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In this paper, a methodology for capturing the transit passenger’s point of view by using both rating and choice options is proposed. For this purpose, some discrete choice logit models are introduced; the models allow the probability of choice of some alternative transit services to be calculated, and the importance of each service aspect to be determined. The models are calibrated by using data collected by a survey in which a stated preferences experiment was proposed to a sample of passengers, and some judgements were expressed by them about their transit services, in terms of perceptions and expectations. The introduced methodology provides a relevant contribution from a practical viewpoint because it allows the identification of the most important aspects on overall service quality; it is useful to the transit operators for measuring service quality and for investing on the various service aspects in order to effectively improve transit services.  相似文献   
We present the observations from a pair of field experiments at the New England shelfbreak front in June and August of 2002, each consisting of 14 cross-frontal surveys using the Lamont Pumping SeaSoar. Measurements of the front's physical, chemical, and bio-optical characteristics were made at high spatial and temporal resolution. The front, based on water-column hydrographic distributions, was found within a few km of the 200 m isobath during both cruises. We present here composite sections, based on averages of individual sections shifted in space to a common frontal location, of the cross-frontal distributions of these properties as a measure of the mean state of the front in both June and August. The observations show the familiar temperature, salinity, and density distributions of the summertime front, dominated by surface thermal heating. Nutrient and bio-optical distributions show the combined effects of water-mass exchange and biological processes. T, S, silicate, and phosphate distributions are suggestive of cross-frontal exchange of slope- and shelf waters, although transport mechanisms and pathways are not apparent. These properties, along with nitrate and optical measures of the suspended particle distributions, show vertical displacements of isopleths as the front is approached: property contours slope upwards toward the front from the shoreward side, and downwards toward the front from the seaward side. Again, actual water-movement pathways are not constrained by these suggestive patterns. Bio-optical distributions show elevated indicators of photosynthetic efficiency both seaward and shoreward of the front, but the front itself is a minimum in biomass. Accumulation of photosynthetic biomass appears to be controlled primarily by nitrate scarcity in waters within and above the pycnocline. At the base of the pycnocline, light limitation appears to be the controlling factor, although the base of the euphotic zone is deeper than the biomass maxima and the base of the pycnocline. Mechanisms explaining this phenomenon are unclear, but tenuous evidence suggests low stratification at the depth of the 1% light level may not allow phytoplankton to optimize for the low-light, high-nutrient conditions at depth. Cross-frontal differences in nutrient and bio-optical parameters, particularly in August, suggest distinct phytoplankton assemblages, and the presence of calcite-forming or nitrogen fixing groups to the community structure, especially in very shallow waters across the front and in pycnocline waters seaward of the front.  相似文献   
The ability of bacteria to assimilate sulfur from dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) was examined in the western Arctic Ocean by combining microautoradiography and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Assimilation of leucine was also measured for comparative purposes since leucine is considered a universal substrate for bacteria, which use it for protein synthesis. Samples were collected at 3 m depth, through a hole in the ice, in the CASES (Canadian Arctic Shelf Ecosystem Study) overwintering station in Franklin Bay (eastern Beaufort Sea) in March and May 2004 to compare two contrasting situations: winter and early spring. FISH counts indicated that the bacterial assemblage consisted of α- (up to 60% of the EUB positive cells), β- (up to 10%) and γ-proteobacteria (around 20%), and Bacteroidetes (up to 60%). The β-proteobacteria were not active with any of the two substrates tested. The remaining groups were much less efficient at assimilating DMSP-sulfur (5% of the cells) than leucine (20–35%) both in winter and in spring. Only the Roseobacter group of α-proteobacteria showed a similar assimilation of both substrates.  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of land use and attitudinal characteristics on travel behavior for five diverse San Francisco Bay Area neighborhoods. First, socio-economic and neighborhood characteristics were regressed against number and proportion of trips by various modes. The best models for each measure of travel behavior confirmed that neighborhood characteristics add significant explanatory power when socio-economic differences are controlled for. Specifically, measures of residential density, public transit accessibility, mixed land use, and the presence of sidewalks are significantly associated with trip generation by mode and modal split. Second, 39 attitude statements relating to urban life were factor analyzed into eight factors: pro-environment, pro-transit, suburbanite, automotive mobility, time pressure, urban villager, TCM, and workaholic. Scores on these factors were introduced into the six best models discussed above. The relative contributions of the socio-economic, neighborhood, and attitudinal blocks of variables were assessed. While each block of variables offers some significant explanatory power to the models, the attitudinal variables explained the highest proportion of the variation in the data. The finding that attitudes are more strongly associated with travel than are land use characteristics suggests that land use policies promoting higher densities and mixtures may not alter travel demand materially unless residents' attitudes are also changed.  相似文献   
