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对大规模矩形件排样问题提出一种精确、可生成一种新的满足剪冲下料工艺需求的排样方式:基于单毛坯条带的矩形件最优两段排样方式.采用动态规划算法生成最优单毛坯条带,通过一维背包算法确定条带在级中的排样方式和级在段中的最优排样方式,选择最优的两个段组成排样方式.对传统文献中的43道大规模基准测题进行计算,有38道测题达到最优,剩余5道测题的优化结果与最优化结果的比率达到99.9%,每题的平均计算时间仅用2.17s.结果表明,本文算法优于经典两段和著名的T型排样算法,在解决大规模矩形件排样具有高效性.  相似文献   
李军 《交通标准化》2012,(3):147-149
离析是在沥青混凝土设计、生产与铺筑过程中出现的最严重的损坏混合料质量的问题。通过探讨减少或消除沥青混合料离析现象的措施,以供各公路建设管理部门与相关设备制造厂商参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
李军 《交通标准化》2012,(5):109-112
SMA是一种由沥青、纤维稳定剂、矿粉及少量的细集料组成的沥青混合料,SMA路面因其具有良好的抗滑和抗车辙性能被广泛应用于高等级公路的抗滑表层。对SMA路面原材料、混合料施工特性及影响因素分析和施工方法进行详细介绍,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
以某桥梁工程为例,通过定量分析人材机单价变化对桥梁工程造价带来的影响,建立预测模型。通过同样的分析手段,建立路基、路面、隧道的预测模型,作为指导今后工作的依据。  相似文献   
Recycling of aluminum alloy scrap obtained from delaminated fibre metal laminates (FMLs) was studied through high temperature refining in the presence of a salt flux. The aluminum alloy scrap contains approximately mass fraction w(Cu) = 4.4%, w(Mg) = 1.1% and w(Mn) = 0.6% (2024 aluminum alloy). The main objective of this research is to obtain a high metal yield, while maintaining its original alloy compositions. The work focuses on the metal yield and quality of recycled Al alloy under different refining conditions. The NaCl-KCl salt system was selected as the major components of flux in the Al alloy recycling. Two different flux compositions were employed at NaCl to KCl mass ratios of 44:56 and 70:30 respectively, based on either the eutectic composition, or the European preference. Different additives were introduced into the NaCl-KCl system to study the effect of flux component on recycling result. Although burning and oxidation loss of the alloying elements during re-melting and refining take place as the drawbacks of conventional refining process, the problems can be solved to a large extent by using an appropriate salt flux. Experimental results indicate that Mg in the alloy gets lost when adding cryolite in the NaCl-KCl salt system, though the metal yield can reach as high as 98%. However, by adding w(MgF2) = 5% into the NaCl-KCl salt system (instead of using cryolite) all alloying elements were well controlled to its original composition with a metal yield of almost 98%.  相似文献   
Hydroxyapatite (HA) based materials have been widely used in the field of ligament tissue engineering in the past decades. It has been previously reported that HA can increase the penetration of marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and MSCs cells into scaffolds due to increased cell differentiation in biological media. Additionally, it was found that there are much difference between MSCs and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) cells. For that reason, we mainly evaluate the biocompatibility of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) silk scaffold with fibroblasts cells in vitro. We cultured mouse fibroblasts cells on the substrate of PET fiber and PET-HA scaffold, respectively, and then observed the morphology by using scanning electron microscopy. Our data indicate that PET-HA scaffold has good biocompatibility with fibroblasts cells and can potentially be useful in enhancing the fibroblasts cell differentiation and proliferation.  相似文献   
In metal forming processes such as sheet blanking, severe plastic deformation localizes in a narrow shear band near blanking clearance, and ductile fracture occurs at the final stage. Because the combinations of large nonlinear strain localization, displacement discontinuity and ductile fracture brought obstacles to numerical simulation, a ductile fracture initiation criterion model and an elasto-plastic finite element method (FEM) were presented to simulate localized severe plastic deformation. Initiation and propagation of cracks were treated by deletion-and-replacement approach. The distributions and developing trends of effective strain and damage were predicted, the influence of blanking clearance on fracture was discussed, and an experiment was performed to explore the forming mechanism.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to develop a standard methodology for measuring the surface free energy (SFE), and its component parts of bamboo fiber materials. The current methods was reviewed to determine the surface tension of natural fibers and the disadvantages of techniques used were discussed. Although numerous techniques have been employed to characterize surface tension of natural fibers, it seems that the credibility of results obtained may often be dubious. In this paper, critical surface tension estimates were obtained from computer aided machine vision based measurement. Data were then analyzed by the least squares method to estimate the components of SFE. SFE was estimated by least squares analysis and also by Schultz?? method. By using the Fowkes method the polar and disperse fractions of the surface free energy of bamboo fiber materials can be obtained. Strictly speaking, this method is based on a combination of the knowledge of Fowkes theory. SFE is desirable when adhesion is required, and it avoids some of the limitations of existing studies which has been proposed. The calculation steps described in this research are only intended to explain the methods. The results show that the method that only determines SFE as a single parameter may be unable to differentiate adequately between bamboo fiber materials, but it is feasible and very efficient. In order to obtain the maximum performance from the computer aided machine vision based measurement instruments, this measurement should be recommended and kept available for reference.  相似文献   
汽车启动机属于汽车的易损坏部件之一.文中所设计的保护装置通过采集汽车点火开关信号、温度传感器信号、汽车变速箱信号、发送机转速信号等,利用AVR系列单片机为控制器,对启动机的电路通断状态、启动频率、启动持续时间等进行控制.保护装置能够有效保证启动机的工作环境和工作条件,避免误操作和过热造成的损坏,从而延长启动机的使用寿命,并保障汽车启动时的安全.  相似文献   
结合骨干院校重点建设项目——汽车专业(群)建设,广东交通职业技术学院汽车学院开展校企校企合作建设模式的研究与实践,创新“院内国际名企培训中心+院外品牌汽车4S店”校企合作模式,推动了人才培养模式改革和师资队伍建设等工作,提高了人才培养质量。  相似文献   
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