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王志恩 《西安交通大学学报(英文版)》1995,(2)
T_H1ANDT_H2CELLANTIGENRECEPTORSINEXPERIMENTALLEISHMANIASISStevenL.Reiner,WangZhi'en;FarahHatam,PhillipScott,RichardM.Locksley(... 相似文献
A radio frequency identification (RFID) yoking proof scheme can generate proofs of simultaneous presence of two tags in the range of a specified reader so that an off-line verifier can verify the proofs later. This proof has found several interesting applications. However, many existing RFID yoking schemes are vulnerable to replay attacks. To overcome the weaknesses, Cho et al. proposed a new RFID yoking proof protocol and a new grouping protocol. Unfortunately, Cho et al.’s schemes are still vulnerable to replay attacks. In this paper, in addition to demonstrating weaknesses, we further discuss the rationale behind these weaknesses to provide a guide line for designing secure RFID yoking schemes. Based on the guide line, we propose a new RFID yoking scheme and a new RFID grouping scheme. Performance evaluation shows that our scheme outperforms its counterparts. 相似文献
Abstract Providing efficient public transportation has been recognized as a potential way of alleviating congestion, improving mobility, mitigating air pollution, and reducing energy consumption. Many people use public transportation systems for their daily commute, while others use different transportation modes (e.g. cars, taxis, carpools, etc.). Inexpensive fares with good transit service encourages ridership, and the resulting revenue may be used to provide better service. Optimization of transit service frequency and its associated fare structure is desirable in order to increase revenue at reasonable transit operating expenditure. The objective of the study reported here is to maximize profit subject to service capacity constraint, while elastic demand is considered. The solution methodology is developed and applied to solve the profit maximization problem in a case study based on Newark, NJ, USA. Numerical results, including optimal solutions and sensitivity analyses, are presented. It is found that an optimal temporal headway and differential fare structure that maximizes total profit for the studied subway system can be efficiently solved. 相似文献
Deregulation of U.S. Airline Industry may have lowered systematic risk because pricing freedom and route flexibility improved airline management reaction to various economic conditions. Reduced systematic risk offers lower cost of equity capital for the industry as a whole as well as for individual carriers. Previous research has had mixed results in identifying a relationship between deregulation and airline industry cost of capital. This study plots airline industry Beta coefficients across the years 1963 to 1987 and clears up previously conflicting research findings. Beta coefficients had been falling since the fuel crisis of 1974 and continued to fall through 1980. Fluctuations since deregulation have been relatively minor and systematic risk has leveled off at a significantly lower value than before deregulation. Studies which concentrate on the fluctuation in Beta since 1978 are dependent on the exact time period of analysis, and their conclusions that deregulation raised or lowered systematic risk are likewise suspect. A broader view of systematic risk changes in the deregulatory era shows airline Betas peaking from 1971 to 1973 and a gradual decrease as deregulation was being discussed, implemented, and legally mandated. This gradual decline from 1974 to 1980 may be attributed to such factors as fuel prices, interest rates, general inflation as well as deregulation. In any case systematic risk of the U.S. Airline industry has been lower since deregulation than in decades before. 相似文献
Scheduling highway work zones with genetic algorithm considering the impact of traffic diversion

Highway work zones caused excessive delay to road users. To reduce user and maintenance costs, work zones shall be designed and scheduled accordingly. An analytical model is developed to jointly optimize work zone lengths and schedule as well as diverted traffic volume for highway maintenance projects, considering time‐varying demand, variable maintenance cost, and various production rates of maintenance crew. With a genetic algorithm, an iterative procedure is developed to search for the optimal solution. A numerical example is illustrated, in which various traffic mitigation plans for a highway maintenance project are evaluated. A sensitivity analysis is conducted, and results indicate the threshold volumes for various conditions (e.g., maintenance crews and capacity of the work zone) at which diverting traffic is desirable. This study demonstrates an effective approach to search for the optimal work zone schedule, which is also applicable to evaluate the effectiveness of traffic diversion plans for a pre‐planned work zone schedule. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper studies last train coordination problem for metro networks, aiming to maximize the total number of passengers who can reach their destinations by metro prior to the end of operation. The concept of last boarding time is defined as the latest time that passengers can board the last trains and reach final destinations. The corresponding method for calculating last boarding time is also put forward. With automatic fare collection system data, an optimization model for coordinating last trains is proposed. The objective function optimizes the number of passengers who can reach their final destinations during the train period using departure times and headways of last trains for each line as decision variables. Afterwards, an adaptive genetic algorithm is put forward to solve this model and is applied to a case study of the Shanghai metro system. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Deborah Salon Marlon G. Boarnet Susan Handy Steven Spears Gil Tal 《Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment》2012,17(7):495-508
In this paper, we present a discussion of the challenges for research on the topic of vehicle miles traveled. We then summarize and critique evidence from the US on the association between 14 distinct factors and vehicle miles traveled. Our results quantify how much vehicle miles traveled can be expected to change in response to changes in policy or land use factors, including residential density and land use mix, as well as specific transport policies and programs such as transit improvements, road pricing, and programs aimed at changing people’s travel choices. Overall, though individual studies differ as to exact effect sizes, it is clear that local-level policymakers can take actions that are likely to affect vehicle miles traveled. However, we highlight gaps in the knowledge base at a time when decision makers at the local level are being increasingly called upon to take action to reduce vehicle miles traveled. Variation in effect size based on local context or interaction with related policies and programs has been left largely unexplored. In addition, experimental research designs that can identify causal direction are rare, and appropriate data that quantifies vehicle miles traveled are often lacking. 相似文献
George B. Dantzig Roy P. Harvey Zachary F. Lansdowne David W. Robinson Steven F. Maier 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》1979,13(1):5-17
The optimal transportation network design problem is formulated as a convex nonlinear programming problem and a solution method based on standard traffic assignment algorithms is presented. The technique can deal with network improvements which introduce new links, which increase the capacity of existing links, or which decrease the free-flow (uncongested) travel time on existing links (with or without simultaneously increasing link capacity). Preliminary computational experience with the method demonstrates that it is capable of solving very large problems with reasonable amounts of computer time. 相似文献
Steven I‐Jy Chien Dimitrios G. Goulias Shmuel Yahalom Shoaib M. Chowdhury 《先进运输杂志》2002,36(2):131-156
Work zone related traffic delay is an important cost component on freeways with maintenance activities. This study demonstrates that delays may be underestimated by using the deterministic queuing theory. Computer simulation is a valuable approach of estimating delay under a variety of existing and future conditions. However, a single simulation run, which can be quite costly in terms of both computer and analyst time, produces a delay estimate for only one traffic level under one set of conditions. A method is developed in this paper to approximate delays by integrating limited simulation data, obtained from CORSIM and the concept of deterministic queuing theory, while various geometric conditions and time‐varying traffic distribution are considered. A calibrated and validated simulation model that can reflect work zone traffic operations on a segment of Interstate 1–80 in New Jersey is used to generate data for developing the proposed model. The comparison of delays estimated by the deterministic queuing model and the proposed model is conducted, while factors affecting the accuracy of the delay estimates are discussed. 相似文献