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目前电动汽车都会采用到驱动动力强劲的锂离子电池,在充电模式下保证锂电子电池组实现主动均衡控制,有效推进电动汽车电力系统良性发展,提升电汽车整体性能.文章中所探讨的是基于双向Buck-Boost拓扑结构的主电路主动均衡控制系统,它其中基于荷电状态SOC建立主要均衡判据,进而实现了对主动均衡控制策略的有效改进.简单研究了充...  相似文献   
Bacterial pore-forming toxins (PFTs) are essential virulence factors of many human pathogens. Knowl- edge of their structure within the membrane is critical for an understanding of their function in pathogenesis and for the development of useful therapy. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has often been employed to structurally interrogate many membrane proteins, including PFTs, owing to its ability to produce sub-nanometer resolution images of samples under aqueous solution. However, an absolute prerequisite for AFM studies is that the samples are single-layered and closely-packed, which is frequently challenging with PFTs. Here, using the prototypical member of the cholesterol-dependent cytolysin family of PFTs, perfringolysin O (PFO), as a test sample, we have developed a simple, highly robust method that routinely produces clean, closely-packed samples across the entire specimen surface. In this approach, we first use a small Teflon well to prepare the supported lipid bilayer, remove the sample from the well, and then directly apply the proteins to the bilayer. For reasons that are not clear, bilayer preparation in the Teflon well is essential. We anticipate that this simple method will prove widely useful for the preparation of similar samples, and thereby enable AFM imaging of the greatest range of bacterial PFTs to the highest possible resolution.  相似文献   
进气掺氢与富氧燃烧对汽油机性能影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在JL3G10汽油机的基础上,搭建了发动机台架以进行掺氢富氧条件下的台架试验。利用该台架分别对不同进气含氧量(体积比),不同进气掺氢比以及富氧掺氢时汽油机的动力性与排放进行了试验研究。研究表明:相比原机,进气含氧量为25%时汽油机功率与扭矩提高了20.7%,HC排放减少36%,CO排放减少10.6%,但NOx排放增加了149.6%;2%进气掺氢比下的HC排放相比原机降低31.2%,CO排放降低46.1%,NOx排放则增加12.6%;富氧掺氢(氢氧体积比为2∶1)时,掺混比例为5.06%的汽油机较原机在动力性与排放上均有提升。  相似文献   
This paper describes two identity-based broadcast encryption(IBBE) schemes for mobile ad hoc networks.The first scheme proposed achieves sub-linear size cipertexts and the second scheme achieves O(1)-size ciphertexts.Furthermore, when the public keys are transmitted, the two schemes have short transmissions and achieve O(1) user storage cost, which are important for a mobile ad hoc network.Finally, the proposed schemes are provable security under the decision generalized bilinear Di?-Hellman(GBDH) assumption in the random oracles model.  相似文献   
为解决散热器面罩开裂问题,提出了焊点优化方案和散热器面罩加强板外置/加强板内置方案,并进行了模块化设计,制定了2组改进措施。有限元分析结果表明:2种改进措施与原状态相比,均有良好应力改善效果,满足应力要求。  相似文献   
Although the upwind configuration is more popular in the field of wind energy, the downwind one is a promising type for the offshore wind energy due to its special advantages. Different configurations ...  相似文献   
采用模糊数学的方法构造模型,以南方某地铁为例,对开式、闭式及屏蔽门式等3种地铁环控方案,从社会、经济、技术、环境等几个方面进行综合评价。最终确定:在非炎热地区,可不设空调时,采用开式环空方案为最优;在其它一定要设空调的地区,采用屏蔽门方案为最优。  相似文献   
广州地铁1号线曲线钢轨轨底坡的调整   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了广州地铁1号线曲线内轨轨底坡的设置情况,简述了由于钢轨轨底坡设置不合理而引起的危害,并结合地铁的实际情况,提出了调整轨下垫板坡度的解决办法,取得了良好的实际效果。  相似文献   
首先分析了公路工程建设模式的发展趋势对钢筋加工的新需求,提出可采用区域化集中加工的公路工程钢筋加工发展模式。结合对典型施工单位的调研,进行了现有公路工程现有钢筋加工厂有效生产时间、有效生产时间内钢筋加工厂的生产能力情况、钢筋加工厂用地指标、钢筋加工厂用电能耗指标、钢筋加工厂其他能耗指标等方面的调研。从调研结果可见,区域化钢筋集中加工存在比各标段自建钢筋加工厂的合理性,在条件适宜的前提下,将各标段自建钢筋加工厂转化为区域化钢筋集中加工厂是合理、可行的。在此基础上,探讨了公路工程区域性钢筋集中加工的主要实施模式以及各模式的特点及优势。  相似文献   
车身产品开发中逆向设计的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
逆向设计是现代汽车产品快速开发的重要技术。本文介绍了汽车车身产品开发流程及逆向设计关键技术和应用软件,从点云数据采集、曲面重构、曲面数据质量评估等方面分析了逆向设计在汽车车身产品开发中的应用情况。  相似文献   
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