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Double-cantilever beam (DCB) and tapered double-cantilever beam (TDCB) specimens are the test configurations most commonly used to measure the fracture toughness of composites and adhesive joints. Strain rates of 1 to 18.47 m/s were applied to the test specimens via high-speed hydraulic test equipment. Because the fracture occurs through the adhesively bonded joints and the cracks grow rapidly, the crack length and beam displacement were recorded by a high-speed camera. An energy range from 0 to 10 J was often observed in the high-strain-rate fracture experiments for nonlinear plastic behavior of the dynamically loaded adhesively bonded DCB and TDCB specimens. The range of energy release rates (fracture energy) for TDCB specimen was 2 to 3 times higher than that of a DCB specimen for all high strain rates. The fracture energy of automotive adhesive joints can be estimated using the experimental results in this study for the fracture toughness (GIC) under high rates of loading. The crack grows as the applied fracture energy exceeds the value of the critical energy release rate (GIC) at the crack tip. The energy release rate was calculated using the fracture mechanics formula. The key fracture mechanics parameter, the fracture energy GIC, was ascertained as a function of the test rate and can be used to assess and model the overall joint performance.  相似文献   
This paper is a continuation of a previous paper titled ??Modeling and Model Predictive Control for Hybrid Vehicle?? published on IJAT/2011 describing a mathematical model and design for a model predictive controller for tracking speeds and simulations. The present paper further describes a fuzzy logic controller for the smooth and quick engagement of an automatic clutch. The described controller uses both fuzzy logic and slip control algorithms to enable automatic clutch engagement. Clutch engagement and comprehensive simulations for the hybrid vehicle are conducted in MATLAB R2009s. The research described herein offers theoretical solutions for how to better control clutch slip and engagement within realistic parameters used for hybrid vehicles. Algorithms and operations of this fuzzy logic controller can be implemented in electronic control units for automatic clutch engagements and gear-shifting processes.  相似文献   
Ship hull form of the underwater area strongly influences the resistance of the ship.The major factor in ship resistance is skin friction resistance.Bulbous bows,polymer paint,water repellent paint(highly water-repellent wall),air injection,and specific roughness have been used by researchers as an attempt to obtain the resistance reduction and operation efficiency of ships.Micro-bubble injection is a promising technique for lowering frictional resistance.The injected air bubbles are supposed to somehow modify the energy inside the turbulent boundary layer and thereby lower the skin friction.The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of injected micro bubbles on a navy fast patrol boat(FPB) 57 m type model with the following main dimensions:L=2 450 mm,B=400 mm,and T=190 mm.The influence of the location of micro bubble injection and bubble velocity was also investigated.The ship model was pulled by an electric motor whose speed could be varied and adjusted.The ship model resistance was precisely measured by a load cell transducer.Comparison of ship resistance with and without micro-bubble injection was shown on a graph as a function of the drag coefficient and Froude number.It was shown that micro bubble injection behind the mid-ship is the best location to achieve the most effective drag reduction,and the drag reduction caused by the micro-bubbles can reach 6%-9%.  相似文献   
针对西藏某公路的加宽改造,提出了5种新旧路基加宽拼接方案.按这5种方案,共修筑了3段试验路.对试验路的设计原则、施工要求和工艺进行了讨论.通过试验数据,对各种拼接方案的效果进行了比较分析.结果表明,用5层双向土工格栅自路基顶面向下,以层间距30 cm的加筋方式加强新旧路基间的结合是较好的路基加宽拼接方案.  相似文献   
We isolated the effect phytoplankton cell size has on varying remote sensing reflectance spectra (Rrs(λ)) in the presence of optically active constituents by using optical and radiative transfer models linked in an offline diagnostic calculation to a global biogeochemical/ecosystem/circulation model with explicit phytoplankton size classes. Two case studies were carried out, each with several scenarios to isolate the effects of chlorophyll concentration, phytoplankton cell size, and size-varying phytoplankton absorption on Rrs(λ). The goal of the study was to determine the relative contribution of phytoplankton cell size and chlorophyll to overall Rrs(λ) and to understand where a standard band ratio algorithm (OC4) may under/overestimate chlorophyll due to Rrs(λ) being significantly affected by phytoplankton size. Phytoplankton cell size was found to contribute secondarily to Rrs(λ) variability and to amplify or dampen the seasonal cycle in Rrs(λ), driven by chlorophyll. Size and chlorophyll were found to change in phase at low to mid-latitudes, but were anti-correlated or poorly correlated at high latitudes. Phytoplankton size effects increased model calculated Rrs(443) in the subtropical ocean during local spring through early fall months in both hemispheres and decreased Rrs(443) in the Northern Hemisphere high latitude regions during local summer to fall months. This study attempts to tease apart when/where variability about the OC4 relationship may be associated with cell size variability. The OC4 algorithm may underestimate [Chl] when the fraction of microplankton is elevated, which occurs in the model simulations during local spring/summer months at high latitudes in both hemispheres.  相似文献   
