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The development of an inner-piston-chamber temperature measurement system is a necessary step in engine development or when solving other fundamental problems related to automotive engines. There are various pre-existing measurement methods available, e.g., the linkage method, piston telemetry, templog, and the electromagnetic induction method. In this study, we first redesigned the coil sensor used in the electromagnetic induction method using PEEK and then used Taguchi methods to reduce the number of experiments in the development process and finally utilized piston telemetry via Bluetooth to verify the precision and accuracy of the redesigned PEEK coil sensor and electromagnetic induction method. The results displayed a reproducibility within 0.5 degrees and an accuracy within 2 degrees Celsius.  相似文献   
Optimal control is generally not possible without information about the future coming up, and it is not easy to obtain an optimal solution even though the information is given a priori. In this paper, a control concept based on Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle (PMP) is introduced as an efficient solution to generate an optimal control trajectory for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HVEs) when the performance of the vehicles is evaluated on scheduled driving cycles at a simulation level. The main idea of the control concept is to minimize Hamiltonian, which is interpreted as equivalent fuel consumption, and the Hamiltonian is characterized by a co-state, which is interpreted as a weighting factor for the electrical usage. A key aspect of the control problem is that an appropriate initial condition of the co-state is required to satisfy the boundary condition of the problem. In this study, techniques to calculate the Hamiltonian in different hybrid configurations are introduced, and a methodology to look for the initial condition of the co-state is studied, so that the controller is able to realize a desired State Of Charge (SOC) trajectory. To address the issue, we utilize a shooting method with multiple initial conditions based on the concept of the Newton-Raphson method, and all these techniques are realized in a backward looking simulator. The simulation results show that the PMP-based control is a very efficient approach to produce the optimal control trajectory, and the performance is compared to the optimal solution solved by Dynamic Programming (DP).  相似文献   
A 3000 cc diesel engine attached to an engine dynamo was used to test three newly developed electrostatic Diesel Particulate matter filtration Systems (DPS 1, 2, and 3) under four steady-state engine operating conditions: idle, 2000 rpm with no load, and 2000 rpm under 25% and 50% loads. Of the two developed alternatives, DPS 1 and DPS 2, DPS 2 comprises an ionization section, electrostatic field additional section and Flow-Through Filter (FTF), which achieved almost 90% removal of particulate matter (PM) under the engine’s operating conditions, and the efficiency of the FTF was maintained between 20% and 50%. Comparing the long-term performance of DPS 2 and DPS 3 (effectively a serial combination of two DPS 2s) with a commercially-available Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF), the DPS 2 and DPS 3 achieved almost the same efficiency for removing PM as the DPF but had significantly improved (75%∼90% lower) differential pressure drops.  相似文献   
A 3D tyre brush model, which aims to predict the longitudinal tyre characteristic under steady-state conditions by modelling the occurring physical effects in the tyre–road contact patch, is presented. The model includes an analytical method to describe the tyre footprint geometry, the pressure distribution, the slip due to the lateral tyre contour, the slip due to braking or traction and the longitudinal as well as the lateral shear stresses on a flattened tyre. The presented development tool offers a method to investigate different rubber friction data (caused by different tread compounds and/or surface textures) and to analyse its influence on longitudinal tyre characteristics. The tyre design is fixed (same casing, dimension and pattern). The results include the shear stresses as well as the different sliding velocities in the contact patch for different slip conditions. The model was developed for a standard summer pattern design and a standard tyre dimension (205/55R16). It can also be adapted to other tread designs and tyre dimensions. To offer a good comparability between model results and test bench measurements, the surface curvature of an internal test rig is considered.  相似文献   
