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一年一度的美国中部地区卡车展览会(Mid America Truck Show)于今年3月19~21日在肯塔基州路易斯维尔如期举行.康明斯展出了全系列满足EPA2010排放标准的中马力(6.7、8.3和9升)和重型柴油机(11.9升和15升)产品。  相似文献   
康明斯连续第二年入选《财富》“全球最受尊敬企业”排行榜 《财富》杂志日前公布了2009年度“全球最受尊敬企业(World’s Most Admired Companies)”排行榜,康明斯公司连续第二年入选,是唯一一家上榜的柴油机公司。  相似文献   
2008年6月11日,随着无锡康明斯涡轮增压技术公司(原无锡霍尔塞特)二期新厂房正式落成、无锡范尼韦尔工程公司开业投产以及康明斯涡轮增压技术系统新技术中心正式揭牌.康明斯涡轮增压技术系统(康明斯公司全资子公司)在华本地生产和研发能力得到新的提升。  相似文献   
尽管于2007年1月1日开始在美国正式实施的全球最为严格的机动车排放法规EPA2007,给北美重卡和发动机行业带来了很大的压力,但更加严格的EPA2010排放标准却已经成为了那些在行业具有领导地位的发动机企业全力攻关的方向.  相似文献   
Stated preferences for investigating commuters' diversion propensity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A reasonable response to increasing traffic congestion may come from the rapidly developing traveler information systems. Such systems may be successful if they effectively influence drivers' enroute decisions; in this regard, a critical factor may be commuters' willingness to divert from their regular route in response to information about traffic congestion. This study evaluates the effects of real-time traffic information along with driver attributes, roadway characteristics and situational factors on drivers' willingness to divert.The empirical portion of this study is based on a survey of downtown Chicago automobile commuters. The stated preference approach was used to study commuters' diversion propensity. Drivers expressed a higher willingness to divert if expected delays on their usual route increased, if the congestion was incident-induced as opposed to recurring, if delay information was received from radio traffic reports compared with observing congestion, and if trip direction was home-to-work rather than work-to-home. Respondents were less willing to divert if their alternate route was unfamiliar, unsafe or had several traffic stops. Socioeconomic characteristics were also significant in predicting willingness to divert.  相似文献   
Commuting trips within tours: how is commuting related to land use?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies that model the effects of land use on commuting generally use a trip-based approach or a more aggregated individual-based approach: i.e. commuting is conceptualized in terms of modal choice, distance and time per single trip, or in terms of daily commuting distance or time. However, people try to schedule activities in a daily pattern and, thus, consider tours instead of trips. Data from the 2000 to 2001 Travel Behaviour Survey in Ghent (Belgium) illustrate that car use and commuting times significantly differ between commuting trips within work-only tours and more complex tours. Therefore, this paper considers trip-related decisions simultaneously with tour-related decisions. A multiple group structural equation model (SEM) confirmed that the relationship between land use and commuting differs between work-only tours and more complex tours. Trips should be considered within tours in order to correctly understand the effect of land use scenarios such as densifying on commuting. Moreover, the use of multiple group SEM enabled us to address the issue of the complex nature of commuting. Due to interactions between various explanatory variables, land use patterns do not always have the presumed effect on commuting. Land use policy can successfully influence commuting, but only if it simultaneously accounts for the effects on car availability, car use, commuting distance and commuting time.  相似文献   
Since the passage of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act in 1991, a significant number of state highway agencies have started to develop and implement statewide travel demand models to meet policy and legislative development needs. Currently, however, a lack of up-to-date multimodal and inter-regional passenger travel data hampers analysts’ ability to conduct quantitative assessments of long-distance travel infrastructure investment needs, at both the national and statewide levels. Despite these data limitations, but also largely shaped by them, long-distance travel modelling has become an increasingly popular topic in recent years. This paper reviews several methodologies for multimodal inter-regional travel demand estimation, drawing examples from both state-specific modelling within the USA and from fully national models being developed and applied in other parts of the world, notably in Europe.  相似文献   
<正>1997年底,在结束了与广汽的合作探讨后,年产量已接近10万辆的柳州微型车厂进入到了欧宝小组的视野。虽然通用对柳微的印象很好,却被告知柳微将被并入东风,无意合作。既然如此,"中中外"合资的典范——上汽通用五菱又将从何而来?合作又是如何从双方变为三方,最终实现共赢的呢?通用的中国低端市场战略1997年底,欧宝小组结束与广汽的合作探讨后,了解到柳州五菱的产量排行位列全国前十,善能便带领欧宝小组前往南宁,由广西自治区政府陪同到柳州参观  相似文献   
This paper develops a structural and empirical model of subsistence activity behavior and income. Subsistence activity decisions (work participation and hours of work decisions) and income have an important bearing on activity and travel behavior of individuals. The proposed structural model represents an effort to analyze subsistence activity behavior and income earnings to support a better understanding, and reliable forecasting, of individual travel behavior. The empirical model formulates and estimates an integrated model of employment, hours of work and income which takes account of interdependencies among these choices and their structural relationships with other relevant variables. Social factors that inhibit an individual's employment and work hours decision and affect an individual's income are incorporated in the model. A sample of households from the Dutch National Mobility Panel is used in the empirical analysis.  相似文献   
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