A set of experiments is carried out in a towing tank to study the effects of the curvature of perforated plates on the wave reflection coefficient (C r ). The curvature of a perforated plate can be changed by rotating a reference perforated plate aboutits origin according to the parabolic equation y=?x 2. A plunger-type wave maker is used to generate regular waves. The reflection coefficients are calculated using Goda and Suzuki’s (1976) method. The results are compared with those of vertical or sloped passive wave absorbers. The comparison shows that a perforated plate with a curved profile is highly efficient in terms of reducing the wave reflection coefficient. A correlation is established to estimate the reflection coefficient of curved perforated plates as a function of both flow and geometry characteristics.  相似文献   
Presented in this paper is a procedure to develop a high fidelity quasi steady-state aerodynamic model for use in race car vehicle dynamic simulations. Developed to fit quasi steady-state wind tunnel data, the aerodynamic model is regressed against three independent variables: front ground clearance, rear ride height, and yaw angle. An initial dual range model is presented and then further refined to reduce the model complexity while maintaining a high level of predictive accuracy. The model complexity reduction decreases the required amount of wind tunnel data thereby reducing wind tunnel testing time and cost. The quasi steady-state aerodynamic model for the pitch moment degree of freedom is systematically developed in this paper. This same procedure can be extended to the other five aerodynamic degrees of freedom to develop a complete six degree of freedom quasi steady-state aerodynamic model for any vehicle.  相似文献   
Computational model is developed to analyze aerodynamic loads and flow characteristics for an automobile, when the rear wing is placed above the trunk of the vehicle. The focus is on effects of the rear wing height that is investigated in four different positions. The relative wind incidence angle of the rear wing is equal in all configurations. Hence, the discrepancies in the results are only due to an influence of the rear wing position. Computations are performed by using the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations along with the standard k-ε turbulence model and standard wall functions assuming the steady viscous fluid flow. While the lift force is positive (upforce) for the automobile without the rear wing, negative lift force (downforce) is obtained for all configurations with the rear wing in place. At the same time, the rear wing increases the automobile drag that is not favorable with respect to the automobile fuel consumption. However, this drawback is not that significant, as the rear wing considerably benefits the automobile traction and stability. An optimal automobile downforce-to-drag ratio is obtained for the rear wing placed at 39 % of the height between the upper surface of the automobile trunk and the automobile roof. Two characteristic large vortices develop in the automobile wake in configuration without the rear wing. They vanish with the rear wing placed close to the trunk, while they gradually restore with an increase in the wing mounting height.  相似文献   
This paper is a think piece on variations in the structure of stated preference studies when modelling the joint preferences of interacting agents who have the power to influence the attribute levels on offer. The approach proposed is an extension of standard stated choice methods, known as ‘stated endogenous attribute level’ (SEAL) analysis. It allows for interactive agents to adjust attribute levels off a base stated choice specification that are within their control, in an effort to reach agreement in an experimental setting. This accomplishes three goals: (1) the ability to place respondents in an environment that more closely matches interactive settings in which some attribute levels are endogenous to a specific agent, should the modeller wish to capture such behaviour; (2) the improved ability of the modeller to capture the behaviour in such settings, including a greater wealth of information on the related interaction processes, rather than simply outcomes; and (3) the expansion of the set of situations that the modeller can investigate using experimental data.
John M. RoseEmail:
One role often fulfilled by public administrators is to regulate private enterprise in the public interest. The academic literature has not developed this area fully because public administration is not always tasked with this function. Nevertheless, when regulation forms a part of the responsibilities of the public administrator, it is among the most important. An essential foundation for effective regulation is a complete understanding of the implications and impact of regulatory action. In the absence of regulation, entrepreneurial awareness is applied in the private sector exclusively to satisfying consumer wants. In a regulated market, the entrepreneur’s focus is shifted toward regulatory imperatives. Regulation offers non-market opportunities for entrepreneurial innovation, as well as imposing new market constraints. This paper examines regulation of the maritime industry by the US federal government as an example.  相似文献   
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