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Bhat  Chandra R.  Misra  Rajul 《Transportation》1999,26(2):193-229
This paper formulates a model for the allocation of total weekly discretionary time of individuals between in-home and out- of-home locations and between weekdays and the weekend. The model formulation takes the form of a continuous utility-maximizing resource allocation problem. The formulation is applied to an empirical analysis using data drawn from a 1985 time-use survey conducted in the Netherlands. This survey gathered time-use information from individuals over a period of one week and also collected detailed household-personal socio-demographic data. The empirical analysis uses household socio-demographics, individual socio-demographics, and work-related characteristics as the explanatory variables. Among the explanatory variables, age of the individual and work duration during the weekdays appear to be the most important determinants of discretionary time allocation.  相似文献   
This paper presents a systematic approach toward robust stability analysis of LQG-con trolled active suspension systems. To perform this task, the paper starts with a brief background information on LQG control, its relation to H2 method, and showing how H2 could be formulated to become the frequency domain equivalent of LQG. Then unstructured and structured uncertainties of active suspension are formulated. The paper continues with the definition of maximum singular values and structured singular values of a transfer function matrix. Using these definitions, the robust stability of an active suspension system in the presence of assumed parameter variations are analyzed. These steps are illustrated by means of a numerical example of an active suspension system.  相似文献   
A mathematical model of a two-dimensional contact patch of pneumatic tires rolling over a rigid flat road surface at arbitrary slip and camber angles has been developed. The model is simple in concept, contains few parameters and is applicable to any tire simulation models. In addition to tire geometric parameters and vertical deflection, the carcass camber angle is introduced in the model. This angle is alone responsible for the asymmetric shape of the tire contact patch when the tire undergoes a lateral force. The computed contact patches agree well with the measured patches of an automotive tire at different slip and camber angles. Lastly, the influence of the contact patch geometry on the tire cornering and aligning properties has been discussed through a computational example. It has been shown that the effect of tire contact patch geometry on the steady state behavior is rather remarkable.  相似文献   
GeneticsofOtitisMedia (OM ) :OMisaffectedbymultiplefactorsincludingeustachiantube (ET )structureandfunction ,immunestatus ,innatemucosaldefense ,geneticsusceptibility ,andpathogens .Infec tiousdiseasecanbeviewedasabattlebetweenhostsandpathogens,inwhichthecommandsareencodedinthegenomesoftherespectiveorganismsandarethenexecutedbygeneproductsincludingcomponentsoftheimmuneresponseofthehostanddrug resistancemech anismsofbacteria .Whilecliniciansmaynotgetusedtothinkingofgeneticsasafactorinthedeve…  相似文献   
<正>本书收录的12篇论文,系20世纪80年代初由东南亚英国学院资助召开的两次学术研讨会的研究成果,令人耳目一新。这些文章对东南亚部分重要地区从古代至19世纪末的贸易与政体之间的相互关系进行了选择性的探讨。不过,书中绝大部分的论文讨论的是1400年之后的情况,当时,贸易的迅速增长限制了该地区传统权力的变动。书中仅有一篇有关阿瑜陀耶(Ayutthaya)的文章考察了东南亚大陆的非马来地区。  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to introduce an appropriate unidirectional wave spectrum model for the Strait of Hormuz. The research is focused on assessing performance of standard wave spectrum models in the region. By evaluating such models based on valuable measurement data recently published, the calibration procedure has been conducted on such standard models to reach a better concordance between a modified standard spectral model and observed field spectra. The calibration is performed initially with respect to four distinct directions related to four available measurement stations. So, it results in four sets of coefficients for a nominated model. Next, it is continued to reach just one model insensitive to directions. Results clearly showed that the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) model is more appropriate than Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP) and Pierson and Moskowitz (PM) models in this area, even without any calibration. However, modifications have been successful on improving the conformity of the model.  相似文献   
Three of the most highly regarded disaggregate mode split models incorporate very different estimates of the responsiveness, or elasticity, of mode choice to changes in auto travel times and costs. These differences appear to be due in part to the varying specifications used by the model, and particularly whether certain variables (such as a dummy variable for CBD destinations or automobile ownership) are included in addition to the more traditional variables (such as travel time, cost, and household income). More research is needed on the implications of the theory of traveler choices for model specification and the effect of alternative, but theoretically justifiable, specifications on elasticity estimates. Until this research reduces our uncertainty about the elasticity of demand, analysts evaluating transportation policies should assess the sensitivity of their results to the range of plausible elasticities or models.  相似文献   
This exploratory study considers applications of active aerodynamic devices for suppressing parasitic motion and for improving the response of vehicles to steering, within the scope of the linear dynamic behaviour. A three DOF linear model is chosen to describe the side slip, yaw and roll motion of a baseline front-wheel steered vehicle. The improvements in performance of the base-line vehicle that are achievable by the application of direct yaw and roll moments are determined when either an open loop control pre-filter or a state feedback control law based on LQR design is applied. Unlike the former control, the state feedback control is unable to make the body side-slip angle vanish. The feedback control performance of each of the two moment actuators has been examined separately and then jointly. The advantages of combining the open loop and feedback dual actuator configurations are demonstrated using the two-degree of freedom control scheme. It is found that the scheme yields a spectacular performance but demands unreasonably large moments from the actuators in the context of available aerodynamic forces. On the other hand, the demand on direct yaw and roll moment of actuators is modest when the actuators are controlled using the LQR feedback only and if the control design is used to track a desired yaw rate trajectory and simultaneously to reduce the parasitic rolling motion. Significant improvements in handling and dynamic stability of a base-line vehicle can be achieved by aerodynamically generated direct yaw and roll actuator moments provided the target control performance is reasonable. The configurations of aerodynamic actuators considered are feasible for improving vehicle handling in cornering on motorways but more work remains to be done to explore alternative aerodynamic configurations that give rise to less side effects and higher lift coefficients.  相似文献   
Upwelling events driving ENACW (Eastern North Atlantic Coastal Water) into the Galician western coast rias had been considered typical spring–summer processes, according to the research developed in this area. However, they can also be observed in fall or winter under northerly winds blowing at shelf. Six different upwelling events were analyzed in the Ria of Pontevedra during the wet season (NDJF) from 2000 to 2005. These events were characterized by means of the zonal Ekman transport (Qx) at four control points in front of the western rias (locally known as Rias Baixas) and thermohaline variables measured at a fixed station in the main mouth of the Ria of Pontevedra. The duration of the upwelling events ranged from 27 days (during February and March 2002) to 69 days (during November–December 2004 and January 2005). Upwelling events studied in the Ria of Pontevedra from 2000 to 2005 showed the similarity in upwelling features during both seasons (similar wind forcing and upwelled water). Finally, Qx was correlated with the most representative atmospheric patterns in the Northern Hemisphere (EA, NAO, EA/WR, POL and SCA) from 1966 to 2005. The winter EA pattern has the most influence on Qx showing an annual evolution with a prevalence of the positive phase from 1976 on. This positive phase is directly correlated with a prevalence of positive values of Qx which are upwelling unfavorable in the Rias Baixas.  相似文献   
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