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The present paper presents a historical review associated with the research works on hull girder strength of ship and ship-shaped structures. Then, a new program is developed to determine the ultimate vertical bending moment of hull girder by applying direct method, stress distribution method, and progressive collapse analysis method. Six ships and ship-shaped structures used in the benchmark study of International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC) in 2012 are adopted as examples. The calculation results by applying the developed program are analyzed and compared with the existing results. Finally, the roles of the developed program and its further development are discussed.  相似文献   
In order to remotely monitor and maintain large-scale complex equipment in real time, China Telecom plans to create a total solution that integrates remote data collection, transmission, storage, analysis and prediction. This solution can provide manufacturers with proactive, systematic, integrated operation and maintenance service, and the data analysis and health forecasting are the most important part. This paper conducts health management for the turbine blades. Elman neural network, and improved Elman neural network, i.e., outputhidden feedback (OHF) Elman neural network are studied as the main research methods. The results verify the applicability of OHF Elman neural network.  相似文献   
Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Collision avoidance path planning is still one of the essential problems in the design and application of an intelligent maritime navigation system. Its...  相似文献   
This paper extends the work on Pareto-improving hybrid rationing and pricing policy for general road networks by considering heterogeneous users with different values of time. Mathematical programming models are proposed to find a multiclass Pareto-improving pure road space rationing scheme (MPI-PR) and multiclass hybrid rationing and pricing schemes (MHPI and MHPI-S). A numerical example with a multimodal network is provided for comparing both the efficiency and equity of the three proposed policies. We discover that MHPI-S can achieve the largest reduction in total system delay, MHPI can induce the least spatial inequity and MHPI-S is a progressive policy which is appealing to policy makers. Furthermore, numerical results reveal that different classes of users react differently to the same hybrid policies and multiclass Pareto-improving hybrid schemes yield less delay reduction when compared to their single-class counterparts.  相似文献   
针对清洗管道过程中测量内垢厚的问题,介绍利用γ射线透射法测量管道垢厚的系统设计。该系统可测量多种管道内垢层厚度,系统样机主要由γ射线收发模块、信号预处理模块、单片机控制模块、上位机管理通讯模块等组成。通过实验,样机可准确测量管道内垢层厚度,为管道的清洗与检测提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
文章考虑了土体力学特性,以及桩身材料性质、桩长与桩径(含扩底直径)、桩顶埋深、桩顶卸载与加载、群桩效应等诸多因素的影响,结合工程经验给出了计算扩底抗拔桩极限承载力的半经验半理论方法;根据扩底抗拔桩破坏面位置不同,将扩底抗拔桩破坏模式分为三类(即破坏面延伸至地表的整体剪切破坏、破坏面介于地表与扩孔段之间的局部剪切破坏与破坏面位于扩孔段附近的冲剪破坏),推导出了整体剪切破坏模式的极限平衡状态方程;并依据扩底抗拔桩轴对称条件与土体抗拉强度小的力学特征,给出了求解整体破坏面的微分筒数值解法;利用经验法估算了局部剪切破坏、冲剪破坏模式下的端阻力,进而给出了任意土层中扩底抗拔桩承载力计算步骤与方法;最后,结合一足尺试验的计算分析与承载力测试比较,验证了计算方法的可靠性与精确度。  相似文献   
清管器在输油管道中的运动规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在分析清管物理模型的基础上,建立了清管器前段塞流动的特征参数计算模型、动态数学模型以及相应的数值计算方法,并进行了数值模拟。利用数学模拟方法可以计算清管过程中管线的压力分布,利用压力分布可以跟踪清管球在管线内的运行,这为混输管路的运行管理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
采用特征线法对瞬时关闭管道终端阀门 ,在安装和不安装空气罐两种状况时 ,管道压力的变化情况进行了数值模拟 ,并分析了空气罐初始容积、空气罐安装位置等参数对管道瞬态水击压力变化的影响 ,结果表明 :在输液管道的适当位置安装容积一定的空气罐能较好地控制水击的产生  相似文献   
兰渝线兰广段通过板岩、碳质板岩等软岩区段的隧道极易发生大变形.在现场工程实践和试验的基础上,文章对该区段地质条件的特殊性进行了分析,并对目前隧道围岩基本分级及在施工过程中的设计变更修正进行了阐述,着重对软岩大变形隧道的围岩分级标准和选用支护参数的适宜性进行了探讨,以期能为今后同类工程提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   
文章结合四川农村公路建设现状,从四川公路建设现状等层面分析了农村公路的建设环境问题,提出农村公路建设自身存在一系列问题,以及探索农村群众的新期待和新要求。  相似文献   
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