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A reduced-gravity model is used to study the effects of the wind on the upper layer circulation in the Catalan Sea. The model parameters were set by observed features of the circulation in the basin. It is shown that the results are particularly sensitive to the open sea boundary conditions. Simulations were done using the following boundary fluxes: (i) mean values estimated by Bethoux (1980) and (ii) more recent geostrophic transports computed from hydrographic data by Font et al. (1988). The latter seem to lead to more realistic circulation patterns. The influence of seasonal winds (climatological data) on the dynamics is clear, especially during the winter.  相似文献   
The physical–biological linkages controlling the dispersal of spores produced by macroalgae that reside in kelp forests are complicated and laced with feedbacks. Here we discuss the fundamental elements of these interactions. Biological considerations include spore swimming and sinking speeds, their periods of viability in the plankton, and the height of spore release above the seafloor, which together determine the durations over which spores can be swept by horizontal currents before they contact the seafloor. Morphologies and material properties of canopy forming kelps may also influence the drag exerted on passing waters by the kelps, the plants' ability to persist in the face of rapid flows, and thereby the degree to which impinging currents are redirected around, or slowed within, kelp forests. Macroalgal life histories, and the size of spore sources as controlled by the dimensions of kelp forests and the density and fecundity of individuals within them, influence effective dispersal distances as well. Physical considerations encompass the mean speed, direction, and timescales of variability of currents relative to spore suspension times, the interaction of surface gravity waves with currents in producing turbulence in the benthic boundary layer, wind-driven surface mixing, water stratification, and shoreline bathymetry and substratum roughness, all of which can affect the interplay of vertical and horizontal transport of macroalgal spores. Intricate within-forest processes may induce attenuation of current speeds and consequent reductions in seabed shear, along with simultaneous production of small-scale turbulence in kelp wakes. Slower mean currents and smaller eddy scales in turn may attenuate vertical mixing within forests, thus extending spore suspension times. Further complexities likely arise due to changes in the relative rates of horizontal and vertical dispersion, modifications to the overall profiles of vertical mixing, and the creation of fine-scale secondary flows around kelp individuals and substratum features. Under conditions of more rapid currents, submergence of the surface canopy and the establishment of skimming flows at the canopy–fluid interface may introduce additional coherent flow structures that alter rates of fluid exchange to and from the forest. Many of these coupled physical–biological processes are just beginning to be examined in a rigorous fashion in kelp forests, but their potential importance is clear.  相似文献   
The paper aims at investigating the trends of the concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorous in the Lagoon of Venice, Italy, in the last 35 years. The trend analysis of ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and reactive phosphorus (RP) yielded rather different results. The decrease in ammonia nitrogen concentration, in particular, in the basin influenced by severe industrial discharges, is accurately described by a negative exponential model. The nitrate concentration did not show significant interannual trends, while wide seasonal variations have been detected. Reactive phosphorus concentration increased until the end of the 1970s at the stations close to the industrial area as well as in those influenced by river discharges and by sewages of the city of Venice. The sudden decrease that followed was most likely related with environmental policies, namely the improvement of wastewater purification treatments and the regulation of phosphorus use in detergents.  相似文献   
轨道横向动力特性振型叠加法分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对包括两根钢轨、轨枕、道床的点支承欧拉梁轨道横向振动力学模型,用振型叠 加法进行了分析,得到了20一500比频率范围内的位移响应.它与轨道实际情况有良 好的一致性。计算结果表明,本方法分析频率范围广,计算量小,是分析软道横向动力 特性的有效方法。   相似文献   

Traveller information provision has become a key government priority in the UK following the publication of its Transport White Paper in July 1998. Developments are already underway for the integration of information systems across different public transport modes and between public transport information systems covering different regions. The Highways Agency (which is responsible for managing the strategic road network in the UK) is also advancing in its development of information databases and systems for the motorist. This paper considers the prospect of providing travellers with multimodal information with integration of driver information with public transport information. If such integration can be achieved then travellers, and in particular drivers, have the prospect of being presented with comparable information on travel options across modes. An integrated information service has a great potential to inform and influence travel choices. The paper considers the issue of travel choices and the role that information can play particularly in the context of mode choice. The political (UK) and technological climate for information provision is outlined. The paper identifies issues that will need to be addressed to identify the requirements from, and potential benefits of, integrated information, and the obstacles and challenges likely to be faced in moving towards it. Driver reactions, in particular, to the prospect of integrated information provision are fundamental to the assessment of its potential importance and value.  相似文献   
Yu T.  Li J.  Jing L.  Xu S.  Xu J. 《现代隧道技术》2018,(6):33-41and52
The problems of TBM construction data loss, information barriers and absence of data mining have con⁃ strained the advancement of basic technologies in TBM field. Aimed at building a cloud computation platform for TBM operation information, a new concept of 3B, i. e. Born by digit, Born in format and Born to the cloud, was pre⁃ sented, the issues of information acquisition, transmission and storage during TBM operation were solved, and massive heterogeneous information intelligent transmission system and big data warehouse of TBM group were established. A structure model of cloud computation platform was designed by taking Hadoop system as ecosphere, and a cloud computation platform was built to deploy related algorithm, realizing on-line monitoring and data sharing, further⁃ more the data law mining of interaction of rock mass versus TBM machine was conducted based on big data tech⁃ nique, exploring the development direction of the information platform. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
既有铁路桥梁声屏障的高速列车脉动风致响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用SAP2000有限元软件,建立了既有桥梁声屏障的有限元模型,混凝土插板与H型钢立柱之间的连接采用位移和转角弹簧模拟.探讨了脉动力采用多点输入和一致输入,跨度16,24和32 m的铁路桥梁声屏障的动力响应,分析了声屏障的位移峰值、弯矩峰值和动力放大系数的分布特征.结果表明,常用跨度铁路桥梁声屏障的行波效应系数均小于1;声屏障立柱的位移和挑梁弯矩的最大值随桥梁跨度增大而减小;声屏障挑梁刚度过小,跨度16 m的铁路桥梁声屏障立柱的最大位移达15.5 mm.  相似文献   
分析了高速公路车辆追尾事故的原因,研究了车辆安全制动距离,综合驾驶员跟驰与车辆制动模型得到安全距离函数,提出一种基于GIS/GPS的高速公路车辆追尾预警系统框架,建立了车辆报警流程图。该系统有利于预防追尾事故,提高高速公路安全。  相似文献   
任志广 《汽车工程》2002,24(4):356-358,293
介绍了中意车前围改型的全部过程,对概念设计、全尺寸模型的制作、涂装评审等方面作了全面的阐述,以两个1:1模型为例介绍了三维造型中经常遇到的难点问题和解决方法。  相似文献   
微型电动轿车车身骨架结构分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用ANSYS软件对某进口微型电动轿车车身骨架进行了强度、刚度和模态计算:分析了电动轿车车身骨架的结构特点和电瓶盒等钣金件的影响,提出了独立悬架边界条件的模拟方法。  相似文献   
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