phase transformation is composed of the initial decreasing stage of order degree stage, the incubation stage, the continuous increasing stage of concentration order parameter and long-range order parameter, and the later stable stage. The spinodal decomposition and ordering is interaction; the initial ordering stage is a necessary condition of the coexistence phase transformation. The nanometer coherent structures are not found to grow during the whole phase transformation. The simulation results are in accordance with the results in experiment obtained by the aging treatment in Fe-24Al alloys.  相似文献   
付晶燕  赵一新  张国华 《城市交通》2012,10(6):28-35,57
为提高公共交通系统的服务水平和吸引力、满足居民和游客双重出行需求,三亚市公共交通一体化规划从管理体制、规划方案、规划对策等方面开展了系统研究。首先,分析了三亚市公共交通系统具有旅游主导性和服务水平低的现状特征。针对旅游交通主导的特点,规划引入当量人口的概念,提出将旅游人口折算成当量城市人口。然后,充分考虑旅游人口的交通需求对城市交通系统带来的额外负荷,提出"票运分离、游运整合、运力整合、站运分离、网络整合"的规划对策及相应的管理体制。同时,还提出了旅游集散中心、枢纽和场站、公交线网等规划方案。  相似文献   
为构建高科技园区安全、便捷、舒适的步行和自行车交通系统,从分析高科技园区特征以及步行和自行车交通的必要性入手,归纳总结其步行和自行车交通系统构建的技术路线和方法,提出规划、设计、管理不同阶段需要重点解决的问题。以北京市中关村科技园区电子城北扩区为例,探讨在规划、设计、管理中落实步行和自行车交通系统优先的途径。从步行和自行车交通需求特征、功能定位、与其他交通系统的关系角度详细阐述步行和自行车通道和节点规划方案。同时,探讨如何在设计和管理阶段落实规划中步行和自行车交通优先理念的具体对策。  相似文献   
将无味卡尔曼滤波(UKF)算法运用到车辆质心侧偏角的估计之中,基于纵滑—侧偏联合工况下的统一指数(Uni-tire)轮胎模型建立非线性车辆动力学模型,采用最小偏度单形采样的UKF算法估计车辆的几个关键状态参量,并由此得到质心侧偏角估计。最后采用奇瑞A3两厢型汽车的车辆参数,使用车辆动力学实时仿真软件DYNAware/veDYNA对观测器进行了实时验证。仿真结果表明,UKF非线性估计方法精度高,估计结果能够满足实际应用要求。  相似文献   
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