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A simple demonstrator for a magnetic levitation vehicle (MagLev) based on repulsive suspension forces generated by permanent magnets is presented. The lateral and yaw motions are stabilized using controlled electromagnets. A mathematical model, aimed mainly at defining the control strategy, has been developed and then experimentally validated using the demonstrator. Two different control strategies have been tested, namely a zero position error and a zero average current control strategy. Both proved to grant a stable behaviour and to effectively counteract external force disturbances. This demonstrator will be used in future research on MagLev vehicles but also on magnetic suspensions in general.  相似文献   
A design feature of many computer-controlled suspension systems, is their ability to adapt control law parameters to suit prevailing road conditions. Here, for systems employing high bandwidth actuators and state variable feedback control, the benefits of such adaptation are shown to be at best marginal. An optimal adaptive LQG system is compared with a fixed structure nonlinear feedback controller in the context of a simple quarter-vehicle suspension model. Performance comparisons are made, and trends considered under more realistic conditions. In consequence the overall usefulness of this type of adaptation is called into question.  相似文献   
A method for the dynamic analysis of railway vehicles is proposed. The method is based on both the using of constraint equations, and on the building of the mathematical model by means of the initial data.

The calculation models are nonlinear, due both to the connecting elements, and to the wheel-rail contact modelling. Solving of differential equations is achieved by time step integration. The method has been applied to the analysis of a freight wagon and a train unit.  相似文献   
The way that users select a shipping service from the range of available options is a complex and poorly understood process. It is difficult, if not impossible, to reduce all the attributes to a single dimesion—such as cost—and in reality no-one tries to do so. Using the results of a survey of shippers, a behavioural framework has been constructed to represent the stages in the decision process and the interaction of factors that influence the shipping manager. Previous models have tended to isolate and examine individual components of the process and have not linked these components together to form an integrated explanation. The proposed framework is a multi-stage process with elements of both compensatory and non-compensatory behaviour and a strong emphasis on risk avoidance.  相似文献   
Hydrodynamic modelling of water movement in Hunts Bay, a protected part of Kingston Harbour, Jamaica, shows that depth averaged tidal flows are very low. In the northeast corner of Hunts Bay, water is essentially stagnant. Even under high flow conditions, much of the Bay bottom water is ‘bypassed' by buoyant, lower salinity surface flows. The muddy sediments of Hunts Bay reflect these sluggish to stagnant conditions; sediment cores from the northeast corner of the Bay contain progressively higher amounts of organic matter in their upper parts (last 15–20 years sedimentation). Combined C/N ratios and stable carbon isotope compositions of this organic matter imply a sewage origin. Both lead and chromium metal concentrations and enrichment factors relative to average crustal shales show geographically related patterns that reflect hydrodynamic circulation predicted by modelling. In particular, metal concentrations and enrichment factors are highest at the northern end of the bay, especially in the northeast corner. Modelling confirms that stagnant conditions would occur in the northeast part of the bay even without the presence of a major causeway. The causeway may contribute to low flow conditions, but is not the principal cause of organic contamination, which is simply an excessive input of sewage.  相似文献   
The research described in this paper is an attempt to quantify the impact of a certain distribution of land uses upon trip characteristics — notably trip lengths. The idea is to relate trip lengths classified by mode and purpose to the distance of one trip end from the conurbation centre. The latter is defined as the point which represents a reasonable estimate of the place where the economic, administrative, and cultural life of the urban area is centered.By relating trip lengths to the distance of one trip end from the centre, one could obtain a relation which in effect would be a quantitative expression of the relation between transport and land use. The first application of this idea was in London using the 1966 journey to work data, and it gave quite satisfactory results.The area examined in this research is the Greater Athens Area. The method of analysis is similar to that followed in London so the results of the two studies can be compared. Only work trips are considered for four modes: car, bus, train and all modes (total). It is found that in the case of Athens too, when distance of the workplace from the centre is considered, trip lengths change in smoothly varying ways and a series of mathematical curves can be fitted to the data with an acceptable degree of accuracy. These curves are of the Gamma family having a constant spread factor and varying scale factors for each mode considered. When the distance of the residence end of the trip from the centre is considered, the trip length distributions are not very smooth, a clear mathematical curve cannot be fitted, but again a considerable degree of order can be detected. In addition to the above results a discussion is given on their meaning and the possibilities for future research. In fact the results so far are considered to be the first stage of a more extended research programme which will eventually connect trip length distributions to income and other economic or social parameters in an urban area.The author wishes to express his thanks and appreciation for the comments and constructive criticism made on the various drafts of this paper by M.J.M.  相似文献   
This paper describes a simplified methodology designed for quick investment appraisal of improvements to a transport network, and discusses its limitations and advantages particularly in the context of a developing country. The approach basically considers:
  • - a method to define the total population (relevant origin-destination pairs) affected by the project
  • - the selection of a low-cost background model to represent transport demand on a network at an aggregate level
  • - the choice of a suitable marginal demand model (in this case a discrete mode choice model) capable of providing the required sensitivity and accuracy to model the project
  • - the estimation of the marginal demand due to the project during all the years of the study horizon, and
  • - a sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness of the decision recommended using these two models.
