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Cars are designed to appeal to the buyer’s self-image, many of them evoking an impression of speed and power. Such an impression conflicts both with the aesthetic language of suburban architecture, and the needs of pedestrians. The research described in this report was conceived as a preliminary investigation of how members of the public view the aesthetic impact of cars in the residential street environment, particularly from the pedestrian’s point of view. The results suggested that people use two distinct sets of criteria when evaluating the motor car and the residential environment in visual terms. When asked to ‘match’ different models of car with different street scenes, respondents avoided referring to abstract visual qualities such as shape, colour and texture, but concentrated instead on the owners: the imagined driver and the imagined householder. The problem of visual harmony was reduced to one of social and cultural harmony. Could the imagined householder be expected to drive this or that car? However, SUVs were singled out as visually intrusive because they blocked the pedestrian’s view. Members of one of the groups, boys aged 11–12, found it difficult to visualise the impact of cars on pedestrians at all, or even to question vehicle design from the pedestrian’s point of view. They just wanted to be in the driving seat.  相似文献   
2006年巴黎车展上,日产揭开了一款名为Qashqai的新车面纱.这是一款融合5门掀背运动车和四驱越野车的交叉车型,将在英国日产工厂生产.  相似文献   
Nash  C.A. 《Transportation》1974,3(3):225-242
There are two ways in which new road schemes may influence capital expenditure on vehicles. Firstly, by improving utilisation of existing vehicles, the size of fleet needed to perform a given volume of work may be reduced. This will clearly reduce the amount of capital tied up in motor vehicles at any point in time, and to the extent that vehicle life is determined by age rather than mileage run, will also yield savings in terms of investment in new vehicles. Secondly, by generating additional road traffic, road schemes may lead to an increase in the stock of vehicles in use.This paper argues that the current treatment of vehicle depreciation and interest charges in U.K. cost data fails to allow correctly for either of these items. Errors of logic occur in the way in which the capital stock of vehicles is valued, and in the fact that certain overheads are ignored even when fleet size changes. Moreover, the empirical evidence supporting the current partitioning of depreciation into overhead and running cost components, and the assumption of constant hours in service after an increase in journey speed seems of doubtful validity.An alternative method of calculating vehicle capital costs, based on the concept of annual capital charge, and making explicit the assumptions with respect to vehicle utilisation, is advocated, and the sensitivity of results to the view taken of the latter is demonstrated by means of specimen calculations.  相似文献   
Chris 《汽车生活》2009,(9):140-141
源于内在。自然天成。双重天赋集于一身。纯粹恒久。低调简约。回归本真。瑞士制造整体陶瓷计时表限量版系列"少即是多(Less is More)",是雷达表著称的现代简约风格。这与世界殿堂级设计大师Jasper Morrison崇尚的"平常至极"理念一拍即合。  相似文献   

This article explores the lack of uniform penalty assessment in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) civil penalty policy under the Fishery Conservation and Management Act (the Magnuson Act). The author sugests that NOAA's inconsistent penalty assessment invites noncompliance by fishers because they view the penalties as unfair and arbitrary. In particular, deterrence is undermined by the absence of a provision that removes the economic benefits of noncompliance. NOAA's policy is contrasted with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) civil penalty policy, which uniformly assesses penalties while tailoring the penalty to the individual facts of the case and effectively removing the economic incentives of noncompliance. If NOAA implemented a policy similar to EPA's, NOAA would secure increased Magnuson Act compliance and higher penalty amounts.  相似文献   
C. A. Nash 《运输评论》2013,33(3):269-282
This paper compares the major role played by suburban rail (S‐Bahn) systems in West German cities with the much more limited role of rail in the British conurbations. Clearly, the difference owes much to the institutional and financial arrangements in the two countries. In West Germany, large amounts of earmarked funds have been available for rail investment, whilst the Federal government has been willing to shoulder much of the burden of operating subsidies. The Verkehrsverbund has emerged as a highly effective way of coordinating fares and services without direct ownership of any mode of transport. By contrast in Britain funds for rail investment have been much more limited. Progress with integration has been far slower, and is threatened by current government policies regarding both bus deregulation and the abolition of the Metropolitan county councils. Whilst rail is firmly established in German cities, its future in Britain looks bleak.  相似文献   
This paper extends earlier investigations into the structure of shipping markets, and, in particular, examines the implicit assumption made in some applied studies that these markets are efficient. The idea of cointegration, recently developed in the time series literature, is used to analyse the world-wide markets for secondhand dry bulk carriers. The results raise serious doubts over the validity of efficient markets hypothesis in these cases.  相似文献   
Rail-road crossings generate a range of transport, economic, social and environmental impacts. While much research has focused on selected impacts such as safety, little consideration has been given to wider impacts. The aim of this research was to therefore develop a holistic understanding of the impacts of rail-road crossings (both at-grade and grade-separated) and to identify key gaps in knowledge in this field. An international synthesis of rail-road crossing impacts was developed through a detailed literature review, which revealed a total of 18 different types of impacts associated with rail-road crossings. The review found that most research to date has focused on quantifying transport and economic impacts, particularly safety and road vehicle delay, with little consideration given to social and environmental impacts. A number of research gaps have been identified which provide a clear agenda for future research. These gaps include the use of empirical evidence to support impact assessments, and the need to better understand the impacts of grade-separating rail-road crossings in terms of safety, travel time variability, land use, traffic flow, rail vehicle delay, disability access, and crime.  相似文献   
In this study, the performance of the horizontal large eddy simulation module, developed at the University of Leuven (HLES-KULeuven module) is assessed. A comparison between different subgrid scale models has been carried out. The study is concerned with the non-rotating and unstratified flows. The results of the simulation for an oscillatory backward facing (BFS) flow are presented in case of an expanding flume based on a one-length scale approach and a two-length scale approach. Three subgrid scale (SGS) models have been tested: Smagorinsky SGS model (Smagorinsky, J., (1963). General circulation experiments with the primitive equations, I. the basic experiments. Monthly Weather Review, 91(3), 99–164), Uittenbogaard SGS model (Uittenbogaard, R.E., and van Vossen, B., (2004). Subgrid-scale model for quasi-2D turbulence in shallow water. Shallow Flows. Jirka and Uijttewaal (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 90 5809 700 5) and a proposed two-length scale approach. The first two models are considered to be a one-length scale models. A simulation without a subgrid scale model for the horizontal mixing has also been conducted. In all simulations, a quadratic friction model parameterizes the dissipation produced by the 3D-subdepth scale turbulence. The two-length scale concept uses a newly mixing length formulation for the quasi-2D turbulence and doesn't depend on the filter width in contrast to the one-length scale approach, in which the mixing length is function of the filter width. The outputs of the HLES-KULeuven module have been compared with the experimental data taken from Stelling, G.S., and Wang, L.X., (1984). Experiments and computations on separating flow in an expanding flume. Dept. Civil Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Report 2–84.). The two-length scale approach has been validated with experimental data from SERC Flood Channel Facility at HR Wallingford. In general, there is a qualitative agreement with the experimental data. It has also been found that the two-length scale approach produces more elongated and less isotropic vortex than the one-length scale models.  相似文献   
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