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随着汽车逐年普及,消费者需求多样化、个性化随着增长,而且消费者对提车周期要求越来越高.汽车生产企业如何快速、高效的占领市场,同时降低供应链物流成本,是目前自主品牌汽车企业面临重大挑战.需要从软硬件进行全面提升竞争能力,物料组织改进是整个汽车供应链改进不可缺少的一个重要环节,能帮助企业迅速占领市场,以最小的成本换取最大利...  相似文献   
某车型在进行结构耐久过程中出现了异响问题,经试验人员检测,该异响是轮毂轴承处产生,本文通过对轴承的设计原理,异响产生的机理进行分析,同时分析、对标了轮毂轴承在整车、零件上的装配保证能力,最终将该异响根本原因锁定在整车拧紧力矩问题上,经设计改善,车辆的整个耐久路试未有轮毂轴承异响问题发生,问题得到解决。为后续轴承异响问题排查提供参考。  相似文献   
用碳纤维片修复补强混凝土结构是近年来的一种混凝土结构修复补强新技术,具有轻质高强、施工简便、能适应各种复杂形状结构的补强,且不影响结构尺寸和外观,抗腐蚀、耐久性良好等优异特性。结合山东省枣庄市干线公路S 244省道枣(园)~徐(州)公路台儿庄运河大桥的加固方案,介绍黏贴碳纤维术在桥梁加固中应用。  相似文献   
富氧进气改善高原汽车发动机动力性和经济性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了模拟高原汽车发动机富氧进气的试验台,在一台6缸四冲程卣喷柴油机上供应氧气体积分数从20.9%~24.5%的气体.研究了海拔分别为2000、3 000、4000m时发动机全负荷下富氧进气对发动机动力性和经济性的影响.结果表明,随着进气氧气体积分数的增加,高原汽车发动机的功率增加,燃油消耗率降低,且转速越低,海拔越高...  相似文献   
混合动力车型新增蓄电池Powerbox的车身更改开发设计探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要论述了混合动力车型新增Powerbox在传统车型上装配时需要对白车身总成进行一定的更改设计,增加专用的Powerbox支架总成.设计方案在满足功能和性能的前提下,通过轻量化设计,适应满足传统制造工艺的生产模式,降低了制造成本.  相似文献   
分析燃料电池电动车的特点、研究难点及关键技术.指出虽然燃料电池在节能和环境保护方面较传统汽车有优势,但从目前的发展水平看,燃料电池汽车还存在着生产成本、技术性、安全性等问题难以解决.  相似文献   
浅谈公路建设项目设计阶段工程造价的控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程建设项目投资控制的关键在于设计阶段,对造价的影响高达75%,因此在设计阶段进行造价控制,对公路建设投资具有重要的意义。该文从路线合理选线、推行限额设计、优化设计及加强设计变更等主动控制的方法,达到节约总投资的目的。  相似文献   
This paper describes the on-line debugging software developed by our research team. The software has five functions and can be helpful in achieving rapid development for hybrid electric buses. In addition, the software can monitor system states continuously and also modify parametric maps or update control programs using its on-line programming function. Based on the on-line debugging system, the hybrid propulsion control system is designed, and all the working modes of the hybrid electric bus are tested. Finally, experiments are carried out that verify that the debugging system is feasible and reliable. The test results show that the hybrid electric bus can reduce fuel consumption by about 19.1 percent, in comparison with conventional buses.  相似文献   
A fault detection method with parity equations is proposed in this paper. Due to its low cost implementation, the velocity of the motor is not measurable in electric parking brake (EPB) systems. Therefore, residuals are not reliable when estimating the motor velocity with a low-resolution encoder. In this paper, we propose a fault detection method with sensorless estimation using current ripples that estimates the position and velocity of the motor by detecting periodical oscillations of the armature current caused by rotor slots. In addition, this method can estimate the position and velocity of the motor with less computational effort than a state observer. Moreover, the method is less sensitive to motor parameters than model-based estimation methods. The effectiveness of this method is validated with experimental data, and the simulation results show that various faults have their own residual patterns. Therefore, we can detect the presence of faults by monitoring the residual signals.  相似文献   
The importance of vehicle safety cannot be exaggerated in today’s mobile societies. Many manufacturers, associates related to vehicles and universities make an effort to improve vehicle safety by developing new technologies, applying high strength steel to the body structure etc. However, the majority of these efforts are focused on decreasing injury. It is absolutely important to minimize injury, but a more important aspect is coping with vehicle accidents. That is, As undeniably important as it is to minimize potential injuries, it is critical that experts focus on developing ways to keep drivers out of situations likely to lead to crashes in the first place. The purpose of this paper is to determine what the most critical factor is when coping with an unfamiliar driving situation. The answer is to provide a wide-open field of vision, especially for the driver. The driver’s field of vision is obstructed by the vehicle’s A-pillar. To solve this, the A-pillar obstruction angle, which is the angle between the driver’s eyes and the A-pillar should be decreased. This paper purposes three-methods for decreasing this angle structurally and applying a slim A-pillar which is as the best solution to decrease the A-pillar obstruction angle and ensure the drivers field of vision at the same time  相似文献   
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