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Wave climate evolution in the Bay of Biscay over two decades   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As a background, a review of long term evolution of wave climate in the North Atlantic is discussed. Most studies show that interannual evolutions in wave heights may be related to climatic factors, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation Index for example.Data of a waverider, consisting of a time series of 20 years in the Bay of Biscay (off Biscarosse, France), are analysed. Based on these data obtained from 1980, wave heights tend to decrease over the period. Also, interannual evolutions exist, particularly in the wave period. The fact that the annual wave periods at Biscarosse are found to vary more significantly than the annual wave heights led us to assume that it is an indirect effect of the evolution in the location of generating storms relative to the buoy. The relationships between wave parameters and climatic factors such as the North Atlantic Oscillation Index and the Garonne discharge have been derived: they show that the NAO index is negatively correlated with the river discharge and positively correlated with the wave period. This result is in agreement with the general climate scheme associated with NAO cycle proposed by Kushnir et al. [Kushnir, Y., Cardone, V.J., Cane, M., 1995. Link between Atlantic climate variability of surface wave height and sea level pressure. Proc. Fourth Int. Workshop on Wave Incasting and forecasting, Banff, AB, Canada, 59–64.]: NAO+ shifts storm tracks northward and dry weather are encountered in the southern part of Europe (conversely NAO− brings storm tracks and rainfall closer). Concerning wave heights, the lack of dependence on NAO index may be associated with compensation effects between wind intensity and storm tracks: wave energy is partly dissipated while reaching the Bay of Biscay in case of severe but distant storms (NAO+), which is not the case for storms generated nearer to the buoy and associated with moderate westerly winds (NOA−). However, the reason of the decrease in wave heights is not clear.  相似文献   
An important part of the French research program on cavitation erosion, conducted from 1980 to 1995, was devoted to pitting. Histograms of pit size have been extensively used to characterise the hydrodynamic aggressiveness of a cavitating flow. Numerous erosion tests, limited to the incubation period, were carried out on similar test sections, for different velocities, liquids, length scales, and materials. Scaling laws were discussed and two kinds of methods for prediction of the erosion rate were proposed. The first one is based upon the estimation of the aggressiveness of the prototype cavitating flow, from pitting tests on a model and the simulation of the prototype histogram of pits on an appropriate device. The second one is based upon a correlation between the advanced stage of erosion and the incubation period, consisting of a proper adimensionalization of the mass-loss curve. After several years of research and the development of special facilities, devices and techniques, more deterministic procedures for predicting cavitation erosion could now be developed, based not upon erosion tests, but upon the characterization of the aggressiveness of the cavitating flow in terms of impact loads and the analysis of the mechanical and metallurgical response of the material to successive impacts.  相似文献   
We intend to define a continuous car-following model exclusively based on the time gap. A model of the interaction between a vehicle and its predecessor is produced by adjusting the time gap to a targeted safety time that is a function of speed. The model is defined by a differential system, to which a consistent numerical scheme is associated. The parameters of the model are statistically estimated by maximum likelihood. In order to reproduce a heterogeneous traffic flow, vehicles are differentiated by type, and to recreate asymmetric longitudinal behavior, acceleration phases are distinguished from deceleration phases. Introducing a reaction time, inducing a delay in the perception and processing of information about vehicles in interaction, can alter the stability of the flux through appearance of kinematic waves. By simulation, the types and domains of parameters which are asymptotically unstable are identified. The results reveal that, in the model, the statistically estimated parameters form is strongly factor of instability.  相似文献   
To be fully effective, metro lines must be connected with other modes of transport. This principle has been applied in the city of Marseilles, France. First, a very good interchange between the two metro lines and the national and suburban railway has been developed in the Saint-Charles main railway station. This interchange connects with the adjacent intercity bus terminal. Second, at every metro station, access facilities and neighborhood development were planned. Third, bus stations and car parks were installed at main rail stations. All this was made possible by early coordinated planning.  相似文献   
