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Widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) may contribute to the alleviation of problems such as environmental pollution, global warming and oil dependency. However, the current market penetration of EV is relatively low in spite of many governments implementing strong promotion policies. This paper presents a comprehensive review of studies on consumer preferences for EV, aiming to better inform policy-makers and give direction to further research. First, we compare the economic and psychological approach towards this topic, followed by a conceptual framework of EV preferences which is then implemented to organise our review. We also briefly review the modelling techniques applied in the selected studies. Estimates of consumer preferences for financial, technical, infrastructure and policy attributes are then reviewed. A categorisation of influential factors for consumer preferences into groups such as socio-economic variables, psychological factors, mobility condition, social influence, etc. is then made and their effects are elaborated. Finally, we discuss a research agenda to improve EV consumer preference studies and give recommendations for further research.

Abbreviations: AFV: alternative fuel vehicle; BEV: battery electric vehicle; CVs: conventional vehicles; EVs: electric vehicles; FCV: fuel cell vehicle; HCM: hybrid choice model; HEV: hybrid electric vehicle (non plug-in); HOV: high occupancy vehicle; MNL: MultiNomial logit; MXL: MiXed logit model; PHEV: plug-in hybrid electric vehicle; RP: revealed preference; SP: stated preference.  相似文献   

Accessibility: measurement and application in transportation planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A collocation-type control variable optimisation method is used to investigate the extent to which the fully active suspension (FAS) can be applied to improve the vehicle electronic stability control (ESC) performance and reduce the braking distance. First, the optimisation approach is applied to the scenario of vehicle stabilisation during the sine-with-dwell manoeuvre. The results are used to provide insights into different FAS control mechanisms for vehicle performance improvements related to responsiveness and yaw rate error reduction indices. The FAS control performance is compared to performances of the standard ESC system, optimal active brake system and combined FAS and ESC configuration. Second, the optimisation approach is employed to the task of FAS-based braking distance reduction for straight-line vehicle motion. Here, the scenarios of uniform and longitudinally or laterally non-uniform tyre–road friction coefficient are considered. The influences of limited anti-lock braking system (ABS) actuator bandwidth and limit-cycle ABS behaviour are also analysed. The optimisation results indicate that the FAS can provide competitive stabilisation performance and improved agility when compared to the ESC system, and that it can reduce the braking distance by up to 5% for distinctively non-uniform friction conditions.  相似文献   
Air–sea flux measurements of O2 and N2 obtained during Hurricane Frances in September 2004 [D'Asaro, E. A. and McNeil, C. L., 2006. Measurements of air–sea gas exchange at extreme wind speeds. Journal Marine Systems, this edition.] using air-deployed neutrally buoyant floats reveal the first evidence of a new regime of air–sea gas transfer occurring at wind speeds in excess of 35 m s− 1. In this regime, plumes of bubbles 1 mm and smaller in size are transported down from near the surface of the ocean to greater depths by vertical turbulent currents with speeds up to 20−30 cm s− 1. These bubble plumes mostly dissolve before reaching a depth of approximately 20 m as a result of hydrostatic compression. Injection of air into the ocean by this mechanism results in the invasion of gases in proportion to their tropospheric molar gas ratios, and further supersaturation of less soluble gases. A new formulation for air–sea fluxes of weakly soluble gases as a function of wind speed is proposed to extend existing formulations [Woolf, D.K, 1997. Bubbles and their role in gas exchange. In: Liss, P.S., and Duce, R.A., (Eds.), The Sea Surface and Global Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 173–205.] to span the entire natural range of wind speeds over the open ocean, which includes hurricanes. The new formulation has separate contributions to air–sea gas flux from: 1) non-supersaturating near-surface equilibration processes, which include direct transfer associated with the air–sea interface and ventilation associated with surface wave breaking; 2) partial dissolution of bubbles smaller than 1 mm that mix into the ocean via turbulence; and 3) complete dissolution of bubbles of up to 1 mm in size via subduction of bubble plumes. The model can be simplified by combining “surface equilibration” terms that allow exchange of gases into and out of the ocean, and “gas injection” terms that only allow gas to enter the ocean. The model was tested against the Hurricane Frances data set. Although all the model parameters cannot be determined uniquely, some features are clear. The fluxes due to the surface equilibration terms, estimated both from data and from model inversions, increase rapidly at high wind speed but are still far below those predicted using the cubic parameterization of Wanninkhof and McGillis [Wannikhof, R. and McGillis, W.R., 1999. A cubic relationship between air–sea CO2 exchange and wind speed. Geophysical Research Letters, 26:1889–1892.] at high wind speed. The fluxes due to gas injection terms increase with wind speed even more rapidly, causing bubble injection to dominate at the highest wind speeds.  相似文献   
This study is a first synthesis focused on incised-valleys located within the inner shelf of the Bay of Biscay. It is based on previously published results obtained during recent seismic surveys and coring campaigns. The morphology of the valleys appears to be strongly controlled by tectonics and lithology. The Pleistocene sedimentary cover of the shelf is very thin and discontinuous with a maximum thickness ranging between 30 and 40 m in incised-valley fills. Thus the incised bedrock morphology plays a key-role by controlling hydrodynamics and related sediment transport and deposition that explains some variations of those incised-valley fills with respect to the previously published general models.  相似文献   
Abundances of particles, total bacteria, and particulate extracellular polymeric substances (pEPS) in Arctic sea ice were tracked through a winter season to examine the impact of combined extremes of low temperature and high salinity on the prokaryotic microbial community. Three horizons, centered at depths of 25, 45, and 65 cm from the ice surface, with mean seasonal temperatures of − 20, − 17, and − 13 °C, respectively, were sampled 16 times over the course of 12 weeks. Microscopic counts of bacteria (stained with DAPI) and particles (stained with acridine orange) reflected the dynamic conditions of the growing ice sheet, with greater abundances and variability in the upper ice horizons compared to the lower. The trend of higher particle and bacterial abundances in the upper ice was corroborated by several full-depth profiles taken during the expedition, which also displayed significantly decreasing cell abundance with depth. Bacterial abundance declined slowly and significantly with time in the upper and middle ice horizons, but not in the lowest, suggesting that much of the prokaryotic microbial community is resilient to extreme environmental conditions. We found that pEPS concentrations increased significantly with time and with decreasing temperatures in all depth horizons, which may lend support to the argument that sea ice bacteria produce EPS in situ as a cryoprotectant.  相似文献   
Observations of vertical velocities in deep wintertime mixed layers using neutrally buoyant floats show that the convectively driven vertical velocities, roughly 1000 m per day, greatly exceed the sinking velocities of phytoplankton, 10 m or less per day. These velocities mix plankton effectively and uniformly across the convective layer and are therefore capable of returning those that have sunk to depth back into the euphotic zone. This mechanism cycles cells through the surface layer during the winter and provides a seed population for the spring bloom. A simple model of this mechanism applied to immortal phytoplankton in the subpolar Labrador Sea predicts that the seed population in early spring will be a few percent of the fall concentration if the plankton sink more slowly than the mean rate at which the surface well-mixed layer grows over the winter. Plankton that sink faster than this will mostly sink into the abyss with only a minute fraction remaining by spring. The shallower mixed layers of mid-latitudes are predicted to be much less effective at maintaining a seed population over the winter, limiting the ability of rapidly sinking cells to survive the winter.  相似文献   