This paper presents a method for estimating missing real-time traffic volumes on a road network using both historical and real-time traffic data. The method was developed to address urban transportation networks where a non-negligible subset of the network links do not have real-time link volumes, and where that data is needed to populate other real-time traffic analytics. Computation is split between an offline calibration and a real-time estimation phase. The offline phase determines link-to-link splitting probabilities for traffic flow propagation that are subsequently used in real-time estimation. The real-time procedure uses current traffic data and is efficient enough to scale to full city-wide deployments. Simulation results on a medium-sized test network demonstrate the accuracy of the method and its robustness to missing data and variability in the data that is available. For traffic demands with a coefficient of variation as high as 40%, and a real-time feed in which as much as 60% of links lack data, we find the percentage root mean square error of link volume estimates ranges from 3.9% to 18.6%. We observe that the use of real-time data can reduce this error by as much as 20%.  相似文献   

The built environment (BE) is widely accepted to influence transit use (TU). Evidence to date suggests the relationship is dependent on many factors which can be difficult to account for in quantitative studies. This creates barriers to transferring research into practice. Considering many studies together can be useful for accounting for more of the factors impacting transit use. Yet, meta-analysis of research measuring these influences was last undertaken in 2010 based on 18 studies. Since then 90 new quantitative studies have been published. These recent studies use improved methodologies and are conducted in more diverse geographies. This paper reports an improved and updated meta-analysis of built environment impacts on transit use. It compares elasticity estimates from research published pre-and post-2010 and explores the impact of new methods and a more diverse geographical representation on findings. Updated meta-elasticities range from <0.01 to 0.26; a similar range to the 2010 study. However, at the individual indicator levels, more recent results are different. Elasticities for urban density, including population, employment and commercial density, have increased significantly in studies published since 2010, as did that of land use mix. However, measures of local access, design and jobs-housing balance decreased in post-2010 studies. These results confirm the small but imprecise relationship between the BE and TU. Results also suggest that while the range of elasticity impacts is relatively consistent, new study methodologies, notably those that control for regional accessibility and self-selection, and the increasing geographical diversity in study applications, is acting to change BE-TU findings at the indicator level. Research setting and context are important to consider when using empirical results to design BE strategies to promote transit use.  相似文献   
In Clegg and Smith [Transportation Research B 35 (2001) 71–82] and Battye et al. [in: M. Patriksson, M. Labbe (Eds.), Transportation Planning – State of the Art, Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 9–11, 1998, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht], Smith and colleagues present an algorithm for solving the bilevel programming problem. We show that the points reached by the algorithm are not stationary points of bilevel programs in general. We further show that, with a minor modification, this method can be expressed as an inexact penalty method for gap function-constrained bilevel programs.  相似文献   
This paper develops and estimates a multiple discrete continuous extreme value model of household activity generation that jointly predicts the activity participation decisions of all individuals in a household by activity purpose and the precise combination of individuals participating. The model is estimated on a sample obtained from the post census regional household travel survey conducted by the South California Association of Governments in the year 2000. A host of household, individual, and residential neighborhood accessibility measures are used as explanatory variables. The results reveal that, in addition to household and individual demographics, the built environment of the home zone also impacts the activity participation levels and durations of households. A validation exercise is undertaken to evaluate the ability of the proposed model to predict participation levels and durations. In addition to providing richness in behavioral detail, the model can be easily embedded in an activity-based microsimulation framework and is computationally efficient as it obviates the need for several hierarchical sub-models typically used in extant activity-based systems to generate activity patterns.  相似文献   
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