While it is certainly too early to make a definitive assessment of the effectiveness of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), it is not to take stock of what has been achieved and to think about what could be achieved in the near future. In our opinion, ITS developments have been up to now largely hardware-driven and have led to the introduction of many sophisticated technologies in the transportation arena, while the development of the software component of ITS, models and decision-support systems in particular, is lagging behind. To reach the full potential of ITS, one must thus address the challenge of making the most intelligent usage possible of the hardware that is being deployed and the huge wealth of data it provides. We believe that transportation planning and management disciplines, operations research in particular, have a key role to play with respect to this challenge. The paper focuses on Freight ITS: Commercial Vehicle Operations and Advanced Fleet Management Systems, City Logistics, and electronic business. The paper reviews main issues, technological challenges, and achievements, and illustrates how the introduction of better operations research-based decision-support software could very significantly improve the ultimate performance of Freight ITS.  相似文献   
A fully-coupled biological–physical–chemical model of a coastal ecosystem was constructed to examine the impact of suspended mussel culture on phytoplankton biomass in Tracadie Bay, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Due to the extent of mussel culture there, we hypothesised that shellfish filtration would control the concentration and distribution of phytoplankton and other suspended particles in the bay. Circulation was delineated with a tidally-driven 2D numerical model and used to drive an ecosystem model with a focus on pelagic components including phytoplankton production, nutrients, detritus, and mussels. The benthos were treated as a sink. Nutrients and seston were forced by tidal exchange and river input, with phytoplankton additionally forced by light. Boundary conditions of seston and nutrients were derived from field studies with an emphasis on the contrast between spring (high river nutrients, low temperature) and summer (low river inputs and high temperatures). Model output was used to map phytoplankton carbon over the bay for each season and in the presence of mussels and river nutrient input. Results indicate severe depletion effects of mussel culture on overall phytoplankton biomass, but no spatial pattern that can be attributed to grazing alone. Primary production generated by nutrient-rich river water created a mid-bay spike in phytoplankton that dominated the spatial pattern of chlorophyll-based carbon. Model results were validated with surveys from a towed sensor array (Acrobat) that confirmed the river influence and indicated bay-wide depletion of 29% between high and low water. Our model results indicate that the farm-scale depletion emphasised in previous studies cannot simply be extrapolated to seston limitation at the ecosystem level.  相似文献   
Data from two cruises, one in April/May 1996 and one in December/January 1993, covering the same wide area in the offshore Weddell Sea, were used to derive the annual extent of entrainment and the capacity of the biological pump. The former property was obtained with the help of dissolved oxygen data, whereas the latter was approximated with nutrients. Especially the data from April/May, representing the initial state of the winter surface layer, were crucial to assess the annual extent of these processes. The results were applied to our carbon dioxide data. The annual increase of the Total CO2 (TCO2) concentration in the surface layer due to vertical transport amounts to 16.3 μmol kg−1. An entrainment rate of deep water in the surface layer amounting to 35±10 m yr−1 was deduced. The compensating, biologically mediated TCO2 reduction was calculated to be larger than the TCO2 increase due to vertical transport. Since the balance of these two processes determines whether the Weddell Sea is a source or a sink of CO2, this indicates that the Weddell Sea, albeit upwelling area, is definitely a sink for atmospheric CO2 on an annual basis. This conclusion is further supported by contemplations that the biological drawdown of CO2 in the Weddell Sea as a whole is probably underestimated by our calculations. The new production for the Weddell Sea on a per unit area basis was found to be much higher than that for the Antarctic Ocean, when the latter value is being obtained by traditional biological methods. On the other hand, the CO2 uptake by the Weddell Sea on a per unit area basis is somewhat smaller than the CO2 uptake by the world ocean.  相似文献   
目前,汽车工业正在致力于研发一种降低成本的同时也减少喷涂车间对生态环境、能源环境和经济环境造成负面影响的新型喷涂解决方案.此间,涂装装备提供商也扮演着举足轻重的作用.  相似文献   
This comment analyzes the demand model and method used by W. Wei and M. Hansen for computing the benefits of an airport capacity extension. The log-linear specification and coefficients of the demand function imply that the airport extension’s positive effect on demand decreases with the volume of traffic and associated congestion. If this unlikely result is accepted, the surplus method used by Wei and Hansen underestimates the users’ investment benefit. The note argues that the marginal willingness to pay for a capacity extension should rather increase with congestion. If this is the case, the method used by Wei and Hansen could actually overestimates the benefit.A better specification would rather allow for a function concave to the origin in order to account for capacity constraints, and also set a maximum finite price. Above all, a fair evaluation of the users’ benefit should be based on a function which explicitly includes a variable, or function of variables, that permits an estimation of the users’ cost of congestion.  相似文献   
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