Road network planning (or design) problems consist of determining the best investment decisions to be made with regard to the improvement of a road network. In this paper, we propose an optimization model for long-term interurban road network planning where accessibility and robustness objectives are simultaneously taken into account. Three network robustness measures were defined to assess different robustness concerns: network spare capacity; city evacuation capacity; and network vulnerability. The results that may be obtained from the application of the model are illustrated for three random networks. Special attention is given to the implications of adopting each one of the robustness measures upon the optimum solution provided by the model.  相似文献   
Researchers have used multiday travel data sets recently to examine day-to-day variability in travel behavior. This work has shown that there is considerable day-to-day variation in individuals' urban travel behavior in terms of such indicators of behavior as trip frequency, trip chaining, departure time from home, and route choice. These previous studies have also shown that there are a number of important implications of the observed day-to-day variability in travel behavior. For example, it has been shown that it may be possible to improve model parameter estimation precision, without increasing the cost of data collection, by drawing a multiday sample (rather than a single day sample) of traveler behavior, if there is considerable day-to-day variability in the phenomenon being modeled. This paper examines day-to-day variability in urban travel using a three-day travel data set collected recently in Seattle, WA. This research replicates and extends previous work dealing with day-to-day variability in trip-making behavior that was conducted with data collected in Reading, England, in the early 1970s. The present research extends the earlier work by examining day-to-day variations in trip chaining and daily travel time in addition to the variation in trip generation rates. Further, the present paper examines day-to-day variations in travel across the members of two-person households. This paper finds considerable day-to-day variability in the trip frequency, trip chaining and daily travel time of the sample persons and concludes that, in terms of trip frequency, the level of day-to-day variability is very comparable to that observed previously with a data set collected almost 20 years earlier in Reading, England. The paper also finds that day-to-day variability in daily travel time is similar in magnitude to that in daily trip rates. The analysis shows that the level of day-to-day variability is about the same for home-based and non-homebased trips, thus indicating that day-to-day variability in total trip-making is attributable to variation in both home-based and non-home-based trips. Day-to-day variability in the travel behaviors of members of two-person households was also found to be substantial.  相似文献   
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