  • Finally, the paper summarises the results of applying the methodology to the case of an extension to the Santiago underground; it was found that the project has a high social rate of return (almost 20 per cent). However, from the point of view of a private evaluation, it can cover its operating costs only.  相似文献   
    隧道钻爆法机械化修建方法是以全工序高效率大型机械配套为基础,用以解决复杂山区长大山岭隧道安全、优质、高效及经济等施工问题的一种技术方法。文章从隧道设计角度论述了钻爆法机械化修建面临的掌子面安全控制与洞身段变形控制两大关键挑战,并总结了以机械化全断面全地质型施工技术、掌子面稳定性评价方法、掌子面超前主动支护技术、掌子面超前支护“定量化”精准设计技术、低预应力锚杆主动支护技术、早高强喷混凝土主动支护技术、初期支护快速成环封闭技术、围岩形变压力计算方法等为核心的隧道钻爆法机械化修建设计关键技术,为推广应用隧道钻爆法机械化修建方法提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
    依托广州地铁18号线盾构施工,针对其地层分布复杂、软硬差异大及穿越密集民房建筑群等特点,通过注浆加固、现场动态监测、优化掘进参数等一系列主动措施,解决实际工程中掘进参数合理取值与地表建筑沉降变形控制两大难题。研究结果表明:(1)在该类软硬地层中掘进时,刀盘在通过不同岩层断面分界线时扭矩、推力等参数波动较大,总推力与扭矩有良好的相关性,各掘进参数宜控制为:推力30000~35000 kN、扭矩4500~6000 kN·m、推进速度35~45 mm/min;(2)提出的多段式封孔洞内超前注浆工艺可使刀盘前18 m范围内的地表上抬3~5 mm,最大上抬值能达9.02 mm,同时能缓解土体在盾构下穿时及后续固结稳定的沉降趋势;(3)因刀具磨损、掘进参数波动大、螺旋机卡死等引起的临时停机会造成地表建筑日沉降速率超过3 mm/d,在预设停机点位置前采取洞内超前注浆和克泥效工法能有效缓解沉降趋势,在带压开舱期间日沉降速率控制在2 mm/d以下;(4)左右隧道轴线附近的地表建筑沉降基本可分为“微小隆起—沉降较大—逐渐稳定”三个阶段,测点最大沉降值最终稳定在-21.38 mm、-22.49 mm,均小于控制值。  相似文献   
    This paper presents the results of a combined empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sea surface temperature (SST) data and sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor (SeaWiFS) chlorophyll concentration data over the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean), covering a period of 1 year (November 1997–October 1998). The aim of this study is to go beyond the limited temporal extent of available in situ measurements by inferring the temporal and spatial variability of the Alboran Gyre system from long temporal series of satellite observations, in order to gain insight on the interactions between the circulation and the biological activity in the system. In this context, EOF decomposition permits concise and synoptic representation of the effects of physical and biological phenomena traced by SST and chlorophyll concentration. Thus, it is possible to focus the analysis on the most significant phenomena and to understand better the complex interactions between physics and biology at the mesoscale. The results of the EOF analysis of AVHRR-SST and SeaWiFS-chlorophyll concentration data are presented and discussed in detail. These improve and complement the knowledge acquired during the in situ observational campaigns of the MAST-III Observations and Modelling of Eddy scale Geostrophic and Ageostrophic motion (OMEGA) Project.  相似文献   
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