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Mobile jack-up drilling rigs are typically supported by individual, large diameter spudcan foundations. Before deployment, the suitability of a jack-up to a location must be shown in a site-specific assessment under loads associated with a 50-year return period storm, which ultimately need to be resisted by the foundations. The capacity of the spudcans under combined vertical, horizontal and moment loading is therefore integral to the overall site-specific assessment of the jack-up.In soft clays, spudcans can penetrate deeply into the seabed, sometimes up to several footing diameters, with soil flowing around the downward penetrating footing, sealing the cavity. Although this is generally believed to provide some additional bearing capacity to the footing, no detailed study or formal guidance is available to date. This study, therefore, investigates the influence of soil back-flow on the failure mechanisms and quantifies the effect on the capacity of a spudcan under general loading through finite element analyses. A closed-form analytical expression is developed that describes the capacity envelope under combined loading, applicable to embedment depths ranging from shallow to deep.  相似文献   
Objective According to the distribution of low selenium areas, low nutrition state of the residents and the affecting cartilage growth and articular cartilage of Kashin-Beck Disease(KBD),the chondrocyte differentia- tion and differential expression of collagen types Ⅰ , Ⅱ and Ⅹ in articular cartilage from Chinese mini-pigs treated with low selenium were investigated in order to gain insight into the effects of these conditions on chondrocyte differ- entiation in KBD cartilage. Mothods Eleven male juvenile mini-pigs, aged from 4 weeks to 6 weeks after birth, were divided into 3 groups. The Se content in the diet of the “low Se” group was 0. 035mg/kg diet, and 0. 175 mg/kg diet in the control. For Se-supplemented group 0. 390mg /kg diet was added. The content of Se in blood was assayed at the beginning and at the end of each experiment. Samples of articular cartilage were taken from the right femur condylus, and collagen types Ⅰ , Ⅱ and Ⅹ in articular cartilage were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Results ①All cartilage samples from juvenile mini-pigs fed with low selenium diet revealed a re- duction in type Ⅹ collagen mRNA expression in the hypertrophic chondrocytes as shown by in situ hybridization, and reduced type Ⅹ collagen deposition in the lower hypertrophic zone as shown by immunohistochemistry. ②Addition of selenium to the diet restored the type Ⅹ collagen to normal level. ③Type Ⅱ collagen was evenly distributed over the entire articular cartilage in all experimental and control groups. Type Ⅱ collagen mRNA signals were most prominent in the upper articular layer as well as in the hypertrophic zone in all groups. Type Ⅱ collagen expression was restrict- ed to the zone of endochondral ossification in all experimental groups and the control. Conclusion Low selenium has an down-regulatory role on the synthesis and deposition of collagen type Ⅹ in hypertrophic chondrocytes in articular cartilage of mini-pigs. Supplement of the low Se diet with additional Se restored the signals of collagen type Ⅹ to nor- mal levels. These findings indicate that selenium deficiency may disturb chondrocyte differentiation to hypertrophic cells in the growth plate,and worthy to be investigated further.  相似文献   
QuanitativelyaccuratePredictionsofquenchinduceddistOnionandresidualstressrelyontheabilitytopredictthemicrosthectUralevolUtionthroughOutthequenchProcess.InlowaIloysteels,cUrrenresearchMshavefOcusedontheformationldneticsoffetrite,pearlite,bainiteandmartensite.However,temPeringcanhavealargeinfluenceondistOnionandresidualstrCss,andeffortstoaccountforthislagbehindthemodelingofthePrimnyphasetransihons.AsafirststeptowardsaccountingfortemPerillg,wehavedevelOpedanintemalstatevariablemodelthatuses…  相似文献   

This paper reviews methods that have and can be used to forecast the effect of changes in accessibility to the rail network on the demand for inter-urban rail travel and of available evidence on rail accessibility elasticities. It reveals that relatively little research has been conducted in this area and that the forecasting procedures that could be used imply large variation in accessibility elasticities, which has not been empirically justified. Fresh empirical evidence on two related matters is reported. First, the neglected area of choice set composition is examined and the extent to which rail is considered to be a realistic alternative for inter-urban journeys and the contribution that accessibility to the rail network makes to this are analysed. Second, rail trip rate models are presented that not only contain estimates of accessibility elasticities and of the effects of a range of socio-economic variables on the demand for rail travel, but also that allow tests of the accessibility elasticity variation implied by many forecasting procedures to be conducted. It is found that this elasticity variation is not empirically supported. It is concluded that there is only limited scope for increasing rail demand through improvements in rail network accessibility.  相似文献   