The Automatic Crash Notification (ACN) system is an effective technology to decrease the crash response time, improve the level of post-accident rescue and alleviate the severity of injuries. To realize this system, a vehicle terminal is developed. And based on a moving window integral algorithm, the trigger algorithm of ACN system is designed. By comparing the effect of different window widths on the trigger algorithm, we select the window width of the moving window integral algorithm as 8 ms. After system is triggered, different notify types was determined according to the change of velocity in the moving window. A sled impact simulation test shows that the impact can be identified rapidly and also the notify types can be judged by the trigger algorithm. A vehicle road test proves that the ACN system has no false trigger cases. The outcomes of this study support identifications of accidents and crash severities for both occupants and emergency centers.  相似文献   
At conceptual design stage, beam element is extensively used to create the frame structure of automobile body, which can not only archive the accurate stiffness but also reduce much computational cost. However, the stress definition of beam element is very complex so that the stress sensitivity and optimization are difficult to analytically derive and numerically program. This paper presents an solution to this problem and an application in the lightweight optimization design of automobile frame. Firstly, maximal Von Mises stress of rectangular tube is calculated by using the superposition of stress, which is together induced by the axial force, bending moments, torsional moment and shear force. Secondly, the sensitivity of Von Mises Stress with respect to size design variables: breadth, height and thickness are derived, respectively. Thirdly, an optimal criterion is constructed by Lagrangian multiplier method to solve the frame optimization with stress constraints. Lastly, numerical example of car frame proves that the proposed method can guarantee the stress of each beam element almost fully reaches at the yielding stress.  相似文献   
When assessing the statistical variability of fatigue loads acting throughout the life of a vehicle, the question of the variability of road roughness naturally arises, as both quantities are strongly related. For car manufacturers, gathering information on the environment in which vehicles evolve is a long and costly but necessary process to adapt their products to durability requirements. In the present paper, a data processing algorithm is proposed in order to estimate the road profiles covered by a given vehicle, from the dynamic responses measured on this vehicle. The algorithm based on Kalman filtering theory aims at solving a so-called inverse problem, in a stochastic framework. It is validated using experimental data obtained from simulations and real measurements. The proposed method is subsequently applied to extract valuable statistical information on road roughness from an existing load characterisation campaign carried out by Renault within one of its markets.  相似文献   
3 关节式连接器和牵引杆3.1 关节式连接器   关节式连接器在客车上已有多年的使用历史,主要用于20世纪30年代一些轻型流线型客车上,但很少在货车上运用。1968年为切萨皮克*俄亥俄铁路制造的活顶漏斗车,其车体间的连接采用由美国铸钢公司研制的关节式连接器,不过并没有收到此类车的订单。20世纪70年代后期,开始使用长途拖车,这时使用单节具有足够长度的车体运载2个拖车已不再合理。虽然可以制造用于运载单节拖车的较短的普通车辆,但这种车辆不能有效利用2个四轮转向架的承载能力。1977年制造出了采用关节式连接器、6节编组的列车,每个车体都运载1个拖车。关节式连接器以切萨皮克*俄亥俄漏斗车连接器为设计原型,相邻车体共同支承在1台四轮转向架上,允许相互间在水平和垂直方向上有一定转角。位于端部2节车的外端以常规方式支撑在独立的转向架上。这样,6节车体(1个车组)仅由7台转向架支承,如按普通结构则需要12台转向架。这种车每辆有10个车体,取得了很大成功。  相似文献   
This study was designed to examine the relationship between actual and perceived values of cost and time for the work trip and to examine how perceptions have changed over a period of dramatically increased travel costs. Variations in the relationship between perceived and actual values were examined as a function of situational and attitudinal variables. Two telephone surveys were conducted one year apart (Fall 1978 and Fall 1979). On the next working day following a survey, a research assistant recreated the respondent's work trip, recorded time values and used distance measures, car type information and parking costs to compute travel cost. The first survey revealed that most auto users were unable to articulate dollars-and-cents driving costs for the work trip, but auto users in the second survey were able to provide fairly accurate cost estimates. Dramatic changes in fuel prices between surveys is probably the main reason for the change in driving cost awareness. Auto users were also asked to rate relative costs of driving a car compared to using the bus for the work trip. These ratings showed that auto users tended to underestimate driving costs relative to bus costs, but this tendency decreased from the first to the second time period. Commuters in all modal groups at both time periods tended to overestimate travel times. Perception of travel time varied as a function of mode, perceived comfort (for car users), and perceived convenience and number of transfers (for bus users).To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
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