Operating and capital costs for a high speed conveyor are estimated from cost data for low speed conveyors and from estimates for high speed designs. Unit costs are developed with reference to theoretical and practical conveyor capacities, and to the effect of traffic peaking on average utilization. User benefits are modelled as the change in consumers surplus arising from the introduction of a conveyor on a linear street as an alternative to walking. Cost and benefits vary widely depending on system design and location and on characteristics of travellers. Benefit measurements should reflect the effects on travel demand of a proposed installation, changes in value of time with changes in mode, and the effects of benefit “dilution” associated with limitations on access to the conveyor.  相似文献   
赛季之前的时候大家都有一个疑问,没有牵引力控制系统的比赛会是怎么样的?来到摩纳哥的时候阴云密布,我当时就在想答案就要在这个周末揭晓了。在街道赛进行雨战,不能不说是老天的良好创意。而周日的雨战很好地回答了这个问题,而且比赛场面的精彩和不可预知性使得比赛充满悬念,非常吸引人。  相似文献   
This paper addresses the impacts of different scheduling alternatives for a branching transit route. It examines different schedule alternatives that might be used to optimize the route performance in terms of the passenger traveling time distributed among branch passengers and trunk‐line passengers. The schedule alternatives considered include transit vehicle allocation to different branches, offset shifting across vehicles on different branches, and vehicle holding (slack time) in the transit vehicle schedule. With these variables, several vehicle schedules are devised and examined based on a wide variety of possible passenger boarding scenarios using deterministic service models. Test outcomes provide general conclusions about the performance of the strategies. Vehicle assignment leading to even headways among branches is generally preferred for the case of low passenger demand. However, when passenger demand is high, or the differences between the passenger demands on branches are significant, unequal vehicle assignment will be helpful to improve the overall route performance. Holding, as a proactive strategy in scheduling, has the potential to be embedded into the schedule as a type of slack time, but needs further evidence and study to determine the full set of conditions where it may be beneficial. Offset shifting does not show sufficient evidence to be an efficient strategy to improve route performance in the case of low or high passenger demand.  相似文献   
The potential for carbon export and the role of siliceous plankton in the cycling of C and N was assessed in natural plankton assemblages in the Santa Barbara Basin, California, by examining uptake rates of inorganic carbon, nitrate and silicic acid. In April–August 1997, the concentrations of chlorophyll a, particulate organic carbon, particulate organic nitrogen and biogenic silica were measured twice monthly, and results revealed the occurrence of at least three blooms, the largest in June. Particulate elemental ratios of C, N and Si were similar to ratios of nutrient-replete diatoms, suggesting that they dominated this bloom. Mean integrated rates of carbon, nitrate and silicon uptake during the 4-month study period are similar to other productive coastal and upwelling regions (103, 8.3 and 13 mmol m−2 day−1, respectively). New production rates were twice as high as previously reported in this region and indicate that high rates of new production along eastern boundary currents are not confined to the major coastal upwelling regions. C/NO3, Si/NO3 and Si/C uptake ratios varied widely, and mean integrated ratios were 14±5.4, 1.6±1.0 and 0.12±0.07 (S.D.), respectively. That mean C/NO3 uptake ratio corresponds to an f-ratio of about 0.5 indicating a large potential for particulate export. Based on the average Si/NO3 and Si/C uptake ratios, diatoms could perform all of the primary production and nitrate uptake that occurred during the study; these rates also suggest that export is controlled by diatoms in this system. The mean Si/C biomass ratio was lower than the mean Si/C uptake ratio, consistent with the preferential export of Si relative to C observed in sediment traps in the basin. The study took place during a period of surface-water warming, with nitrate and silicic acid concentrations decreasing throughout the onset of the 1997–1998 El Niño conditions. Although diatoms contributed less to particulate biomass during the low nutrient conditions, high f-ratios (0.33–0.66) were maintained.  相似文献   
在临床药物研发的早期阶段进行自动化认知测验会带来多种益处,认知药物研究的Mark Cusack说  相似文献   
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